The Throne Room & A New Heart

Tara Dulin's picture

I quiet myself: “I am here, Lord. Oh, how I love You. How I rejoice that You are alive! You conquered sin and death! Hallelujah! My Lord is risen! My Lord is risen, indeed!”

I sing to the Lord: “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see You. I want to see You. To see You high and lifted up. Shining in the light of Your glory. Pour out Your power and love. Holy, holy, holy. You are holy, holy, holy. I want to see You. I fix my eyes on You, Lord. You are the author and finisher of my faith. My sweet Jesus. My King Jesus.”

I ask: “Where are You, Jesus? I want to see You.”

My Lord speaks: “I am glorified. I am no longer in the tomb.”

“Yes, Lord. You are risen! You are risen, indeed! Where are You?”

“I am alive. I am in you. I am all around you. I am above you in My glory cloud. I am below you. I am your firm foundation. I am your feet fitted firmly with the gospel of peace.”

I hear a sound like a shirring and whooshing. I see a funnel cloud of His glory come from behind me and it stops right in front of me. I know it is Him. His hands reach out to invite me into His glory cloud. I run into His embrace. I sink into His glory cloud. His glory cloud embraces me. My form is the same, but my skin is the same color as His glory cloud. I am looking out of His glory cloud. I see gold dust, gold particles that make the glory cloud iridescent. His glory cloud grows bigger and bigger. I look up. I see Jesus’ face above me. He is looking down at me, smiling. I am the same size, but I am the size of a small child compared to His size. He is towering over me. I lean back into Him. He embraces me. He lifts me up and puts me on His shoulders. I am standing on His shoulders. He is growing bigger and bigger. I am the same size. His glory cloud is on the earth, but it reaches to the heavens. We are above the clouds. I see streets of gold. They are brilliant and bright and shining perfectly. I see angels and people. The people are glorified. The angels are beings of light. The people are walking. The angels are hovering above the surface on which the glorified people are walking. They see Jesus and they make way for Him. The crowd parts, and they bow as He moves in their midst. I hear choirs of angels singing, “Holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy.” Jesus is taking me to His Father. I am riding on Jesus’ shoulders to the throne room. Jesus stops before the throne room. I see huge gold doors that used to be there. But now they are translucent. Nothing separates me from the Father. I know it’s the Throne Room because I hear the sound of rushing of water and I see the brilliant rainbow of colors emanating from the throne. I have desired to see the Throne Room and asked Jesus to take me there before. Jesus gently places me down and I run to my Heavenly Father. He reaches down and I leap into His arms. He cuddles me on His lap. Jesus is standing in front of us, still in the funnel cloud of His glory. I am at perfect peace in my Father’s embrace. My Heavenly Father is huge and strong. The throne is bigger than anything I can describe. He is massive and brilliant white. The throne is perfect. It is solid gold and it shines brilliantly. I remain in my Heavenly Father’s embrace. I am soaking Him up. His embrace is comforting and strong. Jesus is in front of us in the funnel cloud of His glory.

I think to myself: “Is this OK? Am I permitted to sit on my Heavenly Father’s lap?”

Jesus answers my unspoken question: “I made a way for you. There is no longer a curtain that separates you from the Holy of Holies. You have access to the Throne Room. Your Father in heaven loves you as I love you. He and I are one. His love is My love. My love is His love. He is LOVE.”

I settle into my Heavenly Father’s warm embrace. My head is on His chest. He is huge and strong. I don’t see His face. But I am in His presence. I am in His embrace. I see His long white beard. It is soft and very long. He smells like every good and perfect thing. His fragrance is LIFE.  

I ask: “What is it You want to speak to me about today, Abba Father? I am listening. I turn my heart to You.”

My Heavenly Father speaks: “I hold the hearts of kings in My hands like water. I turn hearts. I massage hearts. I give new hearts. I remove hearts of stone and replace them with hearts of flesh. I created the first human heart. The human heart is My handiwork, and it is perfect. It pumps. It beats. It produces life. My lifeforce can live within a human heart. When any human turns their heart toward Me and invites My presence in, I change that heart, from the inside out. I have given you My heart. Did not the disciples’ hearts burn within them when they walked with their Savior? Their hearts were responding to My presence. Did not your heart burn within you when you were with your husband on your first date, and during those first weeks of your courtship? Your heart was responding to what I was doing. Your heart was turning to Me. Your heart will glow with My love. Your heart will burn with My love – My love for you and for all My children. I am giving you My heart – My heart for the nations; My heart for the broken ones; My heart for the hurting; My heart for the afflicted, the oppressed. I bind up broken hearts. I am close to the broken-hearted. So I am giving you My love, My supernatural love to minister to hurting, broken hearts.”

My Heavenly Father lays His hand on my chest. Jesus reaches His hand out of His funnel cloud of His glory. They both lay hands on my heart. They are giving me a transfusion. My body and spirit respond. I feel a surge of life. It shocks my heart and emanates throughout the rest of my body.

My Heavenly Father speaks: “Our lifeforce will pulse and beat through this heart. Others will hear My heartbeat in this heart. This heart is set apart. Everything not of Us that was in this heart was nailed to the cross.”

Jesus’ hand is on my back. He is pulling stuff out of my heart and casting it out. My Heavenly Father’s Lifeforce is flowing into my heart. My heart is glowing. It is red.

My Heavenly Father speaks: “This is the same power that resurrected My Son. This is the same power that conquered the grave.”

My Heavenly Father is moving and pressing His hand into my chest. He is molding and shaping my heart as He speaks. My heart burns within my chest in the natural as He touches my heart.

“This heart will reflect Me and My glory. There is no unclean thing in the hearts I refashion and recreate into the image of My Son. You are My daughter in whom I am well pleased.”

I am limp in His arms. My Heavenly Father kisses my forehead and my cheeks.

“Now you can be who I created you to be. My beloved, call the bride forth. It is time.”

I don’t want to leave my Heavenly Father’s presence. I want to stay with Him. But my will is submitted.

“Yes, Father. By Your grace and by the power of Your Holy Spirit, I will do as You say. I love You, Daddy.”

Jesus picks me up and carries me close to His chest in the funnel cloud of His glory. I want to see the details of the throne room, but all I see is Jesus’ glory, His brightness. I am weak from my transfusion. Jesus carries me.

Jesus speaks to me: “My power is perfected in your weakness. Abide in Me. Let Me carry you today.”

“Yes, Lord. I am Yours. Have Your way in me.”

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Anonymous's picture

so sweet; I felt Him speaking to me too through your experience.
God is sooooooooo good!

Anonymous's picture

Again, I just so appreciate your postings. They speak so deeply in me. I hungar to have the kind of relationship you have with Jesus and Abba Father.

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