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How to Create and Release Wealth!

Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 111 Pages

Does the Bible contain principles which should be followed if you are managing a business, a church or a home? Do the most successful businesses, churches and homes follow these principles? The answer to both questions is, "Yes!" Do you know what these key principles are for successful management? If not, this book is for you. The book is designed with quick, easy evaluation worksheets provided for each of the 20 principles.

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Does the Bible contain principles which should be followed if you are managing a business, a church or a home? Do the most successful businesses, churches and homes follow these principles? The answer to both questions is, "Yes!" Do you know what these key principles are for successful management? If not, this book is for you. The book is designed with quick, easy evaluation worksheets provided for each of the 20 principles.This allows you to immediately check your management style and determine how thoroughly you have applied the twenty key principles of Christian management in your own life.

The more of God's principles we follow, the more successful we will be! Know God’s laws for management, obey them and watch your business or church prosper!

Val P. Fittler - Founder and Managing Director of Pro-Ma Systems

"I am writing to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for your outstanding seminar that I attended last Wednesday in Brisbane, Australia.

"During the past ten years I have attended many seminars that were designed to assist Christian businessmen and I want you to know I found your seminar more beneficial than anything else I have ever attended. I found your message to be very real and I felt that your genuine and sincere approach to many of the touchy areas of the application of God’s word in business was very practical.

"I also appreciated the manner in which you incorporated your written material such as the Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Christian Management into your seminar by reading the book in question. I do believe as a result of attending this seminar the many principles that I believe in so strongly will again be reinforced for the future. I also felt very motivated to pay more attention to detail to several aspects of my business that were highlighted during your seminar presentation.

"Once again many thanks and I will recommend your seminar to any Christian or non-Christian businessperson I should come in contact with. May God continue to richly bless you and your work."

Business Expands Because of a Vision from God

by Allan Thomson

Clare has asked me to relate the story of how we used vision to grow our business. 

Clare having seen the vision of you and recognizing God wanting her to explore this space spent considerable time going through your teaching on vision with me. This shifted our understanding considerably as we had many years ago determined to serve God in the business mountain by "Praying, Hearing and Doing in Obedience". 

So for many years now we have waited on God for clear words of insight and instruction which generally are both "heart" and "strategic" in nature. What we realized was that pictures are much easier to work with than words or Scriptures. In other words it's easier to remember a picture than a word concerning the issue or person. As you say: "Pictures paint a thousand words." I was wrestling with some challenges on the business front and God challenged me: "You have never asked Me if your business will go bankrupt." So I asked the Lord to give me a picture of how He saw my business and He gave me the picture which I later found in Psalm 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:8. 

I saw a picture of a very large tree planted next to a river. It bore fruit in season, provided shelter for many birds, shade, leaves that were always green and even in old age will keep bearing fruit. This picture profoundly changed my personal view of [our] company, now 8 years old. 

There had always been a niggling fear in the background of us making a mistake and the company folding and I realized my view was completely different from God's. I aligned my thinking with God and gave thanks for what He had given us in the Company. Over the next few weeks every time the doubt would surface and I would lose my peace about the company, I would picture again God's vision for me and peace would flood back, quiet and confidence would be my experience and strengthen me. 

The effect on the business was remarkable because in a matter of weeks we found substantial growth in business. An old customer who had been small suddenly grew 7 times as big, new work started flooding in, turnover increased. Even an old client from 14 years ago suddenly called us out of the blue and it looks like it could result in work that would effectively double our turnover every month. We are growing at a time when our opposition companies in the same business are closing their doors or wanting to sell out. We are about to invest in a new machine which will enable our business to grow to 8 times its current size. Remarkable. And we get to live in peace and quiet. This is a much better deal that anxiety (Isa 32:7). 

I realized that we get what we believe and I had never settled the issue of my unbelief concerning the business. It's so much easier remembering a picture and encouraging my partners and managers with the picture Father gave us. I have extended this into my prayer life for the people around us asking Father for a picture of how to pray. Thanks for the "Vision" teaching. It has been invaluable and so I have decided to enroll in Christian Leadership University to grow this capacity.

Note from Mark Virkler: In light of the above testimony, how about all of us asking God for a picture of how He sees our business, our ministry and our families? After a few months, share your testimony with me of the vision you received and its resulting impact. Thanks!

Appropriating Covenant Blessings MP3

by Mark Virkler | 1 Session

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 is one of the most complete lists recording the blessings which God wants to bestow upon His children. He wants us to be the head and not the tail, to be above and not underneath, and to lend and not borrow. This CD helps you capture a vision for this divinely-ordained lifestyle, and gives you steps to take so that you may begin to walk in these blessings.

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Deuteronomy 28:1-14 is one of the most complete lists recording the blessings which God wants to bestow upon His children. He wants us to be the head and not the tail, to be above and not underneath, and to lend and not borrow. This CD helps you capture a vision for this divinely-ordained lifestyle, and gives you steps to take so that you may begin to walk in these blessings.

Mark discusses what the Lord taught him so he could believe God for and go after these amazing blessings He promised. Several roadblocks had to be removed, and replaced with godly beliefs.

It is time for the Church to rise up and be the Church and fulfill our mandate to disciple all nations, including all spheres of influence within each nation. Come take your stand as one of these mighty ambassadors for Christ. Let this message put fire in your heart and give you a reason to get up every morning -- to be all Christ wants you to be! Let's disciple our nations!

Session Title Length
1 Appropriating Covenant Blessings  70 Minutes


Spirit Born Creativity eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 151 Pages

God made man creative, and, in addition, He has given man the ability to draw upon the eternal creativity of God. Locked within you lies a divine reservoir of creative energy that can transform your life.

God spoke to Marc Huddleston in his two-way journaling, "The quietness of a man's mind in My Presence is the birth place of the release of My limitless creativity."

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God made man creative, and, in addition, He has given man the ability to draw upon the eternal creativity of God. Locked within you lies a divine reservoir of creative energy that can transform your life.

God spoke to Marc Huddleston in his two-way journaling, "The quietness of a man's mind in My Presence is the birth place of the release of My limitless creativity."

God's Passion Is for His Church to Release His Creativity

We see throughout the Bible people doing amazing feats through the supernatural power of God: Moses leading Israel out of captivity, Solomon becoming the wisest king who ever lived, Paul touching much of the world of his day with the gospel of Christ, as well as hundreds of others recorded.

Today we also see amazing Spirit-anointed leaders doing great things. In his book The Fourth Dimension Paul David Yonggi Cho describes the process he used to build a church of 750,000 members! I read it with excitement, and said, "God, I want to do something great for You." At the same time as I was reading Cho's book, I was also reading Kenneth Hagin's books, and I was amazed that he had built a network of churches which spanned the world. He also shared the process he used to accomplish such a great feat for the Lord and it was different from the process that Cho used.

As I was in prayer at the altar of my church asking the Lord to help me understand the process necessary to birth great things for Him, He granted a revelation of how these two men's messages fit together like a hand in a glove, each one complementing and completing the other's. I embraced this insight and preached it immediately, and have lived it for the last 30 years. I have written about it under several titles, the current being Spirit Born Creativity (previous title was Developing Heart Faith), and the next title will be Mountain Moving Faith.

This has been a foundational, life-transforming revelation for me and has greatly impacted the last three decades of my life, allowing me to create things way beyond my own abilities. The message is how to fill all five senses of your spirit with God, and never with satan, so you always release God's creativity and never satan's destruction.

Spirit Born Creativity book

You will discover: 
How God intends your spirit to be the vehicle for His creativity.
How to receive a creative word and vision from God.
How to nurture God's creative words and visions within your heart.
How to release God's creativity to a hurting and needy world.

You will discover how to fill all five senses of your spirit with Almighty God so you release His creativity out through your life. You will learn to hear, see, ponder, speak and act out of divine flow. Your life will never be the same. You will only yield the creative capacity of your spirit to God and never to satan. 

It will be the creativity of God, flowing through His Church, which will make her the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, and lenders and not borrowers (Deut. 28:12,13). As a result, the Church will fulfill the great commission of discipling the world.

Additional Resources Which Deepen This Message

Mountain Moving Faith CD/DVD Set (Also known as Spirit Born Creativity)

God is our Dream Maker! He has placed a dream within the heart of each of us that only He can supernaturally bring to pass. God gave an impossible dream to Abraham, our Father of Faith. In this powerful message, Mark will show you how God filled the five senses of Abraham’s spirit with His truth and birthed a miracle out through him. And you will learn how you can walk in the same faith while you hear, see, ponder, speak and act out of the Father’s initiative, allowing Him alone to fill the senses of your spirit.

The CD is excellent to review these principles over and over as you drive. The DVD is perfect to release anointed instruction to your group.

Free Downloadable PowerPoint

This PowerPoint is what I have used for many years in Sunday morning messages. You are welcome to use it as you present this powerful teaching to the body of Christ. It is our gift to you!

Right-click here and select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..."


How Others Have Released God's Creativity into Their Worlds

CLU Graduate Writes a Major Motion Picture and a Novel!

Christian Leadership University graduate Cheryl McKay (Ph.D. in Christian Counseling, 2004) is the screenwriter for the award-winning film The Ultimate Gift and co-author and screenwriter for Never the Bride.

“The Ultimate Gift” (based on the novel by Jim Stovall) stars James Garner, Brian Dennehy and Abigail Breslin (the Oscar-nominated actress from Little Miss Sunshine). The film is rated PG and contains a positive message for families. Fox Faith, the division of 20th Century Fox dedicated to providing entertainment for faith-based audiences, is distributing the film.

Never the Bride is a romantic comedy with God as a main character, and those of us who journal will recognize His voice and personality throughout the story. While this is an incredibly fun story about a single woman who longs to be married, the deeper message is clearly about surrendering your own desires and dreams to God, whatever they may be. By spending time with Him and getting to know Him intimately trust is built, and when we trust Him fully, we are willing to fully obey His leading.

Cheryl has graciously taken time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for our readers.

CWG: Cheryl, thank you for including CWG and CLU in the launching of this exciting new project. You said that you based this story loosely on your own conversations and relationship with God. How much of yourself can we see in the main character, Jessie?

CM: A lot. Jessie is a fictionalized, humorous version of myself. God likes to ask me to turn my life and its angst into comedy. Sometimes, I cooperate. So through Jessie, I make fun of myself, my pain and my impatience with being in my thirties, still single and waiting and trusting God to show up and write my love story. (God and I have very different ideas about writing deadlines.) The conversations that Jessie has with God are based on conversations I’ve had with God. Well, especially our fights. But I should clarify: God doesn’t show up cute in my living room like He does in the story.

CWG: You say that you took your dialoguing relationship with God and turned it into a film/book. What influence did what you learned at CLU have on your story?

CM: The first time I ever really understood that God speaks and wants to spend time with us in a real relationship was when reading Virklers’ Dialogue With God. The day my mom gave me that book changed my life. This script is the result of my prayer journaling. The first journal entry I have about God wanting to write my love story is from 1994, just after I started readingDialogue With God. He asked me if I would trust Him with that part of my life. He acknowledged it as a very natural desire. But He made it clear that it needed to happen in His timing and not mine. Yeah, that was 1994. I had no clue the wait I had ahead of me! But my answer to Him back then was, “There must be a reason, Lord, that You want me alone. You must be shaping me for something. Me and my fleshly self are sick of it. I’ll be honest. But as I always say, You know best.” I’m still saying that, even though I have my weak moments. And He hasn’t stopped talking about the subject since then.

CWG: There is a great surprise that people are saying is “the biggest twist you didn’t see coming” since “The Sixth Sense” came out. How did you come up with such a creative idea?

CM: Well, obviously, we can’t talk any specifics here because we don’t want to give anything away about the story. But I will say, that one night at midnight when I first started brainstorming the story, I asked God a question about why I felt inspired to write this script in a particular way. (He should know that answer. After all, He is my co-writer.) His answer to my question (which must remain a secret for now) astounded me. I looked up at the ceiling and shouted, “No way! That’s awesome!” It was far too good of an idea for me to come up with on my own. God definitely gave it to me—He makes me look good.

CWG: You’re writing another book, Finally the Bride, which is a non-fiction companion to Never the Bride. Please tell us a little about that.

CM: I kind of feel like the last year of my life, God “arrested me.” As much as I wanted to be out there making more movies, instead, God specifically told me I had to write the non-fiction version of Finally the Bride while Rene Gutteridge novelized my screenplay for Never the Bride. This was the year it had to get done. I had to write it during a season when I’ve been in various degrees of pain over this single-life journey. It’s almost finished. Then I will begin submitting to publishers. Those who’ve seen it feel like it’s a fresh message for this culture that could revolutionize how we see dating and how we must wait on God (and the detrimental effects of not waiting). So while Never the Bride has a strong purpose of using fiction and entertainment to get this message out (which will reach a lot of people who won’t pick up a non-fiction work), Finally the Bride allows me to get a little more honest and raw about what I’ve been through on this journey with God and where to go from here. And I share a lot ofdialoging in it. (Yes, even my arguments with God.) So many people these days have to wait so long to find love and are losing hope. I want people to read these books and find hope again.

CWG: What else are you hoping your readers get out of Never the Bride?

CM: I want people to know that God can be trusted with the pen of their love stories—that it’s worth waiting for God’s best. I want people to have hope in their present circumstances even if life hasn’t exactly gone according to their plan or on their timetable. I hope people will hunger to have a close relationship with God when they see how Jessie and God interact. I hope people will see that God really is enough and is all we need. A husband will never fulfill us the way God does. I also hope people will get a clear picture of what true surrender to God looks like. And also, to see how just when we think God isn’t doing anything for us, He’s working behind-the-scenes. He is trustworthy and the best Husband we could ever hope for.

CWG: Is there anything else you want to share with our readers?

CM: Obviously, I’d love it if you’d read the book. If you love it, please spread the word (but don’t post any spoilers!). We want to do more projects like this. I’m pondering its sequel, where God goes to work on the sister next (which the end of the book and script already set up). Also, when positive value films come out, go support them so studios will be encouraged to make more like them. (We hope to shoot "Never the Bride" later this year in Savannah, Georgia.) Lastly, the two benchmark messages of my life are that God still speaks today (and He loves to be pursued and sought) and that God can take any bad situation and turn it around for His glory. Let Him.

Feel free to visit my website:

CWG: We highly recommend this entertaining and encouraging book! Please visit your local bookstore and ask for it by name, or get it online at the above links.

(Update: Cheryl waited for God to write her love story, and she was married to her prince in 2011!)

Hearing God's voice releases unlimited creativity into the marketplace

Bill Dupley, Business Solution Manager, Hewlett-Packard, Canada

I have been journaling since 1992 using your material. I have often journaled about business issues and problems and God has given me wisdom to solve business problems as well as give direction in relationships, sales campaigns, and solution approaches.

There were two examples I felt that you might be interested in. The first occurred in a marketing meeting where we were trying to develop a new marketing tag line that captured the value of a new solution we were bringing to market. The team was stumped, so I journaled and the Lord gave me a marketing tag line. I told the team, they were amazed and said that was great, and it opened an entirely new approach for the team to work on.

On another occasion I was really stumped trying to write a marketing brochure for a seminar my wife and I are doing, I tried to write it but I was really stuck. I journaled and the Lord gave me the entire copy. I simply wrote it down.

In addition to my day job, Sue and I are also itinerant ministers. I used to take five hours to write sermons; now using journaling they are done in about 30 minutes.

The approach to hearing God that I learned from you has completely transformed my Christian life and business. Thanks for teaching me this very practical method for hearing God's voice. I have taught it to others all over the world in my Christian seminars, and Sue and I have written a children's Sunday School program called 'Kids in Renewal' that teaches kids to hear God's voice using your method. This program has been taught in over 800 churches worldwide to date.


Fulfill Your Financial Destiny Audio CDs

by Mark Virkler | 22 Sessions

Newly recorded for 2023! Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

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Newly recorded for 2023! Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

Experience the World of Kingdom Economics

When we watch the evening news or look around at the disaster that has become of our global economy, what a relief it is to remember that we are no longer living under the world’s systems but we are now citizens of a totally different kingdom with a totally different economic system! God is in a covenant to bless us as we walk in obedience to Him. As you read Deuteronomy 28:1-14, you will see that this blessing extends to all areas of our lives, including our finances!

God offers us His ERA (Economic Recovery Plan), and His is guaranteed to prosper! The Fulfill Your Financial Destiny materials will give you Scriptural support for the belief that God delights in the prosperity of His children (Ps. 35:27). It is His desire that we lend and not borrow. We are to be the head and not the tail, above and not underneath (Deut. 28:12,13). God Himself teaches us to profit (Isa. 48:17) and has given us the power to make wealth (Deut. 8:18). Several hundred verses on silver and gold are examined, showing that we are to create and release wealth into the kingdom of God. Specific actions that release poverty and prosperity into our lives are revealed, giving you the choice of where you will decide to live.

During the economic storms that are swirling around us, wouldn’t it be wise to build your financial future on the rock solid truth of the Word of God?

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny CDs

22 sessions, lengths varying from 15-20 minutes each

These are ideal for repetition and review as you drive, work or exercise. Hearing Mark teach this series releases an impartation, revelation and spiritual understanding which, if internalized, will completely transform your theology concerning money. Mark shares his struggle and story in an honest and down-to-earth way that relates to every listener. Every time you review this series the Holy Spirit reveals more to you. Do yourself a favor and listen to them over and over until the revelation is complete. Rushing on to another topic without internalizing this truth does not result in cultivating Christian spirituality.

Mark Teaches through the Principles of Fulfill Your Financial Destiny

Session One – How God Got My Attention on Money

Session Two – A Business on Church Property?

Session Three – Abraham, a Leader in Multiple Arenas

Session Four – Covenant Blessings Equip Us for Amazing Success

Session Five – Blocks to Appropriating Covenant Blessings

Session Six – Removing Blocks to Experiencing Covenant Blessings

Session Seven – Commissioned and Empowered to Disciple Nations

Session Eight – Breaking the Curse of the Sacred/Secular Split

Session Nine – Questions About Pastors Being Involved in Business

Session Ten – More Questions About Pastors Being Involved in Business

Session Eleven – Friendship Marketing

Session Twelve – God’s View of Money

Session Thirteen – Covenant Curses Include Financial Devastation!

Session Fourteen –A Biblical Perspective on Money

Session Fifteen – Anointed to Manage Wealth

Session Sixteen – A Twelve-Step Program to Poverty

Session Seventeen – A Twelve-Step Program to Financial Abundance

Session Eighteen – Seven Specific Instructions Concerning Money

Session Nineteen – Eight Commands Concerning How We Give

Session Twenty – Seed Faith Giving and the Law of the Harvest

Session Twenty-One – Does Divine Creativity Resolve the Scarcity Issue?

Session Twenty-Two – The Economic Future Is Extremely Bright!

How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching

The CDs correspond with the Fulfill Your Financial Destiny book. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing the two together. The book provides an excellent outline to follow as you listen to the CDs, as well as more intensive Bible meditation opportunities.

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny Book

What has God destined for you financially? Has He stated His desire in the Bible? Yes, He has. In fact, there are more than four times as many verses about money as there are on prayer, so it is important that we explore this topic in depth. In this book we find out what it is that keeps Christians from experiencing God's financial blessing. We remove the belief in a sacred/secular split that hinders our faith. We explore what the Bible says about silver and gold, and we build a theological understanding from the verses which we examine. We discover what the Bible says releases wealth as well as what releases poverty so we can maintain a posture which allows God's blessings to flow in our lives. What does the Bible teach about planting seeds and expecting a harvest? Are there enough resources on this planet for all to be blessed, or can I only increase my wealth by decreasing yours? We shall explore these questions, as well. We will pore over Scriptures and we will ask God to grant revelation. Our goal is that you know and embrace what the Bible teaches about money.

Testimonies and Journaling Involving Money

Should We Test God? Journaling from Mark Virkler

I discovered that God commanded me to test Him concerning money. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the LORD of hosts. “All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land,” says the LORD of hosts (Mal. 3:10-12).

I told God I really didn’t want to put Him to the test. Instead, I wanted to simply give out of my love and obedience to Him and His principle of tithing.

He said, “Mark, if you want to obey Me then do what I have commanded you to do and TEST ME with your giving. Give your tithe and offerings IN FAITH believing for a financial blessing back. Believe I will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing upon you until it overflows. Mark, do what I have commanded you to do. TEST ME! Give IN FAITH and obedience, not simply in obedience!”

I said, “Fine, God, I will test You if that is what You want.”

He said, “That is want I want!”

That journaling was years ago, and today God is saying to me, “Mark, you can give your way through this recession.”

On another day, I was thinking about money and my conclusion was, “Never enough.” Immediately a flowing thought from the Holy Spirit came back to me, “More than enough!” I repented immediately and have made that my new confession, “More than enough!”

Who Is Your Provider? Journaling from Michele, a CLU Student

Lord. We need money…lots of money. Do you have anything to say about this?

Michele, once and for all, you have NO financial worries because the finances in your house are not your responsibility. NOT. Be a good steward of what I give. Your husband is not your provider. Your school is not your provider. I AM. What is My name? I AM. I AM. I AM. Don’t give money a thought, just say I AM. I have such interesting and particular financial provisions laid out for you and [your husband and son]. You would laugh if you could see what I see coming. Laugh now! Laugh in faith. Laugh with ME. Smile at the future.

I love talking with You, Lord.

And I you, My daughter. You’re funny, you know. You’re so funny. You bring Me so much joy. You are a delight to Me. That’s all that matters. Really, you PLEASE ME because YOU are YOU.

Anything else, Lord?

Just rest. Relax. Just rest. Enjoy. Don’t strive. Just go with the flow. My flow…the river that flows through you. I AM that river.

Lord, Not My Silver Dollar! by Edith Avanell Savage, a CLU Student (connect with Avanell here)

From the course Fulfill Your Financial Destiny, it has become apparent to me through the over 800 verses in the Bible regarding money, that God is very interested in how we view our finances. He has clearly spelled out in His Word to me that my viewpoint on money is to be based on His Word and guided by His Spirit.

As I journaled about the Deuteronomy 28:1-14 passage, the Lord expressed to me that He has made a way for His people to be set high above all the peoples on the face of the earth.  I can see from His perspective that He wants to showcase His people so all the world will see that we are the King's kids, a special people blessed by our God to be a blessing to those around us. His intention was never for us to hoard His blessings, but to be a conduit for Him to flow blessings through us to meet the needs of others.  And yet, He has left it up to us to choose whether we will accept the blessing.

My attitude towards money should be first and foremost that God owns it all!  Everything that I am and everything that I have comes from God.  I receive all things that pertain to life and godliness, according to 2 Peter 1:3, through my relationship with Him.  Praise the Lord, how rich I am!

The next thing that I must recognize in my attitude towards money is that the tithe belongs to the Lord.  A tithe is simply the first ten percent of what I earn or receive.  In Malachi 3:8-10 the Lord tells us that when we withhold the tithe and the offering that we are robbing Him and in doing so we place ourselves under the curse instead of the blessing.  If I have the attitude that I have earned this money myself and it is mine to do with as I please, then I have placed myself under a curse.  As a result I have withdrawn myself from His protection and given the enemy direct access to steal, kill and, destroy my financial ability to prosper.

Now that I've established my position to receive from God, I can move on to sowing seeds for my harvest.  Every farmer knows that in order to have a harvest, he must sow a seed.  One seed will produce many more in abundance if properly watered and nurtured.  I can scatter my seed around on good ground and be assured that I will receive a harvest for what I have sown, but I must continually sow and not allow doubts of any kind to sway me away from sowing.  To be assured of a bountiful harvest, I must bountifully and continuously sow my seed in faith.

Between my sowing and harvesting, I must water my seed with the Word.  I need to speak faith-filled statements about my harvest; for with my mouth, I speak it into existence through the activation of my faith.  My time between planting and harvesting then is a time of steadfastness, expecting a good harvest of my seed; a time of focusing on the good things that God has done in my life and thanking Him for them, and associating with people of like precious faith that are moving in the same direction as me.

As I have studied this course, God has reminded me of His faithfulness and my need to continue sowing my seeds in faith.  Fifteen years ago, my daughter and 1½ year old granddaughter came to live with me.  It was difficult having enough money to pay the bills and provide for a toddler who needed diapers and special food.  During that time, I attended a revival in a nearby town.

On the way home from work the night of the revival; in anticipation of going, I prayed and told the Lord I wanted to be able to give something for the offering, but I only had two dollars in my purse and some change.  I didn't know how I would make it through until payday on Monday without any gas in my car.  He very quietly told me to put the two dollars into gas for my car and simply empty the change out of my purse when it came time for the offering. 

I agreed that I could do that, but when I looked in my purse at my change, there was the silver dollar my father had given me that I always carried with me.  I said, “Lord, You don't mean for me to give my father's silver dollar with the change, do You?”  He simply said once again, “Just empty your purse of all the change and put that in the offering plate.”  I was so disheartened to think that God wanted me to give away my father's silver dollar.  He had carried it in his pocket since it was the date of my grandfather's birth, and it was all I had left of my father's.  When the offering plate came around, it took me three tries to get all the change, including dad's silver dollar, out of my purse.  I just didn't want to give that silver dollar away, but I did in obedience to my heavenly Father’s instructions.

The following Monday morning, my boss called me into his office and said, “I have good news.  I told you at the beginning of the year that I would not be able to give you a raise this year because things were so tight, but I have decided to give you a $1.00 an hour raise.”  Immediately the Lord said to me, “Do you remember that silver dollar that you gave in the offering? For every hour you work, I am repaying you for that silver dollar.  It will be yours every hour that you work for the rest of your working life.”  I was elated!  God is so faithful to do what He has promised!

Later, I found out that the church had taken that silver dollar to a coin collector and received $178.00 for the $1.00 that I had given up.  Never could I have given $178.00 into the work of God's kingdom at that time in my life.  I was so blessed in knowing that God had already multiplied it for His use and had given back to me an abundant harvest for my seed sown!  He is so good to me!  I will always remember God's faithfulness!

Through this course, I have been reminded to continue doing what I know is right and that when I respond to God in obedience and faith that He will bless me more than I could ever ask, think or imagine.  We can never out give God.  My theology on money, wealth, and prosperity is that God has promised in His Word that if I will listen to His voice and obey His commandments I will be the head and not the tail, blessed as I go out and come back in, and prosperous in every area of my life, with the ability to bless as I am blessed!  And that is what I plan to do!

Business Expands Because of a Vision from God by Allan Thomson

Clare has asked me to relate the story of how we used vision to grow our business. 

Clare having seen your teaching on vision and recognizing God wanting her to explore this space spent considerable time going through your teaching on vision with me. This shifted our understanding considerably as we had many years ago determined to serve God in the business mountain by "Praying, Hearing and Doing in Obedience". 

So for many years now we have waited on God for clear words of insight and instruction which generally are both "heart" and "strategic" in nature. What we realized was that pictures are much easier to work with than words or Scriptures. In other words it's easier to remember a picture than a word concerning the issue or person. As you say: "Pictures paint a thousand words." I was wrestling with some challenges on the business front and God challenged me: "You have never asked Me if your business will go bankrupt." So I asked the Lord to give me a picture of how He saw my business and He gave me the picture which I later found in Psalm 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:8. 

I saw a picture of a very large tree planted next to a river. It bore fruit in season, provided shelter for many birds, shade, leaves that were always green and even in old age will keep bearing fruit. This picture profoundly changed my personal view of [our] company, now 8 years old. 

There had always been a niggling fear in the background of us making a mistake and the company folding and I realized my view was completely different from God's. I aligned my thinking with God and gave thanks for what He had given us in the Company. Over the next few weeks every time the doubt would surface and I would lose my peace about the company, I would picture again God's vision for me and peace would flood back, quiet and confidence would be my experience and strengthen me. 

The effect on the business was remarkable because in a matter of weeks we found substantial growth in business. An old customer who had been small suddenly grew 7 times as big, new work started flooding in, turnover increased. Even an old client from 14 years ago suddenly called us out of the blue and it looks like it could result in work that would effectively double our turnover every month. We are growing at a time when our opposition companies in the same business are closing their doors or wanting to sell out. We are about to invest in a new machine which will enable our business to grow to 8 times its current size. Remarkable. And we get to live in peace and quiet. This is a much better deal that anxiety (Isa 32:7). 

I realized that we get what we believe and I had never settled the issue of my unbelief concerning the business. It's so much easier remembering a picture and encouraging my partners and managers with the picture Father gave us. I have extended this into my prayer life for the people around us asking Father for a picture of how to pray. Thanks for the "Vision" teaching. It has been invaluable and so I have decided to enroll in Christian Leadership University to grow this capacity.

Note from Mark Virkler: In light of the above testimony, how about all of us asking God for a picture of how He sees our business, our ministry and our families? In a few months, share your testimony with me of the vision you received and its resulting impact. Thanks!



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Fulfill Your Financial Destiny MP3 Download

by Mark Virkler | 22 Sessions

Newly recorded for 2023! Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

More ...

Write a testimonial

Newly recorded for 2023! Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

Experience the World of Kingdom Economics

When we watch the evening news or look around at the disaster that has become of our global economy, what a relief it is to remember that we are no longer living under the world’s systems but we are now citizens of a totally different kingdom with a totally different economic system! God is in a covenant to bless us as we walk in obedience to Him. As you read Deuteronomy 28:1-14, you will see that this blessing extends to all areas of our lives, including our finances!

God offers us His ERA (Economic Recovery Plan), and His is guaranteed to prosper! The Fulfill Your Financial Destiny materials will give you Scriptural support for the belief that God delights in the prosperity of His children (Ps. 35:27). It is His desire that we lend and not borrow. We are to be the head and not the tail, above and not underneath (Deut. 28:12,13). God Himself teaches us to profit (Isa. 48:17) and has given us the power to make wealth (Deut. 8:18). Several hundred verses on silver and gold are examined, showing that we are to create and release wealth into the kingdom of God. Specific actions that release poverty and prosperity into our lives are revealed, giving you the choice of where you will decide to live.

During the economic storms that are swirling around us, wouldn’t it be wise to build your financial future on the rock solid truth of the Word of God?

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny MP3 Downloads

22 sessions, lengths varying from 15-20 minutes each

These are ideal for repetition and review as you drive, work or exercise. Hearing Mark teach this series releases an impartation, revelation and spiritual understanding which, if internalized, will completely transform your theology concerning money. Mark shares his struggle and story in an honest and down-to-earth way that relates to every listener. Every time you review this series the Holy Spirit reveals more to you. Do yourself a favor and listen to them over and over until the revelation is complete. Rushing on to another topic without internalizing this truth does not result in cultivating Christian spirituality.

Mark Teaches through the Principles of Fulfill Your Financial Destiny

Session One – How God Got My Attention on Money

Session Two – A Business on Church Property?

Session Three – Abraham, a Leader in Multiple Arenas

Session Four – Covenant Blessings Equip Us for Amazing Success

Session Five – Blocks to Appropriating Covenant Blessings

Session Six – Removing Blocks to Experiencing Covenant Blessings

Session Seven – Commissioned and Empowered to Disciple Nations

Session Eight – Breaking the Curse of the Sacred/Secular Split

Session Nine – Questions About Pastors Being Involved in Business

Session Ten – More Questions About Pastors Being Involved in Business

Session Eleven – Friendship Marketing

Session Twelve – God’s View of Money

Session Thirteen – Covenant Curses Include Financial Devastation!

Session Fourteen –A Biblical Perspective on Money

Session Fifteen – Anointed to Manage Wealth

Session Sixteen – A Twelve-Step Program to Poverty

Session Seventeen – A Twelve-Step Program to Financial Abundance

Session Eighteen – Seven Specific Instructions Concerning Money

Session Nineteen – Eight Commands Concerning How We Give

Session Twenty – Seed Faith Giving and the Law of the Harvest

Session Twenty-One – Does Divine Creativity Resolve the Scarcity Issue?

Session Twenty-Two – The Economic Future Is Extremely Bright!

How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching

The MP3s correspond with the Fulfill Your Financial Destiny ebook. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing the two together. The ebook provides an excellent outline to follow as you listen to the MP3s, as well as more intensive Bible meditation opportunities.

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny eBook

What has God destined for you financially? Has He stated His desire in the Bible? Yes, He has. In fact, there are more than four times as many verses about money as there are on prayer, so it is important that we explore this topic in depth. In this book we find out what it is that keeps Christians from experiencing God's financial blessing. We remove the belief in a sacred/secular split that hinders our faith. We explore what the Bible says about silver and gold, and we build a theological understanding from the verses which we examine. We discover what the Bible says releases wealth as well as what releases poverty so we can maintain a posture which allows God's blessings to flow in our lives. What does the Bible teach about planting seeds and expecting a harvest? Are there enough resources on this planet for all to be blessed, or can I only increase my wealth by decreasing yours? We shall explore these questions, as well. We will pore over Scriptures and we will ask God to grant revelation. Our goal is that you know and embrace what the Bible teaches about money.

Testimonies and Journaling Involving Money

Should We Test God? Journaling from Mark Virkler

I discovered that God commanded me to test Him concerning money. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the LORD of hosts. “All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land,” says the LORD of hosts (Mal. 3:10-12).

I told God I really didn’t want to put Him to the test. Instead, I wanted to simply give out of my love and obedience to Him and His principle of tithing.

He said, “Mark, if you want to obey Me then do what I have commanded you to do and TEST ME with your giving. Give your tithe and offerings IN FAITH believing for a financial blessing back. Believe I will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing upon you until it overflows. Mark, do what I have commanded you to do. TEST ME! Give IN FAITH and obedience, not simply in obedience!”

I said, “Fine, God, I will test You if that is what You want.”

He said, “That is want I want!”

That journaling was years ago, and today God is saying to me, “Mark, you can give your way through this recession.”

On another day, I was thinking about money and my conclusion was, “Never enough.” Immediately a flowing thought from the Holy Spirit came back to me, “More than enough!” I repented immediately and have made that my new confession, “More than enough!”

Who Is Your Provider? Journaling from Michele, a CLU Student

Lord. We need money…lots of money. Do you have anything to say about this?

Michele, once and for all, you have NO financial worries because the finances in your house are not your responsibility. NOT. Be a good steward of what I give. Your husband is not your provider. Your school is not your provider. I AM. What is My name? I AM. I AM. I AM. Don’t give money a thought, just say I AM. I have such interesting and particular financial provisions laid out for you and [your husband and son]. You would laugh if you could see what I see coming. Laugh now! Laugh in faith. Laugh with ME. Smile at the future.

I love talking with You, Lord.

And I you, My daughter. You’re funny, you know. You’re so funny. You bring Me so much joy. You are a delight to Me. That’s all that matters. Really, you PLEASE ME because YOU are YOU.

Anything else, Lord?

Just rest. Relax. Just rest. Enjoy. Don’t strive. Just go with the flow. My flow…the river that flows through you. I AM that river.

Lord, Not My Silver Dollar! by Edith Avanell Savage, a CLU Student (connect with Avanell here)

From the course Fulfill Your Financial Destiny, it has become apparent to me through the over 800 verses in the Bible regarding money, that God is very interested in how we view our finances. He has clearly spelled out in His Word to me that my viewpoint on money is to be based on His Word and guided by His Spirit.

As I journaled about the Deuteronomy 28:1-14 passage, the Lord expressed to me that He has made a way for His people to be set high above all the peoples on the face of the earth.  I can see from His perspective that He wants to showcase His people so all the world will see that we are the King's kids, a special people blessed by our God to be a blessing to those around us. His intention was never for us to hoard His blessings, but to be a conduit for Him to flow blessings through us to meet the needs of others.  And yet, He has left it up to us to choose whether we will accept the blessing.

My attitude towards money should be first and foremost that God owns it all!  Everything that I am and everything that I have comes from God.  I receive all things that pertain to life and godliness, according to 2 Peter 1:3, through my relationship with Him.  Praise the Lord, how rich I am!

The next thing that I must recognize in my attitude towards money is that the tithe belongs to the Lord.  A tithe is simply the first ten percent of what I earn or receive.  In Malachi 3:8-10 the Lord tells us that when we withhold the tithe and the offering that we are robbing Him and in doing so we place ourselves under the curse instead of the blessing.  If I have the attitude that I have earned this money myself and it is mine to do with as I please, then I have placed myself under a curse.  As a result I have withdrawn myself from His protection and given the enemy direct access to steal, kill and, destroy my financial ability to prosper.

Now that I've established my position to receive from God, I can move on to sowing seeds for my harvest.  Every farmer knows that in order to have a harvest, he must sow a seed.  One seed will produce many more in abundance if properly watered and nurtured.  I can scatter my seed around on good ground and be assured that I will receive a harvest for what I have sown, but I must continually sow and not allow doubts of any kind to sway me away from sowing.  To be assured of a bountiful harvest, I must bountifully and continuously sow my seed in faith.

Between my sowing and harvesting, I must water my seed with the Word.  I need to speak faith-filled statements about my harvest; for with my mouth, I speak it into existence through the activation of my faith.  My time between planting and harvesting then is a time of steadfastness, expecting a good harvest of my seed; a time of focusing on the good things that God has done in my life and thanking Him for them, and associating with people of like precious faith that are moving in the same direction as me.

As I have studied this course, God has reminded me of His faithfulness and my need to continue sowing my seeds in faith.  Fifteen years ago, my daughter and 1½ year old granddaughter came to live with me.  It was difficult having enough money to pay the bills and provide for a toddler who needed diapers and special food.  During that time, I attended a revival in a nearby town.

On the way home from work the night of the revival; in anticipation of going, I prayed and told the Lord I wanted to be able to give something for the offering, but I only had two dollars in my purse and some change.  I didn't know how I would make it through until payday on Monday without any gas in my car.  He very quietly told me to put the two dollars into gas for my car and simply empty the change out of my purse when it came time for the offering. 

I agreed that I could do that, but when I looked in my purse at my change, there was the silver dollar my father had given me that I always carried with me.  I said, “Lord, You don't mean for me to give my father's silver dollar with the change, do You?”  He simply said once again, “Just empty your purse of all the change and put that in the offering plate.”  I was so disheartened to think that God wanted me to give away my father's silver dollar.  He had carried it in his pocket since it was the date of my grandfather's birth, and it was all I had left of my father's.  When the offering plate came around, it took me three tries to get all the change, including dad's silver dollar, out of my purse.  I just didn't want to give that silver dollar away, but I did in obedience to my heavenly Father’s instructions.

The following Monday morning, my boss called me into his office and said, “I have good news.  I told you at the beginning of the year that I would not be able to give you a raise this year because things were so tight, but I have decided to give you a $1.00 an hour raise.”  Immediately the Lord said to me, “Do you remember that silver dollar that you gave in the offering? For every hour you work, I am repaying you for that silver dollar.  It will be yours every hour that you work for the rest of your working life.”  I was elated!  God is so faithful to do what He has promised!

Later, I found out that the church had taken that silver dollar to a coin collector and received $178.00 for the $1.00 that I had given up.  Never could I have given $178.00 into the work of God's kingdom at that time in my life.  I was so blessed in knowing that God had already multiplied it for His use and had given back to me an abundant harvest for my seed sown!  He is so good to me!  I will always remember God's faithfulness!

Through this course, I have been reminded to continue doing what I know is right and that when I respond to God in obedience and faith that He will bless me more than I could ever ask, think or imagine.  We can never out give God.  My theology on money, wealth, and prosperity is that God has promised in His Word that if I will listen to His voice and obey His commandments I will be the head and not the tail, blessed as I go out and come back in, and prosperous in every area of my life, with the ability to bless as I am blessed!  And that is what I plan to do!

Business Expands Because of a Vision from God by Allan Thomson

Clare has asked me to relate the story of how we used vision to grow our business. 

Clare having seen your teaching on vision and recognizing God wanting her to explore this space spent considerable time going through your teaching on vision with me. This shifted our understanding considerably as we had many years ago determined to serve God in the business mountain by "Praying, Hearing and Doing in Obedience". 

So for many years now we have waited on God for clear words of insight and instruction which generally are both "heart" and "strategic" in nature. What we realized was that pictures are much easier to work with than words or Scriptures. In other words it's easier to remember a picture than a word concerning the issue or person. As you say: "Pictures paint a thousand words." I was wrestling with some challenges on the business front and God challenged me: "You have never asked Me if your business will go bankrupt." So I asked the Lord to give me a picture of how He saw my business and He gave me the picture which I later found in Psalm 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:8. 

I saw a picture of a very large tree planted next to a river. It bore fruit in season, provided shelter for many birds, shade, leaves that were always green and even in old age will keep bearing fruit. This picture profoundly changed my personal view of [our] company, now 8 years old. 

There had always been a niggling fear in the background of us making a mistake and the company folding and I realized my view was completely different from God's. I aligned my thinking with God and gave thanks for what He had given us in the Company. Over the next few weeks every time the doubt would surface and I would lose my peace about the company, I would picture again God's vision for me and peace would flood back, quiet and confidence would be my experience and strengthen me. 

The effect on the business was remarkable because in a matter of weeks we found substantial growth in business. An old customer who had been small suddenly grew 7 times as big, new work started flooding in, turnover increased. Even an old client from 14 years ago suddenly called us out of the blue and it looks like it could result in work that would effectively double our turnover every month. We are growing at a time when our opposition companies in the same business are closing their doors or wanting to sell out. We are about to invest in a new machine which will enable our business to grow to 8 times its current size. Remarkable. And we get to live in peace and quiet. This is a much better deal that anxiety (Isa 32:7). 

I realized that we get what we believe and I had never settled the issue of my unbelief concerning the business. It's so much easier remembering a picture and encouraging my partners and managers with the picture Father gave us. I have extended this into my prayer life for the people around us asking Father for a picture of how to pray. Thanks for the "Vision" teaching. It has been invaluable and so I have decided to enroll in Christian Leadership University to grow this capacity.

Note from Mark Virkler: In light of the above testimony, how about all of us asking God for a picture of how He sees our business, our ministry and our families? In a few months, share your testimony with me of the vision you received and its resulting impact. Thanks!



Fulfill Your Financial Destiny

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 66 Pages

Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

More ...

Write a testimonial

Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

Experience the World of Kingdom Economics

When we watch the evening news or look around at the disaster that has become of our global economy, what a relief it is to remember that we are no longer living under the world’s systems but we are now citizens of a totally different kingdom with a totally different economic system! God is in a covenant to bless us as we walk in obedience to Him. As you read Deuteronomy 28:1-14, you will see that this blessing extends to all areas of our lives, including our finances!

God offers us His ERA (Economic Recovery Plan), and His is guaranteed to prosper! The Fulfill Your Financial Destiny materials will give you Scriptural support for the belief that God delights in the prosperity of His children (Ps. 35:27). It is His desire that we lend and not borrow. We are to be the head and not the tail, above and not underneath (Deut. 28:12,13). God Himself teaches us to profit (Isa. 48:17) and has given us the power to make wealth (Deut. 8:18). Several hundred verses on silver and gold are examined, showing that we are to create and release wealth into the kingdom of God. Specific actions that release poverty and prosperity into our lives are revealed, giving you the choice of where you will decide to live.

During the economic storms that are swirling around us, wouldn’t it be wise to build your financial future on the rock solid truth of the Word of God?

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny Book - How Will it Benefit Me?

What has God destined for you financially? Has He stated His desire in the Bible? Yes, He has. In fact, there are more than four times as many verses about money as there are on prayer, so it is important that we explore this topic in depth. In this book we find out what it is that keeps Christians from experiencing God's financial blessing. We remove the belief in a sacred/secular split that hinders our faith. We explore what the Bible says about silver and gold, and we build a theological understanding from the verses which we examine. We discover what the Bible says releases wealth as well as what releases poverty so we can maintain a posture which allows God's blessings to flow in our lives. What does the Bible teach about planting seeds and expecting a harvest? Are there enough resources on this planet for all to be blessed, or can I only increase my wealth by decreasing yours? We shall explore these questions, as well. We will pore over Scriptures and we will ask God to grant revelation. Our goal is that you know and embrace what the Bible teaches about money.

How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching

The CDs correspond with the Fulfill Your Financial Destiny book. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing the two together. The book provides an excellent outline to follow as you listen to the CDs, as well as more intensive Bible meditation opportunities.

Additional Training Materials to Help You Internalize the Message

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny CD and DVDs

22 sessions, lengths vary from 15-20 minutes each

These are ideal for repetition and review as you drive, work or exercise. Hearing Mark teach this series releases an impartation, revelation and spiritual understanding which, if internalized, will completely transform your theology concerning money. Mark shares his struggle and story in an honest and down-to-earth way that relates to every listener. Every time you review this series the Holy Spirit reveals more to you. Do yourself a favor and listen to them over and over until the revelation is complete. Rushing on to another topic without internalizing this truth does not result in cultivating Christian spirituality.

Mark Teaches through the Principles of Fulfill Your Financial Destiny

Session One – How God Got My Attention on Money

Session Two – A Business on Church Property?

Session Three – Abraham, a Leader in Multiple Arenas

Session Four – Covenant Blessings Equip Us for Amazing Success

Session Five – Blocks to Appropriating Covenant Blessings

Session Six – Removing Blocks to Experiencing Covenant Blessings

Session Seven – Commissioned and Empowered to Disciple Nations

Session Eight – Breaking the Curse of the Sacred/Secular Split

Session Nine – Questions About Pastors Being Involved in Business

Session Ten – More Questions About Pastors Being Involved in Business

Session Eleven – Friendship Marketing

Session Twelve – God’s View of Money

Session Thirteen – Covenant Curses Include Financial Devastation!

Session Fourteen –A Biblical Perspective on Money

Session Fifteen – Anointed to Manage Wealth

Session Sixteen – A Twelve-Step Program to Poverty

Session Seventeen – A Twelve-Step Program to Financial Abundance

Session Eighteen – Seven Specific Instructions Concerning Money

Session Nineteen – Eight Commands Concerning How We Give

Session Twenty – Seed Faith Giving and the Law of the Harvest

Session Twenty-One – Does Divine Creativity Resolve the Scarcity Issue?

Session Twenty-Two – The Economic Future Is Extremely Bright!

Testimonies and Journaling Involving Money

Should We Test God? Journaling from Mark Virkler

I discovered that God commanded me to test Him concerning money. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the LORD of hosts. “All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land,” says the LORD of hosts (Mal. 3:10-12).

I told God I really didn’t want to put Him to the test. Instead, I wanted to simply give out of my love and obedience to Him and His principle of tithing.

He said, “Mark, if you want to obey Me then do what I have commanded you to do and TEST ME with your giving. Give your tithe and offerings IN FAITH believing for a financial blessing back. Believe I will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing upon you until it overflows. Mark, do what I have commanded you to do. TEST ME! Give IN FAITH and obedience, not simply in obedience!”

I said, “Fine, God, I will test You if that is what You want.”

He said, “That is want I want!”

That journaling was years ago, and today God is saying to me, “Mark, you can give your way through this recession.”

On another day, I was thinking about money and my conclusion was, “Never enough.” Immediately a flowing thought from the Holy Spirit came back to me, “More than enough!” I repented immediately and have made that my new confession, “More than enough!”

Who Is Your Provider? Journaling from Michele, a CLU Student

Lord. We need money…lots of money. Do you have anything to say about this?

Michele, once and for all, you have NO financial worries because the finances in your house are not your responsibility. NOT. Be a good steward of what I give. Your husband is not your provider. Your school is not your provider. I AM. What is My name? I AM. I AM. I AM. Don’t give money a thought, just say I AM. I have such interesting and particular financial provisions laid out for you and [your husband and son]. You would laugh if you could see what I see coming. Laugh now! Laugh in faith. Laugh with ME. Smile at the future.

I love talking with You, Lord.

And I you, My daughter. You’re funny, you know. You’re so funny. You bring Me so much joy. You are a delight to Me. That’s all that matters. Really, you PLEASE ME because YOU are YOU.

Anything else, Lord?

Just rest. Relax. Just rest. Enjoy. Don’t strive. Just go with the flow. My flow…the river that flows through you. I AM that river.

Lord, Not My Silver Dollar! by Edith Avanell Savage, a CLU Student (connect with Avanell here)

From the course Fulfill Your Financial Destiny, it has become apparent to me through the over 800 verses in the Bible regarding money, that God is very interested in how we view our finances. He has clearly spelled out in His Word to me that my viewpoint on money is to be based on His Word and guided by His Spirit.

As I journaled about the Deuteronomy 28:1-14 passage, the Lord expressed to me that He has made a way for His people to be set high above all the peoples on the face of the earth.  I can see from His perspective that He wants to showcase His people so all the world will see that we are the King's kids, a special people blessed by our God to be a blessing to those around us. His intention was never for us to hoard His blessings, but to be a conduit for Him to flow blessings through us to meet the needs of others.  And yet, He has left it up to us to choose whether we will accept the blessing.

My attitude towards money should be first and foremost that God owns it all!  Everything that I am and everything that I have comes from God.  I receive all things that pertain to life and godliness, according to 2 Peter 1:3, through my relationship with Him.  Praise the Lord, how rich I am!

The next thing that I must recognize in my attitude towards money is that the tithe belongs to the Lord.  A tithe is simply the first ten percent of what I earn or receive.  In Malachi 3:8-10 the Lord tells us that when we withhold the tithe and the offering that we are robbing Him and in doing so we place ourselves under the curse instead of the blessing.  If I have the attitude that I have earned this money myself and it is mine to do with as I please, then I have placed myself under a curse.  As a result I have withdrawn myself from His protection and given the enemy direct access to steal, kill and, destroy my financial ability to prosper.

Now that I've established my position to receive from God, I can move on to sowing seeds for my harvest.  Every farmer knows that in order to have a harvest, he must sow a seed.  One seed will produce many more in abundance if properly watered and nurtured.  I can scatter my seed around on good ground and be assured that I will receive a harvest for what I have sown, but I must continually sow and not allow doubts of any kind to sway me away from sowing.  To be assured of a bountiful harvest, I must bountifully and continuously sow my seed in faith.

Between my sowing and harvesting, I must water my seed with the Word.  I need to speak faith-filled statements about my harvest; for with my mouth, I speak it into existence through the activation of my faith.  My time between planting and harvesting then is a time of steadfastness, expecting a good harvest of my seed; a time of focusing on the good things that God has done in my life and thanking Him for them, and associating with people of like precious faith that are moving in the same direction as me.

As I have studied this course, God has reminded me of His faithfulness and my need to continue sowing my seeds in faith.  Fifteen years ago, my daughter and 1½ year old granddaughter came to live with me.  It was difficult having enough money to pay the bills and provide for a toddler who needed diapers and special food.  During that time, I attended a revival in a nearby town.

On the way home from work the night of the revival; in anticipation of going, I prayed and told the Lord I wanted to be able to give something for the offering, but I only had two dollars in my purse and some change.  I didn't know how I would make it through until payday on Monday without any gas in my car.  He very quietly told me to put the two dollars into gas for my car and simply empty the change out of my purse when it came time for the offering. 

I agreed that I could do that, but when I looked in my purse at my change, there was the silver dollar my father had given me that I always carried with me.  I said, “Lord, You don't mean for me to give my father's silver dollar with the change, do You?”  He simply said once again, “Just empty your purse of all the change and put that in the offering plate.”  I was so disheartened to think that God wanted me to give away my father's silver dollar.  He had carried it in his pocket since it was the date of my grandfather's birth, and it was all I had left of my father's.  When the offering plate came around, it took me three tries to get all the change, including dad's silver dollar, out of my purse.  I just didn't want to give that silver dollar away, but I did in obedience to my heavenly Father’s instructions.

The following Monday morning, my boss called me into his office and said, “I have good news.  I told you at the beginning of the year that I would not be able to give you a raise this year because things were so tight, but I have decided to give you a $1.00 an hour raise.”  Immediately the Lord said to me, “Do you remember that silver dollar that you gave in the offering? For every hour you work, I am repaying you for that silver dollar.  It will be yours every hour that you work for the rest of your working life.”  I was elated!  God is so faithful to do what He has promised!

Later, I found out that the church had taken that silver dollar to a coin collector and received $178.00 for the $1.00 that I had given up.  Never could I have given $178.00 into the work of God's kingdom at that time in my life.  I was so blessed in knowing that God had already multiplied it for His use and had given back to me an abundant harvest for my seed sown!  He is so good to me!  I will always remember God's faithfulness!

Through this course, I have been reminded to continue doing what I know is right and that when I respond to God in obedience and faith that He will bless me more than I could ever ask, think or imagine.  We can never out give God.  My theology on money, wealth, and prosperity is that God has promised in His Word that if I will listen to His voice and obey His commandments I will be the head and not the tail, blessed as I go out and come back in, and prosperous in every area of my life, with the ability to bless as I am blessed!  And that is what I plan to do!

Business Expands Because of a Vision from God by Allan Thomson

Clare has asked me to relate the story of how we used vision to grow our business. 

Clare having seen your teaching on vision and recognizing God wanting her to explore this space spent considerable time going through your teaching on vision with me. This shifted our understanding considerably as we had many years ago determined to serve God in the business mountain by "Praying, Hearing and Doing in Obedience". 

So for many years now we have waited on God for clear words of insight and instruction which generally are both "heart" and "strategic" in nature. What we realized was that pictures are much easier to work with than words or Scriptures. In other words it's easier to remember a picture than a word concerning the issue or person. As you say: "Pictures paint a thousand words." I was wrestling with some challenges on the business front and God challenged me: "You have never asked Me if your business will go bankrupt." So I asked the Lord to give me a picture of how He saw my business and He gave me the picture which I later found in Psalm 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:8. 

I saw a picture of a very large tree planted next to a river. It bore fruit in season, provided shelter for many birds, shade, leaves that were always green and even in old age will keep bearing fruit. This picture profoundly changed my personal view of [our] company, now 8 years old. 

There had always been a niggling fear in the background of us making a mistake and the company folding and I realized my view was completely different from God's. I aligned my thinking with God and gave thanks for what He had given us in the Company. Over the next few weeks every time the doubt would surface and I would lose my peace about the company, I would picture again God's vision for me and peace would flood back, quiet and confidence would be my experience and strengthen me. 

The effect on the business was remarkable because in a matter of weeks we found substantial growth in business. An old customer who had been small suddenly grew 7 times as big, new work started flooding in, turnover increased. Even an old client from 14 years ago suddenly called us out of the blue and it looks like it could result in work that would effectively double our turnover every month. We are growing at a time when our opposition companies in the same business are closing their doors or wanting to sell out. We are about to invest in a new machine which will enable our business to grow to 8 times its current size. Remarkable. And we get to live in peace and quiet. This is a much better deal that anxiety (Isa 32:7). 

I realized that we get what we believe and I had never settled the issue of my unbelief concerning the business. It's so much easier remembering a picture and encouraging my partners and managers with the picture Father gave us. I have extended this into my prayer life for the people around us asking Father for a picture of how to pray. Thanks for the "Vision" teaching. It has been invaluable and so I have decided to enroll in Christian Leadership University to grow this capacity.

Note from Mark Virkler: In light of the above testimony, how about all of us asking God for a picture of how He sees our business, our ministry and our families? In a few months, share your testimony with me of the vision you received and its resulting impact. Thanks!


Quantity Discounts

Quantity Discounted Price
1 to 9 $9.95
10 to 19 $8.96
20 to 29 $7.96
30 to 39 $6.97
40 or more $5.97


Fulfill Your Financial Destiny eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 66 Pages

Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

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Write a testimonial

Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

Experience the World of Kingdom Economics

When we watch the evening news or look around at the disaster that has become of our global economy, what a relief it is to remember that we are no longer living under the world’s systems but we are now citizens of a totally different kingdom with a totally different economic system! God is in a covenant to bless us as we walk in obedience to Him. As you read Deuteronomy 28:1-14, you will see that this blessing extends to all areas of our lives, including our finances!

God offers us His ERA (Economic Recovery Plan), and His is guaranteed to prosper! The Fulfill Your Financial Destiny materials will give you Scriptural support for the belief that God delights in the prosperity of His children (Ps. 35:27). It is His desire that we lend and not borrow. We are to be the head and not the tail, above and not underneath (Deut. 28:12,13). God Himself teaches us to profit (Isa. 48:17) and has given us the power to make wealth (Deut. 8:18). Several hundred verses on silver and gold are examined, showing that we are to create and release wealth into the kingdom of God. Specific actions that release poverty and prosperity into our lives are revealed, giving you the choice of where you will decide to live.

During the economic storms that are swirling around us, wouldn’t it be wise to build your financial future on the rock solid truth of the Word of God?

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny eBook - How Will it Benefit Me?

What has God destined for you financially? Has He stated His desire in the Bible? Yes, He has. In fact, there are more than four times as many verses about money as there are on prayer, so it is important that we explore this topic in depth. In this book we find out what it is that keeps Christians from experiencing God's financial blessing. We remove the belief in a sacred/secular split that hinders our faith. We explore what the Bible says about silver and gold, and we build a theological understanding from the verses which we examine. We discover what the Bible says releases wealth as well as what releases poverty so we can maintain a posture which allows God's blessings to flow in our lives. What does the Bible teach about planting seeds and expecting a harvest? Are there enough resources on this planet for all to be blessed, or can I only increase my wealth by decreasing yours? We shall explore these questions, as well. We will pore over Scriptures and we will ask God to grant revelation. Our goal is that you know and embrace what the Bible teaches about money.

How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching

The CDs correspond with the Fulfill Your Financial Destiny book. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing the two together. The book provides an excellent outline to follow as you listen to the CDs, as well as more intensive Bible meditation opportunities.

Additional Training Materials to Help You Internalize the Message

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny Audio Series

22 sessions, lengths vary from 15-20 minutes each

These are ideal for repetition and review as you drive, work or exercise. Hearing Mark teach this series releases an impartation, revelation and spiritual understanding which, if internalized, will completely transform your theology concerning money. Mark shares his struggle and story in an honest and down-to-earth way that relates to every listener. Every time you review this series the Holy Spirit reveals more to you. Do yourself a favor and listen to them over and over until the revelation is complete. Rushing on to another topic without internalizing this truth does not result in cultivating Christian spirituality.


Mark Teaches through the Principles of Fulfill Your Financial Destiny

Session One – How God Got My Attention on Money

Session Two – A Business on Church Property?

Session Three – Abraham, a Leader in Multiple Arenas

Session Four – Covenant Blessings Equip Us for Amazing Success

Session Five – Blocks to Appropriating Covenant Blessings

Session Six – Removing Blocks to Experiencing Covenant Blessings

Session Seven – Commissioned and Empowered to Disciple Nations

Session Eight – Breaking the Curse of the Sacred/Secular Split

Session Nine – Questions About Pastors Being Involved in Business

Session Ten – More Questions About Pastors Being Involved in Business

Session Eleven – Friendship Marketing

Session Twelve – God’s View of Money

Session Thirteen – Covenant Curses Include Financial Devastation!

Session Fourteen –A Biblical Perspective on Money

Session Fifteen – Anointed to Manage Wealth

Session Sixteen – A Twelve-Step Program to Poverty

Session Seventeen – A Twelve-Step Program to Financial Abundance

Session Eighteen – Seven Specific Instructions Concerning Money

Session Nineteen – Eight Commands Concerning How We Give

Session Twenty – Seed Faith Giving and the Law of the Harvest

Session Twenty-One – Does Divine Creativity Resolve the Scarcity Issue?

Session Twenty-Two – The Economic Future Is Extremely Bright!

Testimonies and Journaling Involving Money

Should We Test God? Journaling from Mark Virkler

I discovered that God commanded me to test Him concerning money. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the LORD of hosts. “All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land,” says the LORD of hosts (Mal. 3:10-12).

I told God I really didn’t want to put Him to the test. Instead, I wanted to simply give out of my love and obedience to Him and His principle of tithing.

He said, “Mark, if you want to obey Me then do what I have commanded you to do and TEST ME with your giving. Give your tithe and offerings IN FAITH believing for a financial blessing back. Believe I will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing upon you until it overflows. Mark, do what I have commanded you to do. TEST ME! Give IN FAITH and obedience, not simply in obedience!”

I said, “Fine, God, I will test You if that is what You want.”

He said, “That is want I want!”

That journaling was years ago, and today God is saying to me, “Mark, you can give your way through this recession.”

On another day, I was thinking about money and my conclusion was, “Never enough.” Immediately a flowing thought from the Holy Spirit came back to me, “More than enough!” I repented immediately and have made that my new confession, “More than enough!”

Who Is Your Provider? Journaling from Michele, a CLU Student

Lord. We need money…lots of money. Do you have anything to say about this?

Michele, once and for all, you have NO financial worries because the finances in your house are not your responsibility. NOT. Be a good steward of what I give. Your husband is not your provider. Your school is not your provider. I AM. What is My name? I AM. I AM. I AM. Don’t give money a thought, just say I AM. I have such interesting and particular financial provisions laid out for you and [your husband and son]. You would laugh if you could see what I see coming. Laugh now! Laugh in faith. Laugh with ME. Smile at the future.

I love talking with You, Lord.

And I you, My daughter. You’re funny, you know. You’re so funny. You bring Me so much joy. You are a delight to Me. That’s all that matters. Really, you PLEASE ME because YOU are YOU.

Anything else, Lord?

Just rest. Relax. Just rest. Enjoy. Don’t strive. Just go with the flow. My flow…the river that flows through you. I AM that river.

Lord, Not My Silver Dollar! by Edith Avanell Savage, a CLU Student (connect with Avanell here)

From the course Fulfill Your Financial Destiny, it has become apparent to me through the over 800 verses in the Bible regarding money, that God is very interested in how we view our finances. He has clearly spelled out in His Word to me that my viewpoint on money is to be based on His Word and guided by His Spirit.

As I journaled about the Deuteronomy 28:1-14 passage, the Lord expressed to me that He has made a way for His people to be set high above all the peoples on the face of the earth.  I can see from His perspective that He wants to showcase His people so all the world will see that we are the King's kids, a special people blessed by our God to be a blessing to those around us. His intention was never for us to hoard His blessings, but to be a conduit for Him to flow blessings through us to meet the needs of others.  And yet, He has left it up to us to choose whether we will accept the blessing.

My attitude towards money should be first and foremost that God owns it all!  Everything that I am and everything that I have comes from God.  I receive all things that pertain to life and godliness, according to 2 Peter 1:3, through my relationship with Him.  Praise the Lord, how rich I am!

The next thing that I must recognize in my attitude towards money is that the tithe belongs to the Lord.  A tithe is simply the first ten percent of what I earn or receive.  In Malachi 3:8-10 the Lord tells us that when we withhold the tithe and the offering that we are robbing Him and in doing so we place ourselves under the curse instead of the blessing.  If I have the attitude that I have earned this money myself and it is mine to do with as I please, then I have placed myself under a curse.  As a result I have withdrawn myself from His protection and given the enemy direct access to steal, kill and, destroy my financial ability to prosper.

Now that I've established my position to receive from God, I can move on to sowing seeds for my harvest.  Every farmer knows that in order to have a harvest, he must sow a seed.  One seed will produce many more in abundance if properly watered and nurtured.  I can scatter my seed around on good ground and be assured that I will receive a harvest for what I have sown, but I must continually sow and not allow doubts of any kind to sway me away from sowing.  To be assured of a bountiful harvest, I must bountifully and continuously sow my seed in faith.

Between my sowing and harvesting, I must water my seed with the Word.  I need to speak faith-filled statements about my harvest; for with my mouth, I speak it into existence through the activation of my faith.  My time between planting and harvesting then is a time of steadfastness, expecting a good harvest of my seed; a time of focusing on the good things that God has done in my life and thanking Him for them, and associating with people of like precious faith that are moving in the same direction as me.

As I have studied this course, God has reminded me of His faithfulness and my need to continue sowing my seeds in faith.  Fifteen years ago, my daughter and 1½ year old granddaughter came to live with me.  It was difficult having enough money to pay the bills and provide for a toddler who needed diapers and special food.  During that time, I attended a revival in a nearby town.

On the way home from work the night of the revival; in anticipation of going, I prayed and told the Lord I wanted to be able to give something for the offering, but I only had two dollars in my purse and some change.  I didn't know how I would make it through until payday on Monday without any gas in my car.  He very quietly told me to put the two dollars into gas for my car and simply empty the change out of my purse when it came time for the offering. 

I agreed that I could do that, but when I looked in my purse at my change, there was the silver dollar my father had given me that I always carried with me.  I said, “Lord, You don't mean for me to give my father's silver dollar with the change, do You?”  He simply said once again, “Just empty your purse of all the change and put that in the offering plate.”  I was so disheartened to think that God wanted me to give away my father's silver dollar.  He had carried it in his pocket since it was the date of my grandfather's birth, and it was all I had left of my father's.  When the offering plate came around, it took me three tries to get all the change, including dad's silver dollar, out of my purse.  I just didn't want to give that silver dollar away, but I did in obedience to my heavenly Father’s instructions.

The following Monday morning, my boss called me into his office and said, “I have good news.  I told you at the beginning of the year that I would not be able to give you a raise this year because things were so tight, but I have decided to give you a $1.00 an hour raise.”  Immediately the Lord said to me, “Do you remember that silver dollar that you gave in the offering? For every hour you work, I am repaying you for that silver dollar.  It will be yours every hour that you work for the rest of your working life.”  I was elated!  God is so faithful to do what He has promised!

Later, I found out that the church had taken that silver dollar to a coin collector and received $178.00 for the $1.00 that I had given up.  Never could I have given $178.00 into the work of God's kingdom at that time in my life.  I was so blessed in knowing that God had already multiplied it for His use and had given back to me an abundant harvest for my seed sown!  He is so good to me!  I will always remember God's faithfulness!

Through this course, I have been reminded to continue doing what I know is right and that when I respond to God in obedience and faith that He will bless me more than I could ever ask, think or imagine.  We can never out give God.  My theology on money, wealth, and prosperity is that God has promised in His Word that if I will listen to His voice and obey His commandments I will be the head and not the tail, blessed as I go out and come back in, and prosperous in every area of my life, with the ability to bless as I am blessed!  And that is what I plan to do!

Business Expands Because of a Vision from God by Allan Thomson

Clare has asked me to relate the story of how we used vision to grow our business. 

Clare having seen your teaching on vision and recognizing God wanting her to explore this space spent considerable time going through your teaching on vision with me. This shifted our understanding considerably as we had many years ago determined to serve God in the business mountain by "Praying, Hearing and Doing in Obedience". 

So for many years now we have waited on God for clear words of insight and instruction which generally are both "heart" and "strategic" in nature. What we realized was that pictures are much easier to work with than words or Scriptures. In other words it's easier to remember a picture than a word concerning the issue or person. As you say: "Pictures paint a thousand words." I was wrestling with some challenges on the business front and God challenged me: "You have never asked Me if your business will go bankrupt." So I asked the Lord to give me a picture of how He saw my business and He gave me the picture which I later found in Psalm 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:8. 

I saw a picture of a very large tree planted next to a river. It bore fruit in season, provided shelter for many birds, shade, leaves that were always green and even in old age will keep bearing fruit. This picture profoundly changed my personal view of [our] company, now 8 years old. 

There had always been a niggling fear in the background of us making a mistake and the company folding and I realized my view was completely different from God's. I aligned my thinking with God and gave thanks for what He had given us in the Company. Over the next few weeks every time the doubt would surface and I would lose my peace about the company, I would picture again God's vision for me and peace would flood back, quiet and confidence would be my experience and strengthen me. 

The effect on the business was remarkable because in a matter of weeks we found substantial growth in business. An old customer who had been small suddenly grew 7 times as big, new work started flooding in, turnover increased. Even an old client from 14 years ago suddenly called us out of the blue and it looks like it could result in work that would effectively double our turnover every month. We are growing at a time when our opposition companies in the same business are closing their doors or wanting to sell out. We are about to invest in a new machine which will enable our business to grow to 8 times its current size. Remarkable. And we get to live in peace and quiet. This is a much better deal that anxiety (Isa 32:7). 

I realized that we get what we believe and I had never settled the issue of my unbelief concerning the business. It's so much easier remembering a picture and encouraging my partners and managers with the picture Father gave us. I have extended this into my prayer life for the people around us asking Father for a picture of how to pray. Thanks for the "Vision" teaching. It has been invaluable and so I have decided to enroll in Christian Leadership University to grow this capacity.

Note from Mark Virkler: In light of the above testimony, how about all of us asking God for a picture of how He sees our business, our ministry and our families? In a few months, share your testimony with me of the vision you received and its resulting impact. Thanks!

Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 111 Pages

Does the Bible contain principles which should be followed if you are managing a business, a church or a home? Do the most successful businesses, churches and homes follow these principles? The answer to both questions is, "Yes!" Do you know what these key principles are for successful management? If not, this book is for you. The book is designed with quick, easy evaluation worksheets provided for each of the 20 principles.

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Does the Bible contain principles which should be followed if you are managing a business, a church or a home? Do the most successful businesses, churches and homes follow these principles? The answer to both questions is, "Yes!" Do you know what these key principles are for successful management? If not, this book is for you. The book is designed with quick, easy evaluation worksheets provided for each of the 20 principles. This allows you to immediately check your management style and determine how thoroughly you have applied the twenty key principles of Christian management in your own life.

The more of God's principles we follow, the more successful we will be! Know God’s laws for management, obey them and watch your business or church prosper!

Val P. Fittler - Founder and Managing Director of Pro-Ma Systems

"I am writing to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for your outstanding seminar that I attended last Wednesday in Brisbane, Australia.

"During the past ten years I have attended many seminars that were designed to assist Christian businessmen and I want you to know I found your seminar more beneficial than anything else I have ever attended. I found your message to be very real and I felt that your genuine and sincere approach to many of the touchy areas of the application of God’s word in business was very practical.

"I also appreciated the manner in which you incorporated your written material such as the Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Christian Management into your seminar by reading the book in question. I do believe as a result of attending this seminar the many principles that I believe in so strongly will again be reinforced for the future. I also felt very motivated to pay more attention to detail to several aspects of my business that were highlighted during your seminar presentation.

"Once again many thanks and I will recommend your seminar to any Christian or non-Christian businessperson I should come in contact with. May God continue to richly bless you and your work."

Business Expands Because of a Vision from God

by Allan Thomson

Clare has asked me to relate the story of how we used vision to grow our business. 

Clare having seen the vision of you and recognizing God wanting her to explore this space spent considerable time going through your teaching on vision with me. This shifted our understanding considerably as we had many years ago determined to serve God in the business mountain by "Praying, Hearing and Doing in Obedience". 

So for many years now we have waited on God for clear words of insight and instruction which generally are both "heart" and "strategic" in nature. What we realized was that pictures are much easier to work with than words or Scriptures. In other words it's easier to remember a picture than a word concerning the issue or person. As you say: "Pictures paint a thousand words." I was wrestling with some challenges on the business front and God challenged me: "You have never asked Me if your business will go bankrupt." So I asked the Lord to give me a picture of how He saw my business and He gave me the picture which I later found in Psalm 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:8. 

I saw a picture of a very large tree planted next to a river. It bore fruit in season, provided shelter for many birds, shade, leaves that were always green and even in old age will keep bearing fruit. This picture profoundly changed my personal view of [our] company, now 8 years old. 

There had always been a niggling fear in the background of us making a mistake and the company folding and I realized my view was completely different from God's. I aligned my thinking with God and gave thanks for what He had given us in the Company. Over the next few weeks every time the doubt would surface and I would lose my peace about the company, I would picture again God's vision for me and peace would flood back, quiet and confidence would be my experience and strengthen me. 

The effect on the business was remarkable because in a matter of weeks we found substantial growth in business. An old customer who had been small suddenly grew 7 times as big, new work started flooding in, turnover increased. Even an old client from 14 years ago suddenly called us out of the blue and it looks like it could result in work that would effectively double our turnover every month. We are growing at a time when our opposition companies in the same business are closing their doors or wanting to sell out. We are about to invest in a new machine which will enable our business to grow to 8 times its current size. Remarkable. And we get to live in peace and quiet. This is a much better deal that anxiety (Isa 32:7). 

I realized that we get what we believe and I had never settled the issue of my unbelief concerning the business. It's so much easier remembering a picture and encouraging my partners and managers with the picture Father gave us. I have extended this into my prayer life for the people around us asking Father for a picture of how to pray. Thanks for the "Vision" teaching. It has been invaluable and so I have decided to enroll in Christian Leadership University to grow this capacity.

Note from Mark Virkler: In light of the above testimony, how about all of us asking God for a picture of how He sees our business, our ministry and our families? IAfter a few months, share your testimony with me of the vision you received and its resulting impact. Thanks!

Quantity Discounts

Quantity Discounted Price
1 to 9 $9.95
10 to 19 $8.96
20 to 29 $7.96
30 to 39 $6.97
40 or more $5.97


Ethical Network Marketing eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 62 Pages

Direct selling, or network marketing, has been taking an ever larger niche of the business market in recent years. Network marketing allows the individual to begin a home-based business with just a few hundred dollars, and then nurture its expansion across the nation, or even the world. The network marketing business of a skilled communicator and promoter can grow very large. This book provides you with keys for building such a successful business.

This book lists 32 characteristics of an outstanding direct consumer marketing company. This will help you in evaluating and selecting an excellent company to work with.

This book also explores what are the best kind of products to sell, how you can grow spiritually through this industry, how to be an outstanding communicator and a successful networker.

Network marketing takes a fair amount of work, persistence and skill, but if you are willing to let God stretch you and stick with it for a few years, you can develop an outstanding home-based business.

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Direct selling, or network marketing, has been taking an ever larger niche of the business market in recent years. Network marketing allows the individual to begin a home-based business with just a few hundred dollars, and then nurture its expansion across the nation, or even the world. The network marketing business of a skilled communicator and promoter can grow very large. This book provides you with keys for building such a successful business.

This book lists 32 characteristics of an outstanding direct consumer marketing company. This will help you in evaluating and selecting an excellent company to work with.

This book also explores what are the best kind of products to sell, how you can grow spiritually through this industry, how to be an outstanding communicator and a successful networker.

Network marketing takes a fair amount of work, persistence and skill, but if you are willing to let God stretch you and stick with it for a few years, you can develop an outstanding home-based business.

Ethical Network Marketing

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 62 Pages

Direct selling, or network marketing, has been taking an ever larger niche of the business market in recent years. Network marketing allows the individual to begin a home-based business with just a few hundred dollars, and then nurture its expansion across the nation, or even the world. The network marketing business of a skilled communicator and promoter can grow very large. This book provides you with keys for building such a successful business.

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Direct selling, or network marketing, has been taking an ever larger niche of the business market in recent years. Network marketing allows the individual to begin a home-based business with just a few hundred dollars, and then nurture its expansion across the nation, or even the world. The network marketing business of a skilled communicator and promoter can grow very large. This book provides you with keys for building such a successful business.

This book lists 32 characteristics of an outstanding direct consumer marketing company. This will help you in evaluating and selecting an excellent company to work with.

This book also explores what are the best kind of products to sell, how you can grow spiritually through this industry, how to be an outstanding communicator and a successful networker.

Network marketing takes a fair amount of work, persistence and skill, but if you are willing to let God stretch you and stick with it for a few years, you can develop an outstanding home-based business.

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Results 41 - 50 of 479


Kids Can

by Karen Barnes | 98 Pages

This book will inspire you and train you to teach children to minister in the power of the Spirit! And the stories it contains will bring tears to your eyes! Kids Can is a message for the children of today about their destiny tomorrow. When kids encounter the pure essence of Jesus, they will become empowered, equipped and energized to serve Him accurately and with amazing clarity. As they hear His voice and are encouraged in their giftings, strong leaders are created and maturity, vision and skills are fine tuned.

Price: $14.95
Lamad Biblical Education Association

Lamad Biblical Education Association

4 Co-authors | 44 Pages

FINALLY - A Spirit-Anointed Epistemology! A system of knowing for the Spirit-filled believer. A fresh moving of the Holy Spirit has been upon the Church of Jesus Christ for the last 100 years, since the Asuza Street Revival in 1902. In all that time the Spirit-filled community of believers (now numbering 27% of all Christendom), had yet to delineate an approach to learning which restored the Holy Spirit to His rightful place as the primary Teacher in our midst.

Price: $10.00
Lamad Faculty Handbook

Lamad Faculty Handbook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 78 Pages

This book presents lamad (revelation-based learning) standards  for teachers and curriculum writers. Lamad is a Hebrew word found in the Old Testament and it is translated "to teach" or "to learn."  It is a kind of learning that involves the Holy Spirit granting divine revelation to the heart of man. Thus it goes beyond western rationalism as a learning methodology.

Price: $9.95
Living with Jesus Book 1 - Welcome to God's Family

Living with Jesus Book 1 - Welcome to God's Family

by Daphne Kirk | 47 pages

The Living with Jesus series is a unique, exciting  and transformational discipleship course for children, taking them through the fundamentals of the Christian faith in a relational, interactive and challenging way, always applying to their lives the commands to love God, love one another and love the lost.

Book 1 - Welcome to God's Family introduces the child to the Body of Christ.

Price: $9.95
Living with Jesus Book 2 - Special Times and Gifts

Living with Jesus Book 2 - Special Times and Gifts

by Daphne Kirk | 45 pages

The Living with Jesus series is a unique, exciting  and transformational discipleship course for children, taking them through the fundamentals of the Christian faith in a relational, interactive and challenging way, always applying to their lives the commands to love God, love one another and love the lost.

Book 2 - Special Times and Gifts - Baptism, Communion and the Holy Spirit.

Price: $9.95
Living with Jesus - Book 3

Living with Jesus Book 3 – Talking and Listening

by Daphne Kirk | 47 Pages

This delightful book teaches children ages 4-8 the four keys to hearing God's voice and gets them started journaling (drawing pictures if writing is too hard for them) and seeing vision.  It is ideal for parents and children to use together, or for use in a children’s Sunday school class or children’s home group.

Book 3 - Talking and Listening - Hearing the voice of God.

Price: $9.95
Living with Jesus Book 4 - Love for Me and Love for Others

Living with Jesus Book 4 - Love for Me and Love for Others

by Daphne Kirk | 63 pages

The Living with Jesus series is a unique, exciting  and transformational discipleship course for children, taking them through the fundamentals of the Christian faith in a relational, interactive and challenging way, always applying to their lives the commands to love God, love one another and love the lost.

Book 4 - Love for me and love for others introduces children to the unconditional love of Jesus.

Price: $9.95
Living with Jesus Book 5 - Strongholds

Living with Jesus Book 5 - Strongholds

by Daphne Kirk | 47 pages

The Living with Jesus series is a unique, exciting and transformational discipleship course for children, taking them through the fundamentals of the Christian faith in a relational, interactive and challenging way, always applying to their lives the commands to love God, love one another and love the lost.

Book 5 - Strongholds introduces children to strongholds, the soul and freedom.

Price: $9.95
Living with Jesus Book 6 - What Do We Choose?

Living with Jesus Book 6 - What Do We Choose?

by Daphne Kirk | 47 pages

The Living with Jesus series is a unique, exciting  and transformational discipleship course for children, taking them through the fundamentals of the Christian faith in a relational, interactive and challenging way, always applying to their lives the commands to love God, love one another and love the lost.

Book 6 - What Do We Choose? introduces children to making kingdom choices.

Price: $9.95
Living with Jesus Book 7 - Having Faith

Living with Jesus Book 7 - Having Faith

by Daphne Kirk | 47 pages

The Living with Jesus series is a unique, exciting  and transformational discipleship course for children, taking them through the fundamentals of the Christian faith in a relational, interactive and challenging way, always applying to their lives the commands to love God, love one another and love the lost.

Book 7 - Having Faith introduces children to a life of faith.

Price: $9.95


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