Blessed Holy Lord God, what will You share with me about the evil massacre yesterday at the school in Connecticut?
Ben, your nation is sowing what it has reaped. It has taken Me out of its schools, its government, its everything. My people, for the most part, continue to do their own thing, oblivious to all that is happening around them. I send My prophets, I call out to My people, to restore their relationship with Me. Sadly, too many of them continue to do what they want to do. Some hide behind religion, others just do not care. Oh that My people would call out to Me! Oh that they would turn from doing their own thing and seek My face! I so want to bless them,and their nation. But I knew that this was coming. It is all part of the end time scenario. I am returning for My church in the midst of turmoil, of violence, of strife. Look up, for your redemption draws nigh! I am coming soon! Be prepared, for you are My bride! Turn from doing things your way and do them My way, for I am the Way, the Life, the Light, and the Truth!
My comment: Know that our Lord is ministering to hurting hearts, that He is listening to the prayers of His people and interceding.
share with ben
by Anonymous
god said we should love one another and win soul for christ. His will; not our will
Thank you
by Ben Lunis
my story
by Anonymous
God has been so good to me and my wife, I just would love tell share with other's how wonderful it's been. amen
by Ben Lunis
Our God is so wonderful! Many blessings to you as you continue to
love on Him and share Him with others!
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