Current Special: 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Free Video Event and up to 50% off!


Karen Barnes's picture

Recently I was in Japan for two weeks ministering to children and adults, sharing with them about intimacy with Jesus. God was so faithful to open hearts and minds, and the people of Japan accepted His love and tender touch with eagerness and joy. It was amazing to see these folks who had so recently been affected by horrible tragedy fall into Daddy’s arms and receive healing and encouragement.

It was during one of our Children’s Intimacy Conferences that I met a sweet little 9 year old girl named Manna. What a great name! Her parents are pastors in the northern Japan area of Sapporo. We had a great time with a good number of children attending from several churches and the area seeking to hear the voice of Jesus for themselves, and Father did not disappoint!

Manna had an encounter with Jesus for the first time and we caught part of that on video. She left before I had a chance to speak with her, but returned several nights later at another “Soaking Session”. Once again she was moved by the Holy Spirit during prayer time and came up to me afterwards to share her experience with me. I want to share part of that testimony with you, as it shows how God surprises us on occasion and then changes us by our meeting with him. Just as Moses’ hair turned gray upon his meeting with God, our lives CHANGE in an instant upon coming face to face with the Eternal One – children are NO exception!

Manna’s written testimony: “When Pastor Karen led us to do a soaking prayer, I was a little bit nervous. I didn’t know what to do but I started to thank God in my mind any way. I love playing with my friends and going to church and I love my family. I thanked God for these things. Then I felt like God spoke into my mind. He said, “Manna, thank you for talking to Me. I’ve been waiting for you to talk to Me.” I was sooooo surprised and shocked! I didn’t know what to do. He also said that He accepts me as the way I am and being born again is enough” (She had been pressured with intense feelings of needing to be perfect and that she wasn’t “good enough”).

She continues, “Then I jumped up and ran into where my mom sat. I cried and cried. It’s difficult to explain how I felt that day. I was happy but at the same time I was so shocked. I surely heard God’s voice for the first time in my life and He said He was happy when I spoke to Him.” How precious! God met her right where she was and with a reassuring voice confirmed His love for this little one!

On her second visit, she told me that she was still struggling with the expectations of “being perfect”, but God revisited her! This time He ministered deep within her and she stayed in that place with Him, allowing His healing hand to remove the pain and confusion.

“I used to compare myself with my sisters and other friends. Whenever I made mistakes I blame myself and became sad. I tried not to make the same mistakes, but I always failed. I got angry to myself. It was easy to forget good and happy things but sad things and bitterness didn’t go away from me. However, from that day those bad things went away from me and joy came up from inside of me! I’m now studying the Bible for the preparation of water baptism!”

As she was sharing this, her beautiful little eyes filled with tears and she looked at me and said, “I always want to do soaking prayer now. I want to always hear His voice – it is so beautiful”. Her mother, who was not in attendance that night, came back to us and wanted to know what had happened to her daughter that she changed so much overnight! It appears that Manna is now more joyful, calm, and wants to serve Jesus the rest of her life. At this writing, she is still listening for her Saviors voice and is watching to see what He would say to her! Her video testimony will soon be available on our website to see for yourself what a touch from the Lord can do!

Children are sensitive to the Holy Spirit – we just need to share with them how to hear, how to see, and how to respond to Jesus when He speaks. It can be so easy and so impacting on a child’s life! Manna got the miracle healing for her spirit and emotions when she encountered Jesus for herself. Your children can, also!

Karen and Manna


Karen’s calling is to bring children into the manifest presence and glory of Jesus, lead them in experiencing His deep abiding love, clear unmistakable voice, wise Godly direction for their lives, and to ignite a spirit-led passion for serving Him in many ways at any age.

She is available for children’s and adult conferences, retreats, church dates, camps, leadership training and regional equipping sessions. Fire For the Nations hosts a summer camp for kids and periodic kids mission trips during the year. Her first book, KIDS CAN is now available in both the CWG and Fire For the Nations bookstores. For more information on the book or to schedule dates, check out the website (, or email her at [email protected].

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