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Baptism by the River of Life & Intercession

Tara Dulin's picture

I quiet myself: “I am here, Lord. I watch for You. I listen for Your voice. What do You want to show me today? What do You want to speak to me about today? Take me to You. I want to see you, Lord. Open the eyes of my heart.”

My Lord responds: “I will show you great and marvelous things. I have so much to share with you. No eye has seen. No ear has heard. My ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts. But now that you are coming to Me, listening to My voice, responding to My word, and My instruction, I can give you so much more. When you listen for My voice, and hear what I am speaking and discern it is Me, I can unfold mysteries to you – rather than just promptings and nudgings. Promptings and nudgingss are good. I want My children to respond to them. But I want to give them so much more. I don’t want to just give them one thought. I want to dialogue with them, expand their understanding, give them vision and sight, and set them free, that they can live in and out of the abundance I created for them. I paid the price for them to return to fellowship with Me, My Father and Our Holy spirit. I finished the work. No more work is needed. But I need surrendered and yielded hearts. This is My desire – that My children would hear My voice and make space for Me to speak to them more; that they would hunger and thirst for more of Me, for the sweet fellowship with Me that I paid the price for them to enjoy. Come, come, come to the One who loves you. This is My heart’s cry. You hear My Heart’s cry, Tara. You see what I am doing. You are speaking what you hear Me saying. You are agreeing with what I am doing. Therefore, I can give you more. Get ready for the increase. Are you ready? Do you want more of Me?"

“Yes, Lord. If you say I am ready, I want it all. I want everything You have for me. I am wasted on Your love. I am here. I am willing. Have Your way in me, Lord.”

A huge waterfall is unlocked above me. The water is powerful. It falls and washes over me. I hear choirs of angels singing. The harmony is beautiful and perfect, like nothing I’ve heard before. Above the waterfall, which is still falling, is the brightest light I’ve ever seen; the brilliant light I’ve seen Jesus carry. Around the light are big, fluffy, white, perfectly white clouds. The light pours out around the waterfall and surrounds me like a pillar. The waterfall rushes and rushes, and pours and pours over me. I am standing, head thrown back, receiving.

My Lord speaks: “This is My daughter in whom I am well pleased.”

I want to doubt and say, “What? Me? How can this be?” But instead, I choose to receive.

“Yes, Lord. I want all of You. I give You all of me. More, Lord. More, Lord. More, Lord.”

I am crying. I am weeping. I cry out to Him: “Yes, Lord! I love you, Lord,” at the top of my lungs. “Yes, Lord! More of you, Lord! Less of me!”

The waterfall continues to rush and pour. To the waterfall there is no end. He is the source of the River of Life.

My Lord speaks: “This is what I have done for you. I have opened up heaven for you. You will see angels ascending and descending. You have been baptized by My River of Life which I have opened up above you. It flows directly from My throne room to you. This is My outpouring of My Holy Spirit on you. It will never cease. In Me, there is no end. I am eternity. This is how My glory will fill the earth in these last days. Give it away.”

I start grabbing fist fulls of the River, forming it into a ball and throwing it. I throw it at my husband in the Spirit, then my children. I throw it at other family members and friends. [List of names]. I am interceding. And it is fun!! I am laughing. Jesus is laughing and He tells me who to “hit” next. [More names.] I close my eyes and see a rainbow. I see people’s faces in the rainbow. I call down heaven for each one. On earth as it is in heaven. This is heaven on earth! Amen, Lord!

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