Dear Pastor,
Are you hungry to see revival among your people as they establish a deeper, more passionate Christian commitment? If so, we have a proven training experience on hearing God's voice, with a 40-year track record which delivers the following results:
- 95% stated, “I can hear God’s voice daily if I choose to” (This means people being healed by God's love!)
- 92% said their "interpersonal relationships have greatly improved" (This means much LESS counseling!)
- How do you inspire lasting change in a generation? By Cathy Harris - director of Toronto Catch the Fire SOM
Other Ways to Access this Blog: Watch on YouTube | Listen to Podcast
TV Interviews with Mark Virkler on the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice
- An 8-minute interview
- Sid Roth TV interview (28 minutes)
- 100 Huntley Street TV interview - Part 1 (10 min.), Part 2 (9 min.)
- 4 Keys wallpaper for your computer screen or 4 keys wallet card
A home group in Slovakia expresses excitement as they finish our training on the 4 keys to hearing God's voice!
Testimonies from those who took the 4 Keys training
- Testimonies from pastors worldwide who have experienced this training
- Testimonies from CLU students who have taken this course
- 1000+ TrustPilot Reviews
- Fruit - 80+ books our students have written and each one incorporates hearing God’s voice
Avoiding key danger areas as we train on how to hear God's voice
- Proper authority - As your people learn to hear God’s voice, they will not go in strange and dangerous directions because in the first weeks of this training, we establish the strong requirement that the words one receives from the Lord need to be confirmed by the mouth of two or three witnesses (2 Cor. 13:1) and be consistent with biblical truth. This requirement keeps people from running off into error while still allowing them the joy of intimacy with the Lord.
- Predictive prophecy - Probably the biggest area of abuse in hearing God’s voice is in the area of predictive prophecy, such as, “God told me that you are to marry Paul.” We teach that prophecy should be restricted to “edification, exhortation and comfort” (1 Cor. 14:3).
Who Is Mark Virkler? Former pastor, founder of Communion With God Ministries and co-author with his wife of 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice
I am a passionate, Bible-believing Christian with an evangelical background. I gave my life to Christ at age 15 in a Baptist church, received a BA from Roberts Wesleyan College and have founded and pastored a church. I was born in 1952. My evangelical beliefs are described here. I hold to the Apostles Creed. My story is told here. My passion for salvation is exemplified by the fact that we have developed an entire Salvation Website. My key blogs are here.
Theology: Explore how the Church lost, and is now restoring, heart revelation - A four-part, in-depth examination of philosophical and theological issues involved in restoring Christian Spirituality.
- We Are the Bridge - We bridge the gap between those who have spiritual experiences but can’t explain how they have them and those who want spiritual experiences and need to be told how. We are committed to teaching you HOW you can easily and daily have all the spiritual experiences recorded in Scripture. This link contains a four-part in-depth examination of this topic.
- An author of 50+ books arranged in fourteen categories. These provide proven, practical, biblical and spiritual training.
- Contact me: Rev. Mark Virkler: Phone 407-271-8412; Email [email protected] - Available to Skype with you or your leadership team.
- I am available to come to your church and do a weekend seminar on “Hearing God’s Voice” (8.5 hours).
Our training package on hearing God’s voice
It is a twelve-week training module, available in multiple formats and consists of a book, workbook, and 10 DVDs or CDs each 60 minutes. The abridged version contains 10 thirty-minute sessions. The 4 Keys have versions available for all age levels so your children and teens can learn how to hear God's voice right along with the adults.
Sample the 4 Keys for FREE - Sign up here for the first week of our module, “Hearing God’s Voice” at no charge, and if you want to move on to the full 12-week $99 course, use this coupon, PastoralLeaders, and receive a 50% discount. Email Mark Virkler for a free PDF of the book 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice.
Survey of the effectiveness of our 4 Keys training package
These responses are from a survey of 100 people who completed our 3-month training module entitled How to Hear God’s Voice. Eighty percent had been believers for more than 25 years, so these are responses from seasoned Christians and were offered at the conclusion of the course!
- 95% stated, “I can hear God’s voice daily if I choose to.”
- 97% felt their intimacy with God had increased.
- 92% said their interpersonal relationships have greatly improved.
- 94% said they were more at peace with themselves and God.
- 94% said sin and negative thoughts were diminishing.
- 95% considered it one of the top training experiences in their life.
The pastor said he considered it the top training experience in their 30+ years as a church. You may view the entire survey here.
CWG Ministries offers you a proven curriculum, with a 30-year track record (meaning you don't have to re-invent the wheel). This training will bring your people into easily and daily hearing God’s voice, and if you choose to use our 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice training package it will benefit your church, CWG Ministries, the Kingdom of God and the cause of revival in our nation!
Click on the hyperlinks at the right to discover answers to these questions
What is “Revelation Based Learning? |
What makes this training different and so effective? |
What is the recommended sequence of training to follow? |
Is this training available as college courses? |
Where would I access electronic downloadable training modules? |
Where can I access the 250+ videos on demand anytime, anywhere? | CWG Streaming Video Subscription | |
I want to learn more about God’s plan of salvation |
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