Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

sales pitch?

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You are familiar with my Great Commission. What approach do you use to carry it out? Do you find that the sales pitch method is the accepted standard, involving a forceful presentation, answers to every question, and as much pressure as necessary to close the deal? This may work in the world of commerce, but are you uncomfortable with it or have you found it to be ineffective in evangelism? If so, you may approach your audience with the understanding that I am already at work in their lives to prepare the ground for the planting of the word, and present yourself as a sojourner on the path to life even as you deal with questions and issues of your own. 

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coming soon

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Behold I come quickly. This was my last word to my followers. Are you looking for my imminent return? Are you ready for it? Many lifetimes have come and gone since I was here. Many have predicted the time of my return and seen the dates come and go without event but I still insist that I am coming quickly. I told a story of a king travelling to a distant land and leaving his servants in charge in his absence. Those who thought he would be gone a long time behaved badly but those who anticipated his return were blessed. Set your calendar aside and live each day motivated by the expectation of my return. 

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judge not

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Do you divide the world into those who are good and those who are bad, with those who are bad and pretending to be good the worst of all? I had no tolerance for hypocrites, but the world is not this simple, and you are not called to make these judgments. Have you not seen impulses for both good and evil in yourself? You can conclude that they are present in others as well and my word gives many examples. It is not for you to decide which of multiple manifestations is the ‘real’ expression of someone else’s identity. Judge yourself rather than others and trust me who can see the thoughts and intents of the heart. 

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What do you look for in a church leader? My word says that the rulers of the gentiles exercise authority over them, but it is not to be so among you, for your leaders are to be servants. In the world of commerce there are ‘celebrity’ executives who rule with strong personalities. Even in this realm they are not the most successful, even though people are attracted to them. Are you attracted to church leaders who have charisma in this sense? My word lists the qualifications for those who would lead my church and it says nothing about popularity and personal magnetism. It does speak to demonstrated character and stability. Look for these qualities in church leaders. 

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My word teaches you to desire the greater spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. Do you think that these gifts are no longer practiced, or that there are only a select few who can make confident correct assertions about future events? Many who claim to do so are wrong, but you do not need to take such a narrow view of prophetic gifting. This gift involves more than foretelling future events. I promised that my sheep would hear my voice. If you take what I tell you and declare it to others in my name and in obedience to me, then what more could I ask of you in the exercise of prophetic gifting? 

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who is good?

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Do you see virtue in people who are not believers? Do you see bad behavior in people who are believers? Do you struggle to fit this reality into your Christian view of the world? My word concerning the gospel message and ultimate reality is still true, but your comprehension of my word should be large enough to encompass the reality of the world you observe. Only I can judge the thoughts and intents of the heart, and the destiny of every soul. Unbelievers are still made in my image, and my work is still in progress in my own. Blessed are those who do and teach my commandments, and carry out my commission to proclaim the gospel to every creature. 

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moral agency

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Have you ever felt pressured to do something you know is wrong? You may be under the authority of someone who is not listening to me. This puts you in a dilemma, but it is one from which I will provide a way of escape. I gave you a moral agency of your own and this is something you should never surrender, even though you are submissive and obedient to those I have placed in authority over you. Your primary allegiance and obedience is to me and you can appeal to me to intervene and act on your behalf to change hearts, minds, and circumstances, and there is a time to obey me rather than men. 

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Did you struggle with tests in school, and feel a sense of relief when you graduated and the tests were over? Were ‘closed book’ tests worse than ‘open book’ tests, and tests with time pressure the worst of all? Yet have you found that you still face testing in your walk with me? This will continue but do not be discouraged. All my tests are open book, and without time pressure. My patience with you is legendary, and I give you repeated opportunities to pass when you fail. The tests are not to find out what you know, for I already know that, but to prove my transforming work in your life. 

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spiritual exercise

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You know that physical exercise produces strength and endurance. You also know that it is strenuous and requires a consistent effort to get results; otherwise more people would do it. Do you know that there are also spiritual exercises that produce godliness? My word teaches you that bodily exercise profits little, but godliness is profitable for all things. Do you think of spiritual exercises as consistent prayer and Bible study? These are good, but there are others as well. Consider doing a spiritual review each day, recalling the times you were grateful or aware of my presence, that you may remind yourself and improve your awareness of me. 

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fight evil with good

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Have you ever heard of fighting fire with fire? This implies responding in kind to provocations you receive. Have you tried this and found it to be ineffective? This proverb fails the test of simple logic. You know that it is more effective to fight fire with water. In like manner my word teaches you not to respond in kind to provocations, not to repay evil for evil. Instead you are to turn the other cheek, blessing those who curse you and doing good to those who despitefully use you. In so doing you defy the conventional wisdom of force and escalation, but you also bring Kingdom principles to bear and enlist my aid in coming to your defense. 

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