Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

real beauty

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You live in a culture obsessed with superficial beauty. You know this is vain, yet beauty is a desirable quality that can run deeper than the surface. What characteristics do you find most desirable in others? Do you find anything less attractive than those for whom nothing has meaning except as it relates to them? No amount of surface beauty will overcome selfishness and self-absorption. On the other hand, is anything more attractive than a sense of unselfconscious grace? Even if you feel yourself to be average or even below in superficial beauty you can develop this more important and enduring form of attractiveness. 

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words of life

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You live in a culture that values freedom of speech. Do not assume from this that everyone’s words have equal value. The freedom to speak does not assure an audience. You practice this principle intuitively as a listener, seeking out words of wisdom and insight and avoiding idle chatter. At a meeting convened for a lecture or sermon the entire audience is silent and attentive to the one they have come to hear. Do you regard my words above those of any man or woman on earth? When you come to me be at least as attentive as you would to them, for I am in heaven, and you are on the earth. My disciples followed me because I had the words of life, and I still do. 

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Do you understand that humility is an important Christian concept? Yet it has no meaning until after you have demonstrated a clearly superior performance. It is only then that you can acknowledge those who have contributed to your success, or give me glory saying a man can have nothing except he receive it from heaven. One who boasts of his own achievements is a braggart, and one who boasts having no achievements is a fool. Are you willing to acknowledge me in all your ways, and give me the glory due to me? If you have this attitude of humility then you are in a position for me to pour out my power through you, for I can trust you to handle the response properly. 

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Do you assume that the world is malleable to conform to your preferences? You understand that natural laws like gravity work whether you like them or not, but do you assume that everything else is up for grabs? I have given commandments for your safety and happiness. You can violate them but you cannot negate them. Those who reject my laws assume that they can make the world anew in their own image, but they are wrong. As a result they walk in darkness, ignorant of me, and their own nature, and the world they live in. Happy are those who walk in the light, who follow my commandments because there is life in them. 

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Are you grateful for the money you earn? You may say that this is unnecessary since it was earned rather than a gift. Yet there are others who do not have the opportunity to do what you do for the money you make and would like to. Are you grateful for this opportunity? My word poses the question, what do you have that you did not receive? The implied answer is nothing. Even if you put some effort into it you cannot claim total autonomy for the results. If you understand this you realize that an attitude of gratitude is appropriate for everything. Practice this and you will be both humble and joyful. 

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Most countries offer special recognition to their soldiers who are injured in combat. This is a risk every soldier takes and it is appropriate to acknowledge their sacrifice. Casualties occur even for the side that is victorious. I have called you as a soldier in my army, and my word teaches you how to conduct the fight you are in. Do you take courage from my promise that you will win? Even so you can be wounded in the process. Do you understand that these are precious to me? If the nations of this world can recognize their wounded how much more can I honor the sacrifice of those who serve me and heal them. 

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Do you want to be popular? Who doesn’t? There is a universal human longing for acceptance and validation by attention. Yet does it matter to you whom you are popular with? Again for most people this is a serious consideration. Wouldn’t you prefer to be popular with those who are themselves popular, attractive, wealthy, articulate, and funny? Would you be just as content to be sought out by those lacking these qualities? Yet as you follow me you may find that the poor are drawn to you because they are attracted to my life in you. You have my promise that inasmuch as you have done this unto the least of these, you have ministered unto me, and if you minister to those who cannot repay, great will be your reward in heaven. 

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new wineskins

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Have you heard it said that the death of a new idea is the statement, ‘we’ve never done it that way before’? You may have heard this applied to business and commerce. Do you think it applies to spiritual matter too? Yet your faith is eternal and based on unchanging principles. I am timeless and unchanging, but you have much to learn and grow. Do not look at the current rituals of your faith as the final authority. They are wineskins for wine, and new wine requires new wineskins. You need organization and structure, but these are a means to an end, and when you receive greater revelation about that end you should be ready to move on to forms suitable for it. 

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grace and works

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You know that you are saved by grace through faith, not of works. Yet my word teaches you how to live and how to conduct yourself toward others. You are to be kind and generous and love your neighbor as yourself. How strong a correlation do you see between good behavior and professed belief? Do you know some believers who are poor examples and some with no profession who are thoughtful and kind? Perhaps you see some whose behavior is better than yours. Once you trust me for salvation there is no going back. Concerning your behavior there is only going forward. You are not called to judge people and assign them to eternal destinations. You can observe and emulate the best behavior you see, for in so doing you are following me. 

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redeem time

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What do you think is the primary distinctive between one person and another? Isn’t it in the choices you make about how to spend your time? A journey is a series of steps leading to a destination. The cumulative effect of every course correction determines where you end up. In like manner your life is the cumulative effect of your choices about what to do. Good choices lead to more good alternatives and bad ones lead to fewer and worse. Don’t despair if you have made bad choices, for I came to offer redemption and make all things new. Still I want you to use every opportunity to redeem time for righteousness. 

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