Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

one body

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How firmly do you hold your denominational affiliation? The ancient proverb is to love your friends and hate your enemies, but I taught my followers to love their enemies. You may think of those in your own church as your friends. Hopefully you do not think of those in other denominations as enemies, but if you can love your enemies you should be able to love your brothers. For I have only one body and I love it when brethren dwell together in unity. I gave this as the criteria by which all men would know that you are my disciples by the way you love one another. This is particularly true when it occurs across denominational lines. Don’t let your denominational affiliation prevent it. 

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Are you led by the Spirit? My word says this is true of the sons of God, so you may have a theological basis for a doctrinal position, but do you walk in a daily awareness of this guidance? Do you require complete evidence and rational certainty before you act? Even people who do not claim to be led by the Spirit do not demand this, or they would be paralyzed. There are times to start moving when the picture is incomplete. Yet if you in faith and good conscience seek my guidance you will get it, even though you may not understand how it works at the time. Have you not looked back to see how I was leading you even when you were unaware? Be confident that I will continue to do so even as you move forward. 

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Kingdom within

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Have you set your heart to seek me? Where do you expect to find me? Most people who take this search seriously look in my word, in my church, in the writings and messages of those who have excelled in this pursuit, and in the company of fellow searchers. There is value in each of these things, and I use them in combination to work in your life. Have you considered another place to look? I said that my Kingdom was within you. If I dwell within you I can conduct business with you directly, but you are not able to pursue multiple approaches simultaneously. If you seek a place of stillness and look for me within I will meet you there. 

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Would you like to see a miracle? Be directly involved in one? How about a lifetime full of them? The accepted definition of a miracle is something that could not occur without my direct intervention. Perhaps you set the bar too high. I can and do intervene in your life in ways that are not obvious. Other people may not be convinced that this is irrefutable proof of my involvement with you, but you should be. Ask of me to open your eyes to see the little coincidences, improbable events, and perfect timing in small things that are the fingerprints of my watchful care over you. Are these things miracles? They are just as beneficial for you whether you call them that or not. 

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back burner

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You have my promise that I am with you always. Are you always with me? I enjoy the time you spend with your attention focused on me, but I realize that you are finite and mortal in attention span, and that you have many things competing for your attention, including the necessities of life. Do not let this discourage you, for it is possible for you to be with me always even when your attention is diverted. Have you ever pondered an idea ‘on the back burner’ or in the back of your mind? At this level you can have a continual awareness of my abiding presence with you and receive my peace and guidance without interruption.

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path to life

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Do you think that I came to suffer and die so that you wouldn’t have to? You are correct in understanding that my atoning death is the only way for you to have life, and through it you can have abundant life. Yet do not assume that this abundant life is easy or painless. For in providing salvation for you I also invite you to lay down your life and pick up your cross and follow me. I fulfilled a destiny that only I could, but I still invite you to walk the same road beside me. It may not be obvious to you now but this road that is strait and narrow is the road that leads to life. Trust me that the path I lead you on is necessary and sufficient to bring you into the glorious destiny I have prepared for you. 

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Have you ever been to a spiritual conference or seminar? In some cases these are called retreats. Have you ever wondered at this terminology? My word speaks of victory rather than retreat. Yet even I drew away from public ministry to spend time alone with my Father. This is not yielding and giving ground to your adversary, but an essential refreshing and reenergizing. I have given the example for you to follow. You can do this on your own without a designated location and schedule, but do you? You need these times of focused communion with me whether they are formally structured or not. Do whatever you have to do to spend this quality time with me. 

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Do you think acceptance and approval are the same thing? It is easy for people to make this mistake. For most people there is no difference. They only accept things and people they approve of. Yet this is not true for me and should not be for you either. You are my beloved, and I accept you as you are. I do not approve of your sin, and I correct you as a son beloved of his father, yet this does not diminish my acceptance of you. I desire your company and seek you out when others reject you. Don’t you always get a warm welcome from me whenever you seek me, no matter what you have done? I want you to know this deeply from firsthand experience, that your light may shine to extend my acceptance to others. 

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I promise that the pure in heart will see God. Do you read this and assume it refers only to sexual purity? I want you to think of purity in a broader sense, for there is more than one way in which a heart can become contaminated. Purity in this sense can be considered similar to integrity. A heart that is pure is free of internal strife and confusion. It corresponds to an eye that is of single vision and full of light. Yet you do not see me with your natural eyes. I reveal myself to you through your mind and heart. Do you think you need to wait for heaven to see me? Seek heart purity and you will see me now. 

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Do you assume that things that are good are better in larger quantities? Paul advised Timothy to take a little wine for his digestion. Elsewhere my word warns against those who are given to much wine. Some people abstain altogether, and some things are off-limits in any amount, but for most people and choices moderation is a valid concept that applies to food and drink and beyond. Is any food evil in its own right? Yet any can be consumed to excess. It is easy to make rigid rules and hard to live by them. You need to be led by the Spirit to enjoy things in beneficial amounts and know when to say no more that your moderation may be a testimony to me. 

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