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Mark Virkler's blog

The "Leader's Paradigm" for Discovering Truth and Wise Decision-Making

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Maximum confidence by combining six ways God speaks

Top companies utilize creative brainstorming, intuition and input from a team to create the best products and ensure success. Shall I do anything less, if I want to succeed in marriage, life and Christian spirituality?

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Heart Prayers: Seven Elements Which Compose The Language of Our Hearts

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Questions: How do I write a message on my heart? What is the language of MY heart? How do I engage in “heart prayers” rather than prayers from my head? People tell me all the time that they have been in counseling for months or years to process their hurts and are still in pain! Or they have been praying for a miracle of healing, and it is still delayed. As I ask them what they have done, and listen to their story, I am able to help them see: They have NOT been using the language of the heart to heal their hearts. They have been using the language of their minds, analytical reason, and that is why they are still stuck!

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Lord, Can I Trust the Thoughts and Pictures Which Come from My Heart?

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(Journaling from Mark Virkler)

Well, Mark, that is a question many have asked, including you. When you first began journaling, you asked, “How can I trust a flow that comes from an evil and desperately wicked heart?” Because that is what you believed you had based on your understanding of Jeremiah 17:9.

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I Don't Have Anyone to Share My Two-way Journaling With

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Question: I am reading Mark Virkler’s book, 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice, and taking his course on hearing from God and have already done 2-way journaling. I don't, however, have a single person to show my journals to and to verify the messages. This is not something I have ever really heard done before. Does Dr. Virkler have a suggestion for how to advise me on this? These Skilled Journalers Are Willing to Confirm Your Journaling 

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Protect Your Worshippers - New CLU Course on Assessment for Safety and Security

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The News article came from - LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) ...A pastor was shot and killed during a church service on Friday night in Calcasieu Parish. According to Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kim Myers, it happened around 8:20 p.m. at the Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center at 307 Deshotel Lane in Lake Charles. Myers said Pastor Ronald J. Harris Sr. was shot "as he was preaching."

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After 40 Years of Migraines, I Had None! by Kathy Privitera

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 I am blessed to be able to share with you a little of my story. Where to start or what to share and which part has been difficult to decide, until I asked my husband this morning THE question. “Honey, have you seen any changes in me, and if so what changes are they?” His response blew me away. You see, one who has been at the bottom of the hole like myself doesn’t necessarily remember the details of the hole or even how she was acting at the time she was at the bottom.  Not like the ones who love her see it. His response, “You are a totally different person. You are the wife I dreamed of even in my childhood. When we married, you were a complete mess.” And it is so true. I was a complete mess of insecurity, depression, mood swings, temper flairs, fear of all kinds, strongly disliked crowds and people in general, critical, and even down right hateful. He would come home from work and find me in a corner crying from fear and anxiety attacks. I was truly a mess.

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How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit & the Gift of Speaking in Tongues

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Question: A few years ago, I asked the Lord to baptize me in the Holy Spirit, and I believe He did. I have more joy and more power to live a godly life than ever before. But I didn’t get the gift of speaking in tongues. Do you think it is really necessary for the Spirit-filled believer to speak in tongues? I want all God has for me, but I’m just not sure that includes tongues. P.C.

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A 40 Day Devotional Journey

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This amazing 40-day journey will explore 40 ways you can encounter God! It introduces you to such topics as experiencing salvation, and welcoming the Holy Spirit. Then on to encountering the Father's love, experiencing forgiveness, hearing God's voice, two-way journaling, spiritual warfare, the law of sowing and reaping, prophecy, speaking in tongues, expectant faith, receiving dreams, experiencing revival, physical healing, inner healing and renouncing the occult.

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New Creation Celebration - Possessing Your Promised Land

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Allow me to introduce to you a shortened version (only 9 minutes) of the devotional New Creation Celebration - Replacing Emotions (which is 40 minutes). In this devotional, explore the steps necessary to receive the promised destiny God has given to each of us. So days when your destiny seems far off, this will remind you of the steps you are to be taking.

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