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You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God

Mark Virkler's picture

Jesus saw visions all the time. He only did what He saw His Father doing (Jn. 5:19, 20; 8:38). I want to imitate Jesus. But before I could live that way, I needed first to learn how to become a seer. Daniel simply said, “I looked,” and he saw (Dan. 7:2, 9, 13)!  However, for many years, I didn’t look and so I didn’t see. Finally I reclaimed the use of my visionary capacity and now I, too, can simply quiet myself in the Lord's presence, look, and see the visions of Almighty God. I am a seer because I have become a "looker."

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The #1 Tool in the World for Entering Into Godly Visions

“Since I have been using it, my quiet times have changed. I am seeing more vision and a whole new experience is taking place!”

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  • Strengthen the eyes of your heart with godly imagination
  • Learn how to see vision clearly in this free biblical meditation encounter.
  • Experience His presence like never before by stepping into your own vision from God today.
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How I See Visions

Here are the steps I took that allowed me to see visions from Almighty God:

  1. I repented for my sin of not presenting the eyes of my heart to God and looking, and began presenting the eyes of my heart to the Lord and looking for visions.
  2. I use my godly imagination to picture a Gospel scene as I read it. This is something most people do, and imagining is a part of Biblical meditation (Josh. 1:8).
  3. Then I ask the Holy Spirit to give me a vision (Eph. 1:17,18) as I place myself in the scene with Jesus, and tune to flowing pictures to see what He wants to show me.
  4. The scene comes alive through the life of the Holy Spirit and I watch a flow of images, which biblically speaking is called a vision. So I have stepped from a godly imagination into a vision.
  5. I record the vision (as the prophets in the Bible did, e.g. Rev. 1:9-11) and have it confirmed by my spiritual advisors (Prov. 11:14; 2 Cor. 13:1 ). This affirms it really is a vision from God, and I am not running in vain (Gal. 2:2).
  6. I believe John used godly imagination in Revelation 4:1 as he painted a picture of a door in the sky, and the next verse says that the Holy Spirit took over and led him into the throne room of God where he stepped into a vision which continues for 19 chapters. Notice that the door was actually the final scene of his previous vision (Rev. 3:20). So when he wanted a new vision, he looked (Rev. 4:1) and held up a previous scene, and allowed the Holy Spirit to take it over (Rev. 4:2)! He stepped from a godly imagination into a divine vision.
  7. Since the Bible encourages us by telling us the stories of those who have gone before and had their own encounters with the living God, you can do exactly what John did in Revelation 4:1, 2. You can hold up a scene (godly imagination), and ask the Holy Spirit to take it over (Eph. 4:1,2), and it can and will flow into an extended vision. Try it! You will like it! I sure do. I do it all the time!

What Are the Faces of Jesus?

It is interesting that when I began seeing visions, I did not see the face of Jesus. I only saw His form from the shoulders on down. Others have testified to the same experience. It is also interesting that Jesus’ facial features are never described in the Gospels. Perhaps this is because He has as many faces as He has names, and He becomes all things to all people so we see different parts of Him at different times. The Bible does make it clear that we see through a glass dimly (1 Cor. 13:12).

However, many of us do begin seeing Jesus’ face after using vision for awhile. I first saw two eyes full of laughter. Then I saw a big smile on His face. He was laughing and having such a good time. And that is most often how I see Him. He tells me to lighten up and laugh along with Him. So I do!

How about if you post a response to this blog, and share with us what Jesus’ face looks like when you see it. Let’s learn from one another. It will be fun.

The Different Ways I See Jesus (Heb. 12:1-2)

In my everyday life: I look to see Him present with me. He is, and He is doing things. So I simply look to see where He is and what He is doing. When I am driving, He is seated next to me in the car. When I am jogging, He is at my right side. When I am counseling, He is often standing with His hands on the counselee’s shoulders. When I am preaching, He is sitting on the edge of the stage, with His legs crossed and a big smile on His face, saying, “Go get them, Mark.”

During worship: I look at the throne room in heaven, and I join with those gathered before the throne in worship to the King, and I worship along with them, doing what I see them doing (Rev. 5:13). This could be dancing, clapping, kneeling, bowing low, arms outstretched in worship, etc.

During prayer: I see Him next to me. We are talking together. He is listening and responding. He is peaceful. Nothing shakes Him. He is in control of all. He is Almighty God, Who rules!

How I don’t see Jesus: I don’t ever picture Jesus on the cross as I come to Him, because He is not there. That horrific point of history is exactly that, a point of history, full of tremendous pain and suffering. It is not where Jesus currently is and it is not a comfortable place for two lovers to share love (which is what prayer is). When I come to Jesus, one of the four keys is “stillness,” so to be in extreme discomfort is disquieting, and thus counter-productive to me “becoming still.” So I normally will not picture Jesus on the cross when I come to Him in prayer.

Having said that, there have been a couple of times when the Lord was asking me to die to self, He has reminded me of His death on the cross and asked me to also lay down my life, even as He did, and to die to self. Sometimes images of death on the cross will flash across my mind in these specific circumstances.

Listening to God Is a Key in Your Pathway to God

In addition to seeing vision, we can also hear God’s voice. Jesus did. “I speak the things my Father has taught me" (Jn. 5:30). Jesus also said, “My sheep hear My voice" (Jn. 10:27). So it is clear we are to live out of the voice of Jesus and the Father. His voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts which light upon you,  particularly when your eyes are fixed on Jesus (Heb. 12:1, 2).

So I have learned in my morning devotions to do what these prophets did (Hab. 2:1-2 & Rev. 1:9-11):

  1. Quiet myself down;
  2. Fix my eyes on Jesus;
  3. Tune to spontaneity (i.e. flowing thoughts, since the flow within is the Holy Spirit - Jn. 7:37-39);
  4. And write or journal (two-way journaling) as I record God’s conversations with me.
As a "Thank You" for reading this blog post, you can receive an exclusive 50% discount on the Hearing God's Voice course from School of the Spirit (using coupon code: VISION). This life-changing, interactive, online learning experience explores this topic inside and out, bringing you to a place of easily hearing from God and seeing His vision every single day! Click here to learn more...

This Is How You Can Have Heart Faith!

You will discover that heart faith (Rom. 10:9) bubbles forth as you hear God’s voice (Gen. 12:1-2),  see His visions (Gen. 15: 1,5, 6) and incubate that within the other three senses of your heart.

More Resources Relating to Using the Eyes of Your Heart as You Approach God

  1. What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
  2. You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
  3. Poised Before Almighty God
  4. I Only Saw Blackness But Now I Can See!
  5. Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
  6. Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
  7. Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
  8. Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
  9. Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
  10. Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
  11. Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
  12. Book  - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
  13. Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
  14. Protestantism's 500-Year-Old  Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
  15. Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
  16. Western Study Verses Biblical Meditation
  17. Also related to this topic: How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

More Resources for Seeing Vision and Hearing God's Voice:

Learn How to See Vision - “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice”  


Creating Heart Faith from God's Voice and Vision -  Heart Faith or Spirit Born Creativity       


Understand How Your Heart/Spirit Operates - “How to Walk by the Spirit”   


Resources for Interpreting Dreams (Visions of the Night)

God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. He whispers in their ear and terrifies them with His warning. He causes them to change their minds; He keeps them from pride (Job 33:14-17 NLT).

As a "Thank You" for reading this blog post, you can receive an exclusive 50% discount on the Hearing God Through Your Dreams course from School of the Spirit (using coupon code: VISION). This life-changing, interactive, online learning experience explores this topic inside and out, so you become comfortable interpreting the messages you are receiving from God every single night! Click here to learn more...



Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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Charity Kayembe's picture

It's wonderful to hear that you had such a beautiful and powerful dream on your son's birthday. Yes, I do agree with you for your son's healing! God is Jehovah Raphe, the Lord our Healer. It's not just what He does, it's who He is. Healing and life are His DNA.

It is also true that sometimes we have a part to play in the miracle. Just like Peter had to climb out of the boat before Jesus could empower him to walk on water, we should always be seeking God for any instructions He has for us to release our miracle. Is there anything we should start doing or stop doing? Exodus 15:26, our healing covenant, is conditional on our listening to and obeying the voice of the Lord.

There are incredible testimonies of what some people call a "cure" for autism using the GAPS diet. I have a friend who has seen incredible improvements in her health and healing through following this protocol. You can find out more about it here:

Obviously the Lord is wanting to encourage your heart and keep your faith alive by giving you these dreams, so definitely don't give up! Many times healing is a process. It's progressive and takes time. Rest assured His will for your son is perfect health - spirit, soul and body!

Anonymous's picture

Thank you for your quick reply. I had a hard time finding this page again. Anyway, thank you for your encouraging words. I have been trying to do everything I can to help him. He is on biomedical treatment and has different therapies and just found a great autism school for him. He has improved a lot but has a long way to go as well. I'm always reading on autistic kids that havve recovered to see what I can learn. I will check out the site you gave me. I know if I do my best in helping my son God will take care of the rest. I am already thanking God for healing my son.

Anonymous's picture

This afternoon I guess I had what could be called a dream. I have been feeling slightly under the weather so I decided to rest for a few minutes. During that brief amount of time I could hear myself talking in my head, (not out loud), and saying, "I'm not ready to go yet. I still need to this and this and this, etc". I never saw anyone and never heard any voices. It was just black. I don't think I was even totally asleep. (I could hear the dog walking around and my husband downstairs.) And then I got up and went back to what I had been doing before I laid down. I still don't feel wonderful and my husband commented that I look pale. Not sure what to do with this one.

Anonymous's picture

Hi I am sheng from manila,

i just browse and read some of dreams.. my vision on your dreams, is that when you dream about death..means you have long life to live... that's opposite of your dreams.. you still have a mission to do..:-)

Mark Virkler's picture

Since dreams are symbolic most of the time, a dream showing actual death could be referring to something dying within you, like pride, arrogance, or some other sin. In this case, it is a good thing as you are dying to self and coming alive to Jesus.

If the dream really wants to prepare you for your death by warning you, it is likely to do that in some symbolic way, like a dream of a clock stopping at a certain time, etc.

If the dream is a prophetic warning dream, and speaks of death, then that is a warning to pray for Divine intervention, and perhaps to alter your actions so this calamity does not come upon you.

Download our free training on dreams here:

Mark Virkler's picture

It doesn't sound like you were sick enough to be facing death, so it is hard to say, however I assume satan is ALWAYS glad to try to pick us off, even over minor issues.

Anonymous's picture

hi mark my bed keeps on shaking each day it all started after i saw a vision from god and i cant stop saying jesus is almost coming someone keep on putting in my head i cant stop saying it. the vision i saw was daniel vision. the vision from daniel was the son of man came out the clouds. plese help me i cant tell if it is a demon or god is trying to tell me some thing.

Mark Virkler's picture

The Bible says we test things by their fruit. Is it producing good fruit or bad fruit in your life. You decide and that should settle it.

Anonymous's picture

My dreams always used to be very vivid when I was young and I'd often wake up regretting that I couldn't stay asleep that were that good! Then, for a period of about 10 years they stopped altogether and then were there but not as good. Just recently they've returned and they are full of adventures where I feel so safe and happy.

With regards to Jesus and God, I often see someone near me, it feels like they are so clean and pure. I have also sometimes seen a person's face (sometimes it feels really big!), the face is always smiling and often laughing in a way that I have never seen anyone laugh.

I think it's Jesus I'm seeing but I don't know. I thought maybe the vivid dreams may be why I'm seeing Him. (I have also seen a shadowy figure too - assume that's the devil :( )

Anonymous's picture

I rejoice with you that you are once again dreaming vivid dreams that include adventures, safety, happiness, cleanliness, purity, smiling and laughing! Jesus is all of these! (and by speaking or even thinking the Name of Jesus you need not fear any shadowy figure). May you continue to enjoy God's Presence in your dreams! Shalom!

Anonymous's picture

I had a dream one night that I was looking up into the night sky and saw galaxies so close they appeared as the size of a full moon. I also saw the Helix Nebula in vivid color. It too was the size of a full moon. Instantly the scene changed and I saw several smart-car sized cubes floating past me. The cubes were the most brilliantly colored objects I have ever seen! I knew in my spirit that I was at the atomic/molecular level. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man standing to my left, and I knew it was Jesus. Then I knew that we would have all of eternity for him to teach me all about creation and how he put everything together and how it all works. Now THAT will be glorious!

Anonymous's picture

I surrendered my life to Christ October 2014, at first I was having doubts about God's existence until He revealed Himself to me in a dream. In this dream, I was sleeping then suddenly a loud bold voice woke me up & was reciting a particular bible verse, & I was nodding my head in agreement to what He was actually saying, after that I woke up, I couldn't remember the particular verse in the bible but it was something I was so familiar with, 'cause I was nodding my head in total agreement with Him. I knew it was God, cause He knew the struggles I had at that time with trying to convince myself about His existence. After that encounter I became fully convinced that He really lives. I 've also had 2 other encounters, that's the first one I ever had.

Anonymous's picture

About 3 years ago I had a series of 3 dreams within a six months period. In the last dream I encountered Jesus but did not see his face. In the dream I am in a large room with a long rectangular wooden table. There are three white old men, my mother and myself dressed in brown robes. The men are having a conversation explaining that we should be happy we got as far as we could but that didn't satisfy how I was feeling and I jumped on top of the table and started to say nothing is impossible through Christ. When I came off the table I felt a cool gentle breeze come from behind me around my feet. Suddenly there was a gentle, loving and clear voice speaking right into my left ear. I was at such peace as he told me he was proud of me. I couldn't remember exactly what he said. I knew it was Jesus who was speaking and I became so excited and overwhelmed with joy. As I attempted to turn and face him I saw his white robe from the bottom moving my gaze upward. there was so much light emanating from him and so much overwhelming joy that as I tried to continue glancing up and praise him vocally in English, I couldn't so I spoke in tongues but was still overwhelmed with joy to the point I couldn't speak in tongues any more or even try to look at his face. I ended up looking up to the heavens and broke out singing in an ancient angelic tongue with other angels. Then I woke up. I had never felt so much joy and peace and love in any dream and I feel honored to even have the privilege to experience his presence in such a way even if it was during my sleep. However I always wondered why he appeared on my left hand side and why we were wearing brown robes.

Anonymous's picture

I was 13 years old when God shown His self to me. I am not going in great details about this event. I was in the process of stealing my third car, it was late or early in the night/morning. Now lot of you's will say God does not speak to sinners...yes He does, even in the middle of what they are doing. I had just stole this car and I was headed out on the highway. Now it is dark out. I am out on a desolate road. I see to the left of me a light coming out of the sky. It came closer to me, it got so close that I had to stop the car park it. The light was so bright I could not see past the hood of that car. I had a friend who came with me, she was looking too, I am not sure if she seen what I saw. I rolled down the window and listened for noise or wind, but there was none. It has been 40 some years later and I asked the LORD what was that? He told me I saw Him. God shows Himself to some. When I saw Him I could not see His face nor any outline of His body. I just saw a blinding light. I was not scared. I felt peace. I have encountered His presence many times after in visions. He is absolutely the love of my life.

Anonymous's picture

I just had my daughter. I was 20. I was studying the Bible. I was in bed with my daughter. My body was resting but I wasn't asleep. I saw a man in front of me. I couldn't see his face. But he was tall and slender. There was a light behind him. He didn't say a word to me but I knew it was Jesus. Although I wondered why I was greeted by him, I told him that I wasn't ready to die because I just had my daughter. It was like there was no time. I was in my bed but not waking up from a dream, but a real event.

This is when I discovered Jesus was real. I was a witness. I haven't seen him since then and I am 44.

Anonymous's picture

2009 - The very first vision that I ever had was of GOD's face. God's facial features were outlined but it was covered by a white covering. It looked like how your face would appear if it were protruding through a piece of white latex. His face was so massive that it filled the heavens. My eyes could not see it all and my heart could not handle it all. I stood in absolute awe. God asked me quite simply, "What do you want," but I was so mesmerized that I couldn't utter a word (I knew no words). His heart seemed please that I was so humbled in His presence, He then said "Whatever you want" then He disappeared.

Anonymous's picture

I think I had my first vision the other night. I was in bed praying before falling to sleep when I simply became aware of this image of a man walking onto a huge book. He reached down to the page he was standing on and lifted up a pop up picture of a horse. No color (shades of black and white) or thoughts but the feeling was a pleasant one. Of course my first thoughts went to Rev. but that does not fit the feeling.

Anonymous's picture

Mathew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened...."
If your mind is truly set on God or Truth do these things and you will find what you are looking for.

Anonymous's picture

I was wakened in the night in a dark room, and noticed a blinking light to my right and at the top of the wall. It was small, size of a dinner plate, but had many fingers of light protuding out of it,
the fingers did not blink. the light lighted the whole wall. When I turned to look at it a broad colored telescope type tail came out ot about 2 feet , I could hear it moving. The tail was blue, red and gold colors blended into each other, It closed and the light went out and it was gone.
I wakened my husband and remained perplexed.

His take was that it was a likeness of a chariot. My friend whom I am mentoring said it was because I was OLD; Ha ha, I am, but is that all? Was it a messagw from the Father or????
I am careful about sharing after that response.

Mark Virkler's picture

I just have lots of questions. Are you a Spirit filled Christian, passionately following after God?
what was the emotion in the vision?
Did you go to sleep with anything particular on your mind.
Do you receive these kinds of visions often? Are you a seer?
Are you dabbling in anything that is not good?
Did you journal about it and ask God what it meant, and submit that journaling to 2-3 people. (this would be step number one).

Anonymous's picture

Today I heard, on the 700 Club, a converted Muslim reach out to his people with a message that God taught me about seven month ago during Passover. He said, “call out to the one true God and ask Him to reveal himself, and he will.” God takes much pleasure in the truth and finds joy in any child who seeks the Truth.
During a year in Afghanistan, my faith was tested; Satan attacked me physically and spiritually. God allowed some physical injury because he needed to fulfill a communication that he had made with me in a dream I had at eight years old, but he stopped Satan from taking my life to show me that he is with me and I need to pay attention. The spiritual attack caused me to question, not God, but America and my religion. One night, after an honorable discharge, I was tired of the pain over my uncertainty and I cried out to God and asked Him to just show me the truth. A short time later I had two dreams that were staged at FOB (Forward Operation Base) Monti, in Afghanistan. Both dreams took place on top of OP (over watch position) Coleman. In the first dream, I was on top of the OP with a couple of soldiers. I cannot remember what we were doing but a squad leader named SSG (Staff Sergeant) Ritz was there with me and he and I went into this small room that was filled from wall to wall with a bed. We had no clothes on and we were bouncing around on the bed having fun and playing innocently as friends for a few moments and then we lay down face to face and prepared to have a conversation and I woke up.
In reality SSG Ritz and I were not close friends and I believe that this was the first sign that SSG Ritz represented someone else. Militarily speaking, SSG Ritz was my brother in arms and he was also my boss, or my lord. Our playfulness in the bed represents our friendship. And the bed is the marriage bed (the Church is Jesus Christ’s bride) (I am His bride). Our nakedness represents our open relationship (we have nothing hidden from each other). It also represents the lack of shame in our relationship. And I believe that lying down to talk represented Him saying I am going to share something now.
In the next dream I was, again, at the top of OP Coleman and all of the walls, on the FOB were gone, only a few buildings still stood, there was an escalator going up the small mountain to OP Coleman, the buildings that did stand were made out of beautiful blocks that were almost transparent and colorful, like the glass stones in a fish tank, and there were no longer crops, but beautiful fields of the greenest grass and the most colorful flowers I have ever seen and the people were happy and moving freely with a joy in their eyes that I never saw during the time I spent in Afghanistan. I saw all of this as I made my way down the escalator and when I reached the bottom, a large Jewish man stood beside me. We turned to the left 360 degrees and stopped facing east. Then he gracefully/peacefully swept his arm left to right across the space in front of us and said “see, even amongst the rubble there is beauty.” The rubble is the war, the Islamic faith, and even in my failures but the Lord was showing me that he has made his home there in Afghanistan and Muslims are joining The Body of Christ and becoming free and happy. The first dream revealed that He has made His Marriage Bed in their land through the war. The second shows that they are coming to Him. God is full of grace; He will find and use his people even in the midst of war. How great is God?
I believe the Lord answered my prayer by showing me how to see it through his eyes. Because I was seeking the truth and not my own selfish ideas (I forgot, for a second, my religion and country and said show me Your will Lord (the truth)) and He revealed Himself.

Anonymous's picture

I was doing 21days of fasting and night vigil, within the third week, I said Lord speak to me physically.
that day I just went on the bed and little while I heard my name like someone called me inside my room, but I was the only one in the room and the voice came to my left ear very smooth and sweet voice and I enjoyed it.

the most amazing thing here is that the voice called me with my own voice, it was exactly my ton my own voice.
praise God, it was not in the dream neither was I sleeping.

Then i was like waooooo God you spoke to me, and he says yes you asked me to speak physically.

Prophet O.B. Williams

Anonymous's picture

My name is Prophet O.B.Williams, email:[email protected]
I have mad many encounters with Jesus but I want to share one or two.

In my vision it looks more real than physical life then I look forward and I saw a farm and I look again I saw Him Jesus working in the farm then I recognize him but not behold his face.

In another vision It seems like I was taken in a platform which has no background but I look and saw crowd and behold I saw three personality then I try to look to behold this three personality then I saw Jesus standing and looking at me, now i saw his face but I cannot be able to describe it, then He start talking to me but the most powerful thing is that, He spoke to me but it was not audible like sounds to my hear and his mouth was not opening and I can hear him, his word walk like vibration to my body and to my system then I can hear what he says, but am sorry am not permitted to say hear what He told me.

remain blessed.

Anonymous's picture


I have in the recent past (last one year) had dreams where i was praying for someone to experience God and know God and to be forgiven and in the middle of the prayer, i would feel a super duper overwhelming and awesome presence around me and ofcourse i continue praying even harder; and then the person i would pray for would exclaim excitedly and tell me that Jesus is behind me, and i would turn and see Him there... this beautiful brilliant light with His hands spread out but i know HE was looking at us.

I have had that dream twice.

The other night i had a short dream that i could see a choir of angels singing and flying around --- glory in the highest, hossana hossana!!

I am not sure what to think of these. The dreams are very beautiful so i keep praying that God will reveal to me what He needs me to Know.

Lindah, from Kenya.

Mark Virkler's picture

It would seem to me to be saying that He is hearing your prayers, and His presence is with you.

Anonymous's picture

In 2008 after given my life over to God,I was standing in my kitchen,listening to worship and singing along,when I looked up I saw that there was a hole in the ceiling and I could see right through it,I saw a man sitting on a big chair His robe filled the whole place I saw a vision of God,after that I was getting ready for bed,I felt a lot of eyes or a presence looking out for me I felt soooo protected

Anonymous's picture

Matthew 6:33 King James Version (KJV)

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
God's messages like the words in the bible are deep.
I believe that this person is praying like this and yes God is saying Jesus stands in Truth behind you, and He is saying seek these things first (to a new believer) and everything else will be added. Dreams like this are very important for two reasons. First, they help to build your faith and second they teach those who are looking for the truth to understand God's heart. Yes he wants a relationship with you but have faith in his will.
Yes, pray for everything but in faith I should know that if God's heart is to expand the Kingdom to bring his children to Him then pray for his will (your salvation and that those around you are given a chance to believe (John 17:9)) and trust that he wants you to have better than that big house and expensive car so if those things are his will he will give them to you. John 17:9 "I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours."

Anonymous's picture

Today I had the most overwhelming experience of sighting the face of Jesus, talking to me.
My life has been a very eventful, for the past twenty years, having a lot of loss, and heartache, pain and suffering losing two brothers and my mother, and now with my father I'll, but I count my blessings that myself and family are healthy, as there are people worse off that me, but Jesus listens to us all, and recently I have found my calling back to god.
I pray and read the bible each night, and ask for guidance and help, as I am struggling to survive in so many ways...
With my tears whilst praying for help and guidance for my family and I, today I had the experience of seeing the face of Jesus.
My day began with my clocks two hands stopping at 11,11, as I sat down in ore, with the clock above me, I looked straight out the window to see the face of Jesus, smiling and talking, I heard no works, but could feel his love and to me this was his way of saying all will be ok. The experience lasted for about 15's an experience I will never forget, and would love to have peoples views on the meaning of seeing me it was his reassurance that he is by my side......always.

Mark Virkler's picture

Sure feels like reassurance to me.

Anonymous's picture

Mark, look for the truth.
Ref. to timothy 4:3; and know that I do not accuse you of this but protect people from falling into this pattern. Do not see joy and feel joy and become comfortable. Jesus showed her signs but withheld words to say that "I am revealing myself to you and you still do not hear me."
You need to fall on your face, repent, and realize the work he is doing to wake you up. He loves you but he means to quicken you and bring you out of your lukewarm love for him. Do not harden your heart because of the truth; what evil thing have I told you?
"2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins: 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: 2:3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved" (Ephesians 2:1-5 KJV)

Anonymous's picture

Hi , I have been searching for a long time it seems. searched and searched online and in person but no avail though I did experience angels pointing me in direction, Jesus body couldnt see face but saw a huge beautiful smile! , his laughter, his humor etc anyways that aside, I am not able to recieve understanding or revelation. here is a little history of before and after then I will tell of the vision.
I recieved this vision in 08 shortly after became very ill so much I knew I was going to pass ( I knew God since a child but was not bapitized till in Dec 07 but in Feb I became close to death the devil was trying to distory me in anyway possible for 10 solid days but God healed me of fear of death, fear of Hell, fear of the devil and his demons, God taught me deeply of trusting Him, taught me that nothing can take me out of His hands etc. long story short when God and I connected all of the sudden I was completely healed in an instant!
anyways now I think it was little into Feb of 08' I was in the new dining room reading the bible for while not knowing or understanding but knew the Holy Spirit was teaching me from the inside
This day I looked up ( dont remember what I was reading at the time) I looked up out of this small bright sunny window. all of the sudden
I went into a vision and didnt know about it very much at the time.
picture one faded in: white/gray foggy black background, picture faded out
picture two faded in: stage, men i suits, i think i remember some normal clothed asians but really remembered asian black buisness suits really well, a pair of feet and a bottom of a micophone pole. I dont remember much now I think i obessed and thaught of it so much that it might have been changed over the years so not sure if this was exactly what I saw orignally :( I dont remember seeing what else was on stage but i do remember clearly of suits and the feet and the bottom of the mic pole between the feet yet I dont remember if it was male or female shoe go figure .......picture faded out
Third picturw faded in: Map of China ( i do not like China lol but liked Japan so this kind of made me think huh???
now imagine a sandy brown embossed map of China AND the word China was big it was diagonally the A was up and the C was down like / lol sorry the keyboard symbol not exact of diagonally but it show an idea w hat I mean /
if no answer anything I can do or know or study or something? Ive experienced God personally and learned so much yet I don't even know what gifts or abilities God has given me :( I believe that will be shown in His timing.

Anonymous's picture

Many dreams and visions go un-interpreted. Why? Because God will reveal it when he is ready. One thing you need to understand that God is the author; ask him for the answer in Jesus Christ's name and be patient. Dreams and visions are evidence that God has blessed us with so we can partake in showing the world His glory and power. Who else can see the past, present, and future at once; not one. Not even Jesus knows the exact time that the end comes but He has faith in the Father (His head) so obey OUR head and have faith also in the Father.
READ, FAST, PRAY, REPENT, AND KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN!!!!! Read and see where Jesus walked and how he walked and follow Him.
All I can say is that it seems to be a warning of future events. Try writing down any dreams and visions to avoid the loss of info.

1 Peter 4:10 ESV

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."

Romans 12:6-8 ESV

"Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness."
Look at Matthew 25:14-30 Parable of the Three Servants and do not keep your talent but invest it in the Kingdom of heaven in faith.

What I share is given to me by God so He blesses me with a chance to share in blessing you.

Mark Virkler's picture

Many things are symbolic. Under the "Free Tab" on this website, we have principles of dream interpretation you can download. and in the store we also have a book and CD set on Hear God Through your Dreams. These should help.

Anonymous's picture


Mark Virkler's picture

May I suggest that you invite Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior. A prayer to do that is available here:

Also, get a New Testament Bible and read through it, and follow the teachings of Jesus. This will put you on the right path.

Mark Virkler's picture

White I would think stands for righteousness... and it is covering your mind.

Anonymous's picture

Ok had a vision of tall figure in white robe couldn't see his face or feet than a hand pushing out at me. Later a dream of a huge like form of a man ridding the clouds. Later a vision of the Crystal blue water parting aso the land splits and water come inbetween it.Than later lots of people standing in very bright colorful robes also men with metal on. Than later I seen what looked like Jesus standing in a field I couldn't see his face only body and hair it looked just like the picture you see of him he was wearing all white robe than I seen a bigger man white hair beard holding a sword wearing a red robe I did see his face

Mark Virkler's picture

Since the vision came to you, it has special meaning to your heart. So what does your heart feel the vision is about?

Anonymous's picture

I came across this blog and decided for the benefit of the Body of Christ, if my experience would help anyone, here goes me sharing it:
Approximately 3.5 years ago I underwent a major operation at 2pm on a Tuesday afternoon, at 1am on the following morning I was awakened by the Lord speaking to me. calling my name and saying "I want you to trust me for what I am about to walk you through pertaining to ......(a certain person) the week was traumatic with several things occurring one of which almost took my life. I was puzzled by the message I had received and in the early hours of the Sunday morning, around 2:30am I felt a warm breath upon my face, I was in a deep sleep and i thought one of the nurses had come to check on me, but the warm breath became a soft pressure on my cheek and then i felt Someone kissing me on the lips, so tenderly, I opened my eyes to see who this was and saw a face of a man about 3 inches from my face and He drew back from me to show me Himself, He smiled at me and I gasped, " I said, O, You are so Beautiful, You are so Beautiful", He continued smiling at me for some moments and I saw certain things in His eyes which He communicated to me without speech. My mind was racing and did not want HIm to leave. He just faded away and I wept and wept quietly. In order to not make a noise and wake the other patient in the room I stuffed a facecloth into my mouth, to stifle the sobs which were of immense joy and sadness combined. Joy at having been kissed by Jesus at the precise time in my life when i needed Him most and that Kiss had stayed with me. Here is the description of how He looked to me: He was of a medium height, not overly tall, He had black or very very dark brown hair which was just above shoulder length, He had an Middle Eastern appearance of darkish swarthy skin, and deep , deep, brownish black eyes which penetrated me and communicated to me at the same moment, and these eyes were filled love, not only love for me but for others also that were involved in what i was going through. It is taking me a long time to fully understand the message of love communicated to me about the situation...slowly it is unfolding. I was left with a impression of how beautiful He is, yet how ordinarily human he looked. It was an lifechanging experience for which i am very thankful. This moment with Him has carried me through a fire which has lasted over 3 years and still goes on, but He is with me in the fire and it is wonderful. Thankyou for the place and opportunity to share. I trust you will be blessed in knowing that He knows exactly where we are at all times and is indeed there with us, no matter what the circumstance. He is in us, and will never leave. Hallelujah. I am a truly loved one.

Anonymous's picture

am always dreaming of prophets i have seen so many prophets and i see them prophecying and healing people ,i have had angelic visitations and most of the prophet in my dreams lay their hands on me,most of them i see them in my dreams how they were when they started with their wife how brook they were wearing the same suit to preach before they became big,i have seen the elderly man with white,i have dreamt of healing people myself,saving them from demons .and when i wake up am very tired,i see alot of events

Anonymous's picture

This sounds like ur being called with the gift of prophetcy, ur being blessed with this gift from God, pray about it.

Mark Virkler's picture

I would journal and ask God what He is speaking to you. Submit that to your three spiritual advisors and then run with it once confirmed.

Anonymous's picture

Why would God show me this? I’m just nobody, I was In prayer, and in the distant in the darkness I seen a sun in the position of a sunrise I seen it 3 separate times, and as I am starring at it, and I felt glorious joy and happiness, and there with God I did not need anything to eat or drink, the only thing that matters is the relationship I have with him nothing else, and this world and everything it has to offer is absolutely nothing compare to what he has in store for us, and I realized I love Jesus more than anybody on earth.

Mark Virkler's picture

We are all children of the King, and part of His royal family. You are royalty!
God grants His gifts to His children freely.
Simply ask and receive.

Anonymous's picture

I truly hope you do not feel like I'm not stepping on your toes by responding so often; I see God's house as a place for his children, small and great, to interact and share.
In reference to I'm a nobody, I say that I am nobody often while speaking about God. I believe that God seeks people with a humble heart to bless because He knows that they will not attempt to steal His glory; I do not seek to be God but to be loved by God. I cannot earn my way into Heaven but hope that my Father finds joy in me.
So while I can appreciate his or her humble heart I also see what you are saying; it is a fine line between humble faith and lack of confidence/faith that we are loved and have a place in Gods house.

Thank you for a place to share and be blessed.

Anonymous's picture

Brothers and sister I believe and love God so much he's the only one I run to when I have problems it can be hard for me at time because I am impatient in nature,and I believe he's. Been working on me to be patience. I brook up with my ex bf about 5 months ago and I just wanted to be rude to him and get him out of my mind,specialty He told me is dating someone so I just didn't want to have anything to do with him. After month from not speaking to each other,He call me a few days ago for my bday we started to talk and turn into an arguement . That same night I was crying and ask God. Please talk to me what is it that I'm suppose to do, I'm ready to cut him out of my life I pray and started to meditate, I call on God's name in my mind and ask for help. I saw a light But the light was Jesus I could not see his face very well he was holding my hands , I started to talk to him about what's going on. Out of no where I saw my ex seating across from me ,Jesus holding my hand and his hand like a circle but no talk,I can see us just lying our heads on him and holding each others hands and smiling,. I open my eyes,just could not understand it , i said to myself that he's dating someone no way. I'm not gonna talk to him. I ask myself did God really just talk to me is it how he talk to us.?I thank him for the vision but it has been bothering. me. This morning I woke up 5 am I prayed again close my eyes to meditated for a few min ,this time I saw the both of us on our knees holding hands and saw Jesus(a LIGHT)kissed our forehead, than got up and walk together. I told my friend I am going to block him out of my life ,and told her I have something to tell her she said what is it you have to tell me because the hair from the back of my head just got up, is it bad? told her she said I will hold before you call and be mad at him. I have a lot of faith but don't know a lot a about God's vision this really bothered me that's how I find this WeWesbsite Trying to find out how God talk to us. Can this be a vision?I didn't keep a journal . I figure I need someone's opinion who knows more about this .Please help.

Anonymous's picture

Jesus is telling you to be with this man as you are with him. As the body of Christ we are married to him; He took us in faith for better or worse as we do him and we have true love. You were holding hands in the shape of a ring; the wedding ring. He kissed you each on the forehead blessing your relationship if you choose to accept that path in faith.

People have grown away from faith in marriage; everyone wants their children to go out and date around so they do not end up regretting their choice. In a way it is nice to have choice but people find it hard to make a choice in faith and even harder to keep their eyes on that choice forsaking all others when there are so many other attractive choices. Jesus did not say: well what if I want a different bride he said thank you for the bride you have given me and took her like a Godly Man; she is Mine and I am hers. He did not need to date around. Truly this world is upside down.

Make a choice in faith and be blessed IN JESUS! Then share the blessing as a witness.

Mark Virkler's picture

Well, God is into reconciliation, so it does sound like a vision to me. Holding anger and bitterness in our hearts, destroys our physical and spiritual health, so that must be processed and dealt with, even if you two never become romantically involved. Whenever you are dealing with romance, you want to have your friends who are spiritual advisors, giving you input. The Bible says in the mouth of two or three counselors there is wisdom and safety. So bounce this off some respected friends.

Anonymous's picture

Thank you for you quick reply. I love. Him very much after I saw the visions I became calm have this deep feeling inside that God is telling me that we are going to be fine. I am praying a lot about it ,I try to switch the negative thoughs ,When I have them . and start praying . my friends. Are all giving me their inputs which make me confuse and make me mad at him more, but that friend is the only one I trusted to tell about the visions . I try to interprete the vision as much as I can,I don't want us to mess up what God has for us, I always ask God to make us pray and read the bible together.Please in you spiritual experience what do you think God is tryin to tell me. And how can I control those negative thoughts they make me worry sometimes. thank you for your reply.


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