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Everyday Angels on CBN News!

Charity Kayembe's picture

I just recorded a Skype interview with The Prayer Link on CBN News and am excited to share it with you! The hosts were wonderful and I love the vision of their show – praying over the news and current events. So good! We discussed both angels and dreams in our time together, and if you want to jump right to the interview it is at minute 7:20 in the video here.

Please join us in praying this show will touch people’s hearts and make them hungry for all God has for them. Share on Facebook to let your friends know they, too, can experience the sacred supernatural through their visions by day and their visions by night - 24/7 connection with Heaven!

But what if you’re still not sure?

Charlene, one of the hosts, asked the important question: What should someone do if they're still hesitant about engaging angels? I encouraged viewers to prayerfully consider the 365 references to angels in the Bible and invite Holy Spirit to teach them through His Word, asking how He would like these Scriptures to become part of their everyday lives.

You can use a Bible software program to research all of the verses where angels, seraphim and cherubim are discussed; e-Sword is an excellent choice and it is free. Or if you already have a copy of Everyday Angels, just turn to the end of the book and you’ll find we’ve already done all the work for you!

We always want a strong biblical foundation for whatever we do, so I recommend you review all the Scriptures listed in Appendix C, asking Holy Spirit to breathe on them and transform His logos into personal rhema and revelation in your heart. Look them up, pray into them, and meditate on them with the Lord, as it is His Spirit Who leads and guides us into all truth (Jn. 16:13).

As you read through these passages under the illumination of the Holy Spirit prayerfully consider the following questions: Did people in the Bible have conversations with angels? Was that okay to do? Did people ever initiate those conversations? What were some of the results of obedience to angelic instruction, and was God pleased when His children honored the angels He sent to them?

God is the same yesterday, today and forever and everything He did in the Bible, He wants to do in our lives as well (Heb. 13:8). As we soak in the Scriptures we wash our hearts with the water of His Word and begin to understand God’s intention for these heavenly hosts (Eph. 5:26). Whatever Father’s perspective of angels, we purpose by His grace to adopt that same view ourselves. This is how we are transformed by the renewing of our minds and able to know and prove God's perfect will, in this case, regarding angels in our lives (Rom. 12:2).

As we discover the myriad and miraculous ways God worked with angels in the Bible, we receive these Scriptures as prophetic promises showing how He still intends to use angels in our everyday lives now. As you delve deeper into Father's heart for His angels, here are a few of my favorite verses to get you started!

  •  Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)
  • For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. (Psalm 91:11-12)
  • An angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him. (Luke 22:43)
  • Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision previously came…and he gave me instruction and talked with me and said, "O Daniel I have now come forth to give you insight with understanding.” (Daniel 9:21-23)
  • The LORD, before whom I have walked faithfully, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success. (Genesis 24:40)
  • The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and rescues them. (Psalm 34:7)

Prayer of Activation

If you discover that you have not honored all that Scripture teaches regarding the ministry of angels, repent. Let God know that by His grace you are changing your thinking to align with His thinking and you intend by the power of His Spirit to live more fully into the mind of Christ and His perspective from now on. Then pray the following from your heart:

Heavenly Father,

I pray that the eyes of my heart are enlightened to see You and Your company of Heaven. Thank You for Your angels encamped about me, surrounding me with protection. Thank You for Your ministering spirits who serve and assist me. Thank You, Father, that You have given Your angels charge over me to guard me in all my ways. Thank You that You send Your angels to strengthen, instruct, and rescue me. Thank You for the supernatural peace, comfort, and confidence that come from knowing there are more with me than there are against me and that I am never alone.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

Want to learn more?

If you want to discover more of what Scripture reveals, check out the book chapter and video session teaching on Angelic Interaction: Dangerous or Divine? which are both part of the DVD package as well as the deeply discounted electronic download package.

Find out how to get your free bonuses and explore the resources we’ve created to equip YOU to step into the sacred supernatural for yourself today!


Related Resources: 

How to Engage Angels in Everyday Life   

Related Blogs: 

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