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The Miracle Service - Testimonies of What Happened

Mark Virkler's picture

A few weeks ago we had a wonderful service where we witnessed numerous miracles! At the close of this blog, we are making the service available to you through streaming audio, with PowerPoint, written sermon notes and testimony report forms, with the belief that these can be used in hosting your own “Miracle Service” or “Healing Workshop.” Is this possible? I believe it is. Let me tell you the story about this miracle service and explain why I believe you can enter in also. The simple answer is because the service brings people into the presence of Jesus to hear His words, obey Him, and experience the healing power of His personal touch. This blog and these resources create my “memorial stone” of a wonderful step of spiritual growth in my own life as I made a passionate commitment to see a miracle of healing occur.

The Invitation to Lead a Miracle Service

A number of months back I accepted an invitation to do a weekend Prayers That Heal the Heart Seminar in Virginia, followed by a Sunday morning miracle service where the church would be praying and fasting and believing for the healing of their Overseer (Bishop), who had suffered a stroke 18 months earlier which left him almost completely unable to speak. He wanted his voice back. They were going to pray and fast in the weeks before the service for the restoration of his voice, and we would believe for a miracle during the Sunday service.

Well, we believed and a lot happened, including a number of miracles, during the intense four-hour Sunday morning service. Not only did the bishop’s speech improve considerably, but his heart and countenance improved greatly and he actually begin ministering to those in the congregation. There was not a dry eye in the building. All felt they had witnessed a miracle in their midst. Others received personal miracles in addition to bishop. There was a wonderful display of the ministries of teacher and prophet functioning side by side. Both gifts were powerfully used. The teaching was displayed during the sermon, and the prophets came to the forefront during the prayer time. One lead prophet had the bishop step out on the water by leading him in reciting the alphabet through several times (shown in the video below).

The bishop’s speech was improving as he recited the alphabet. Another prophet made sure all our hands were anointed with oil, and sang a prophetic song. Others prayed prophetic prayers. One prophet mentioned that God wanted to do things other than simply heal the bishop’s voice and we should be sensitive to that. One prophet saw a vision of him completely healed with his Tallit (prayer shawl) on his head.

So I asked her to share that vision and we would make it a “prophetic gesture” where we would put his prayer shawl on his head, and God dropped the idea into my mind that I should function as a traveling bishop in the body of Christ and re-commission the bishop back into full time ministry. His wife had been carrying the ministry load for the last couple of years. So we took these steps, after which his wife said, “Ask him if he accepts the commission back into full time ministry.” I asked and he verbally said, “Yes” and there was great rejoicing in the house. I now realize “this” was one of those “other things” the Lord told the prophet that He wanted to do, in addition to simply healing his speech. He wanted to bring the bishop’s heart to the point of willingness to step back into the ministry. 

The bishop’s wife then made it clear that months before her husband had lost his voice through the stroke, he had actually backed away from the ministry through hurts he had experienced, and she wanted to hear him declare with his own lips that he was willing to accept God’s call on his life to go forward once again into full time ministry. So this “yes” was a wonderful display of a healed heart, along with the changed countenance we saw in him. I did feel in my heart that the Lord was saying that as the bishop pressed back into ministry, his voice would continue to improve.

Note the difference in Bishop’s countenance before the service (above) compared to after the service. The picture includes Bishop Doug and his wife, Lady Maxine (on the outsides), and Mark and Shirley in the center. 

Lady Maxine also acknowledged that it was the wisdom and grace of God that we had scheduled the Prayers that Heal the Heart seminar immediately before this miracle service, as on the previous day her husband had released to God many heart wounds, and was in a good position to receive his miracle.

Some of the Miracles Which Took Place

Here is a write up from Dr. Shirley, the conference coordinator, concerning the miracles which took place during the Prayers that Heal the Heart Seminar and the Sunday Morning Miracle Service:

My God is faithful and trustworthy!!!

Words cannot describe the Prayers that Heal the Heart weekend we just had.  JESUS showed up and had a good time.  People's emotions were healed from Friday on through Sunday.  Many people were healed of demonic oppression or demon-like energies.  Some had physical healings, as well as emotional and spiritual healings.

Even my faith was increased.  I had to do many things I had not done before, and some I didn't even think I was capable or adequate to do.  I realize there are more negative word curses that must be brought to my remembrance in order for me to trace to the root my thinking at times when irritated.

Since this weekend I have noticed that my responses are different to many things now (for the better).  Some things that used to frustrate me to no end and anger me, I respond differently to now.  I am at peace.  God kicked me into gear Friday night by setting me up to facilitate while you (Mark Virkler) were stuck in the Chicago airport.

My sister was healed and delivered Saturday of the seminar. After you ministered to her and hugged her, she noticed her bodily reaction changed while you were hugging her. She would not allow people to touch her at her church. During fellowship time she would run to the bathroom so no one could hug her, but NOW!, it's alright to touch her. Also, my girlfriend was healed from demonic oppression, wounds from sexual abuse and multiple rapes, and stinking thinking (because of wounds).

Sunday, Daddy God put the icing on the cake and ate it. Here are a few of the miracles I saw happen at In His Presence Ministry in Petersburg, Virginia:

1st miracle:  God gave me a vision of Bishop on I-95S, on my way to the church, and it became stronger with clarity as we walked out Luke 5.  Even tonight He brought more revelation about the vision.

2nd miracle:  Bishop started stomping one foot, and saying JESUS with tears streaming; then he started stomping both feet at the same time, in praise to God.

3rd miracle:  Bishop said the alphabet with minor difficulty.

4th miracle:  Bishop spoke "I speak life (to you)".

5th miracle:  Bishop was commissioned back to full-time ministry, and he accepted; He said "Yes."  At this point is when I believe Bishop's complete healing was sealed.

6th miracle:  Bishop sang a song with his musician Claudette.

7th miracle:  One of his spiritual sons (church member) came back home; he was restored, he laid his head in Bishop's chest and the tears streamed down.  Also, a spiritual daughter came home.

8th miracle:  The entire congregation (church) was healed.

9th miracle:  Bishop began to pour back into his members; he ministered to them, and the tears flowed.

10th miracle:  My faith was increased to speak prophetically without fear. This was my first time ministering as a prophet (this is my redemptive gift).  Once again, God used my spiritual mother to put me out there; I trust the God in her.  I am an introvert, but I'm not sure if it’s by design or because of abuse & trauma.  But I promised Daddy God, if someone asked me to do something for HIM, I would take it that HE told them to ask, therefore, I would do and not allow fear to hold me back so that HE may be pleased and glorified.  And that's what I did.  HE's stretching, stripping me, and mending my trust factor.  HE's also teaching me to trust HIM more.

11th miracle:  The vision God gave me was for Bishop and it was his complete healing and restoration.  The revelation I received this evening at 8:55 pm about the vision while reading your draft blog was this:  The first time I saw Bishop standing in front of Jesus with a tallit on, there was a bright light shining from Jesus to Bishop and it seemed that the light connected at Bishop's abdomen area (this was on I-95S right before South park, on way to church).  The 2nd time I saw Bishop (in service) he was kneeling (bowed down) in front of Jesus, his face was to the floor, and the light was bright yellowish, still shining but this time it encapsulated him.  The final time I saw the vision was during the time Pastor Orlando was speaking prophetically about Bishop's speech and that that may not be what God wants to do now. Bishop was standing up again and the light encapsulated JESUS & him, and the light was a golden yellow hue but almost blinding bright this time.  The clarity and revelation given of this tonight was, the first time Bishop was standing represented him seeking the face of God, the next time kneeling represented him surrendering to God, and the final time standing represented forgiveness and complete restoration and healing. My vision was confirmed.

12th miracle: Every home that was represented at the service Sunday was made whole through Bishop Doug's healing services.  Now, it’s up to us to hold on to it.

13th miracle:  Pastor Maxine was healed and a burden lifted off of her.

Conclusion of report by Dr. Shirley 

Other Miracles from the Weekend

I was holding so much hatred inside of me for things that had happened to me and for my mother, who did not raise me. I finally got my breakthrough. I forgave each and everyone that hurt me. I forgave my mother also. At one time I couldn’t even call her “mother.”  I received healing for my left ear. I can now hear out if it, loud and clear! Brenda







Elder Rosalyn Receives Inner Healing and Deliverance

I literally see and feel God touching the wounded areas of my heart, that I've never allowed Him access to before.  There's something different about this touch - His touch is calming, it's soothing to the dis-eased places of my heart.  The external pressure of His touch permeates to my inner sensitive areas, that causes my heart to feel a warming sensation of the blood of Jesus rushing to the place that hurts the most and a healing peace comes over my heart.  The external pressure of Jesus' touch overtakes the pressure from within, that internal negative energy and converts it into positive energy - sounds like a divine transfusion - my blood exchanged for His blood!  So as a result, a healing layer begins to form over my wound and begins to overwhelm & bombard me with a spirit of forgiveness for those who hurt me.  Now I'm able to freely release & let go of my hurts and receive God's peaceful grace & stamina to pursue my kingdom assignment!

I've never felt such a weighty, a majestic presence in the room like this before!  The Kabod (Glory) of God was waiting to do the miraculous!  The faith of everyone present - so charged the atmosphere that miracles had to happen!  To see the 5 fold ministry gifts work together harmoniously to witness the miraculous was awesome!!!  While observing God move through Bishop Doug's healing, spontaneous healings were occurring all over the sanctuary simultaneously.  To see what you actually prayed for come to fruition before your eyes literally brought tears to my eyes!  Because he was healed, I got healed! There wasn't a dry eye in the house!  People that I know who did not know Bishop Doug were crying.

To see Bishop Doug speak his 1st sermon of 5 words: "I speak life to you!" was simply amazing!  God used him to speak healing to everyone in the church!  

Summary: We were all stretched. This was the first “miracle service” this church had ever decreed. I had never accepted an invitation to preach at a “miracle service.” I spent over a month preparing and asking God how we ensure miracles take place. What exactly needs to happen for miracles to take place?

How Do We Ensure the Miracle-Working Power of God Gets Released in a Service?

Well, my daughter Charity gave me the prophetic answer to that question. She emailed me and said, “We bring people into the active and real time presence of Jesus, a place of intimacy, where they can see Him and hear Him and feel Him, and a place of REST. We just connect them with God, and He does the rest. He always meets people and speaks to them in journaling, right? So we can do the same thing and have Him heal people too.” Charity also showed me how to paint the visionary story of Luke 5, so thank you, Charity!

My spirit exploded with insight. Charity was right! All I need to do is bring people into the presence of Jesus to believe for a healing touch from Him. And yes, she was right, I have brought people into Jesus’ presence for 35 years to hear His voice, and so I do know how to do that! We just changed the scene from a walk along the Sea of Galilee to a Gospel story where one was being touched and healed by Jesus. So we selected Luke 5, the story of the paralytic, and after I preached a sermon on God’s passion and power to heal, we read Luke 5, and went on a visionary stroll. We lived Luke 5 together. We became the paralytic who needed a miracle, we tuned to flow, we encountered Jesus, and Jesus healed! It was truly an amazing and wonderful experience.

And best of all for me as a teacher, who loves to prepare tools which can equip others to move forward into the things of God, we have captured each of these parts of the service and are making them available to you as free downloads. Now you can join in and be a part of this miracle service and receive your own miracle. You can use these tools in the privacy of your home, or with a group which meets together.

I always prefer doing things in a group. I believe God has designed it that His grace would flow one to another, and it is through the multi-gifted responses of His prophets and teachers working together that His work gets accomplished (Acts 13:1,2). So team up whenever possible.

Tools and Resources for Hosting a “Healing Encounter” or a “Miracle Service”

We captured this miracle service in several mediums and are making them all freely available to you as downloads so you can enter in and experience your own healing touch from the Lord Jesus Christ.

These resources are freely downloadable here.   

We Would Love for You to Post Your Miracle/Healing Testimony Below

Check out this testimony of delayed, yet full healing, shared by a close friend and associate, Uta Milewski. Note this line in the middle of the story: “I thank God now that He didn’t heal me supernaturally. He gave me wisdom in overcoming the pain, and He empowered me to take care of myself.” Especially read Uta’s comment after the end of the article where she comes back and says she is now off all medication!

As you have your personal encounter with the healing touch of the Master, we would love to have you post your healing testimony in the comment section below. Testify to the miracles and healings God has done, and extend the kingdom by declaring His good works which encourage others to believe! Your testimony also seals your victory so satan cannot steal your healing from you.


Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?


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