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What Are Your Unique Giftings and Are You Succeeding by Walking in Them?

Mark Virkler's picture

In my morning journaling I said, "God, I hate my personality! I am such a fighter. Why couldn't I be more of a lover? I dislike my passion to battle." The Lord spoke back in my journal:

"Mark, if I wouldn't have made you a fighter, you would never have fought for 10 years to learn to hear My voice. You would have never received the 4 Keys which have brought intimacy to your life and to those you have shared them with. Your nature to fight is a gift from Me which has allowed you to produce a gift for the world. So celebrate your willingness to battle and do not despise it."

Wow! OK, Lord, I celebrate the fact that I am a fighter, and that I am left-brain, and that it took me 10 years to discover the right hemisphere in my mind. 

Did you know that God has created you with a unique blend of gifts?

This blend of gifts ensures the successful fulfillment of your destiny. Do you know what your gifts, calling and destiny are? If you do, and you are using them to serve humanity, you are succeeding and being blessed.

I trust you know what your gifts and call are. My wife, my daughter and I (Patti, Charity and Mark) are left-brain teachers, called by God to clarify “How to live and walk by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:25). We would define ourselves as prophetic teachers - focused on explaining the "How To" of Christian spirituality. Our motto is "We Are the Bridge."

Others confirm back to us that this is the gift we provide to them. We serve the body of Christ by providing detailed training on how to move effectively and continually in the realm of the Spirit. If we do this well, we bless others and they bless us back through the purchase of the training resources we have provided.

This is a key insight concerning financial blessing. If you use your gifts to create something that serves humanity well, you will be rewarded as others seek your product or service. 

If you can identify your giftedness and have others confirm this, it becomes easier to walk in your destiny and release Spirit life. If you want to discover (or fine-tune) your understanding of what the heart motivations are that God has placed within you, we have made available a free downloadable, "Biblical Gift Mix Profile" which you can complete in minutes.

I know there are various temperament profiles available on the market, but we have created a unique one built around the five heart motivations which underlie the five-fold ministry team of apostle, prophet, pastor, evangelist and teacher (Eph. 4:7-11). 

Click here to download this FREE 14-page booklet:
Biblical Gift Mix Profile

Pastoring was NOT my ministry call

When I tried pastoring a church it was challenging because I was not functioning in my ideal calling. When I switched from pastoring to teaching, my ministry flourished.

Discover what your gift mix is and ask God to guide your steps as you move into it. Follow His voice as He prepares and equips you. Get alone with Him for a while to develop the spiritual intimacy and anointing necessary to sustain the ministry He has planned for you. Jesus went into the wilderness full of the Holy Spirit (Lk. 4:1) and returned in the power of the Spirit (Lk. 4:14) after which He performed His first miracle (Lk. 4:14-44). Allow God to do the same in your life.

Application - Explore your unique gifts & destiny.  Succeed by serving others WELL!

  1. Book: Gifted to Succeed – Since the free 14-page Biblical Gift Mix Profile above is part of this 190-page book, you already have a taste of this amazing message.
  2. Training Package: Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams – Surround yourself with people with complementary giftings and seek out and honor their revelation-based input. The promise for doing this is you come to maturity (Eph. 4:13). 
  3. CLU College Course: Gifted to Succeed – Own this revelation and walk in it, ensuring your trajectory in life and your opportunity to fulfill your destiny.
  4. Discover how to easily hear God's voice and see vision by moving from your left brain to your right brain: Hard copy package or electronic training module.
  5. Your Winning Team card - This 5.5 X 8.5-inch card is a simple reminder to look to several people God has provided you who together comprise the five heart motivations which underlie the five-fold team God speaks about in Ephesians 4:7-11 - apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher and evangelist.

    Explore this entire three-part series:

    Part One - God-Given Passions Are a Key to Achieving God-Ordained Victories

    Part Two – Discover Your Unique Passion and Giftings as These Pave the Way for Your Success

    Part Three - Wholehearted Commitment to God-Given Passions Produced These Victories

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