You’ve been asking and they’re finally here! The teaching that we just recorded at Catch the Fire Toronto last month is now available on MP3. Dad leads six interactive interpretations with audience members, translating each aspect of their dream using the DAESI Dream Work Method.
I teach 10 sessions answering your biggest questions on dream interpretation including: Where do dreams come from and why do I have them?
Why do dream symbol dictionaries leave me even more confused?
What does the Bible have to say about dreams?
How can I improve dream recall?
Does God speak through kid-size dream symbols?
Why do I have nightmares and what should I do about them?
And the most popular question of all: Why can’t dreams be clearer?
We explore in-depth exactly why God uses a symbolic language instead of being literal in our visions of the night. I illustrate through both biblical example as well as my own dream stories the creative genius of God’s dream design, effectively demonstrating why He’s chosen to communicate with us in this most powerful way.
If you’ve ever wanted to make sense of your dreams, this is for you. We teach you how to translate the dialect of dreams and become fluent in the language God speaks at night.
Coming to a screen near you…
We’re also excited to announce the interview Dad and I recorded with Sid Roth will be airing soon! We had a wonderful time in Charlotte filming “It’s Supernatural!” which will be broadcast on TBN on Friday, November 18th at 7:00pm EST. The show will also air on God TV, Daystar and other networks and you can find all the details here.
We’re believing that through these broadcasts many more will be reached with the message that God is speaking to them continually through their visions of the night.
May ears and hearts be open to connect with Father’s extravagant love and receive all the wisdom, comfort, direction and blessing He wants to lavish upon them through their dreams!
Related Resources:
Dream Your Way to WisdomRelated Blogs:
Christian Dream Interpretation
Dream Questions
by Anonymous
Hello, I recently discovered you all through the Sid Roth episode. I was wondering if you all have addressed lucid dreaming in any posts or videos. I've had a couple of experiences of exploring dreams while seemingly being awake or at least conscious of my actions. I've also experienced dreams that I struggle to understand or interpret because they seem so far removed from my waking life. For example, I recently dreamed a dream that was cinematic in scope in which I recognized no one and I moved into different scenes like I was watching a movie. The dream didn't seem to parallel any settings from my life or anyone's life I knew. I at times have these larger than life dreams that seem beyond me and I just wonder what they're for. Glad I came across you guys. God bless you :)
RE: Dream Questions
by Charity Kayembe
It's awesome that you've been paying attention to your dreams! Good for you. :)
Yes, we do mention lucid dreaming in our chapter on children's dreams (since kids dream lucidly more often than adults).
When interpreting your dream, you want to look for parallels with the emotions and actions in your waking life, not necessarily the same people or events. Check out our post on the DAESI Dream Work Method for more on that:
The book and MP3s have a lot more teaching to equip you in translating the symbolic language God is speaking at night. You are welcome to download the first chapter free:
Sweet dreams!! :)
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