3 Reasons We Get Mad When Pastors Have Nice Things

Jesse Birkey's picture

There seems to be a thread buried deep in many of us that screams about the supposed injustice of pastors/ministry leaders having nice things, top of the line things.  We consciously, and subconsciously, think pastors are broke or on the lower end of the financial pool and should be.


Why does it bother us when pastors or ministry leaders drive Jaguars and Beamers?  Why do we get mad when their homes are bigger than ours?  Here are three possible reasons.


1.     Envy


One of the ugly sides of human folk is the slant toward envy and jealousy.  Let’s face it, many don’t particularly like it when people we know get nicer things than us.  For some it’s just a momentary feeling quickly defeated but others are pulled into the sharp fangs of the green-eyed monster.


But it’s hard to justify our envy toward our neighbors or friends.  It’s a whole lot easier when it’s a pastor or ministry leader.  We get to vent our envy and sound rational when doing it, using the bible to fuel our need to make them feel bad for buying a nicer car than us.  I mean, how dare they!


2.     Pastors and ministry leaders are supposed to be poor  


We eat steak and decide those in ministry should eat PB & J.  Maybe that’s an extreme example.  And maybe you’re a pastor and happen to really like PB & J.  But who get’s to decide Evangelist Joe Shmo shouldn’t have enough money to buy the Lexus he’s cruising down the road. 


Perhaps we think any money left over after basic needs should go to the poor or tithe.  For pastors and such I mean.  Not us of course.  We can get the Rolex but Apostle Jim should pay someone’s hospital bill.  And where did he even get the money to buy the Mont Blonc pen?  Which leads me into the third reason.


3.     We Judge


There’s no doubt that the history of the church has its fair share of corruption.  We’ve all read the headlines of pastors and leaders getting busted for this and that.  But I think we’ve let the isolated incidents it into our subconscious in varying degrees and it rears it’s head when the televangelist takes a Mediterranean cruise. 


We wonder where they got the money and how they got it.  Who had to be swindled?  How much did they steal?  Where’s the scam?  And I wonder, Why does there have to be one?


It’s not all miracle spring water.  Just because some have used Christian principles and concepts to make a dishonest buck it doesn’t mean that every pastor with a Mercedes has pursued the same route.  And who knows, maybe God healed someone through the miracle spring water.


But its not just pastors and such we judge in this way.  We do it to many others.  We wonder how our friends can afford their new house and think them terrible for jeopardizing the welfare of their families.  We guess what vital thing our family member sacrificed to have the big screen TV and shake our heads at them.  We should probably stop and consider just how little we actually know.


This isn’t about the prosperity gospel or the poverty mindset.  This is about how God wants good things for his kids just like we want for ours.  It doesn’t mean we get everything we want but it does mean God wants to hear about the things we care about and give us as much as he’s able or as much as would be good for us.


Maybe the ministry leader scammed his way to the Rolls Royce.  But maybe God gave it to him/her because of his great love.  I’d rather count on his love because that’s what I’m sure of and stay away from asking how prophet bishop Jones can afford the Armani suit. 




Jesse and Kara Birkey



[email protected]








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