Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

False Christs?

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I said that false Christs would arise. Are you aware of anyone claiming to be a messiah and offering redemption through his own atoning blood? Yet the warning is not so easily dismissed. For I also said that many would come in my name and deceive many, and that anyone who brings another gospel is anathema. You shall know them by their fruits, and so it is your duty to examine the life and doctrine of anyone who speaks in my name. I have given you my word, and the witness of my Spirit within you to serve as a standard and confirmation. Yet I would not have you fearful about the darkness around you, for my word implies that it is not possible to deceive the elect.

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Living Word

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Do you think I talk to everyone or just a select few? My word says that my sheep hear my voice, so this must include all believers. Yet no one can come to me unless I call him, and I am not willing that any should perish. Does this imply to you that I speak to everyone? The fact that so many are inattentive does not mean I am not speaking. What am I saying to you? I speak in many different ways. Are you willing to listen to all of them? It is not a question of whether I am speaking but what I am saying. You serve me by speaking my words, being my voice to those around you. I commission you to enlighten those in darkness by pointing out the ways I have already spoken to them.

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Banquet guests

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Do you prefer to associate with your peers, those with a similar cultural, financial, and educational background? I told a story of a rich man who threw a wedding feast. The invited guests were presumably from among his friends, but they would not come. He was upset and told his servants to go far and wide to find the poor and blind and crippled and compel them to come in. This illustration uses strong language to show this man would rather associate with those outside his circle of equals than have an empty banquet hall. So I give my great commission to preach the gospel to every creature. As my servant are you willing to invite those you would not otherwise associate with?

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Price of Peace?

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Do you think it is a virtue to never give up when you are right? It depends on the cause. This is referred to by believer and unbeliever alike as fighting to the bitter end. If you continue to fight to defend your rights or obtain what you perceive to be your due then the end can be very bitter. Is there a point at which what you hope to obtain is not worth the cost? My word tells you that it is better to suffer yourself to be defrauded than for brother to sue brother in court. If you are acting in obedience to me then I will give you peace even as you fight. If not, for what price are you willing to sell your peace? 

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Have you ever seen children who have wisdom beyond their years? Out of the mouths of babes and infants I have perfected praise. What about the elderly who still have childlike energy and a sense of mystery and wonder? They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They shall run and not be weary even as Moses whose natural force did not abate. When you enter my Kingdom you step from time into eternity, resulting in an ageless quality for those who follow me. This effect is more obvious in some than in others, but any improvement in the aging process should be considered a blessing from and a testimony to me. 

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Is my generosity a hindrance for you? I told a story in which a man hired workers at various times during the day, and at the end he paid them all the same. Those who worked all day were offended, thinking that they should get more. But the man pointed out that they were paid the wage they agreed to. It was the undeserved blessing of someone else that offended them. Do you think I am too generous to the undeserving? If so then come to me that you may be transformed in your heart that you may rejoice in seeing my goodness poured forth as the rain and the sun on the just and on the unjust. Don’t let your thoughts be evil because I am good.

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Sloppy Farmer?

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Do you think I am a sloppy farmer? Most farmers plant seed carefully in good soil because they don’t want to waste it. Yet I told a parable about a sower who appeared to scatter seed indiscriminately, without regard for the quality of the soil. You know that I was referring to myself, and by extension all those who sow the seed of the word. Can you tell by looking at someone whether they will respond to the gospel message or not? The quality of spiritual soil you encounter is not obvious. Therefore scatter the word freely and don’t worry about wasting it. I will work the soil to prepare it for harvest. 

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Have you ever been in a dangerous place? In threatening locations you probably felt safer if you were not alone. The presence of your friend reassures you even if they are not skilled at defense. Have you ever had a bodyguard? This is someone trained and assigned to protect you. They should be more capable of it than an ordinary friend. I have called you to follow me. I may lead you to some unfamiliar places where you do not feel as safe as you do in your accustomed surroundings. Yet if you walk with me, I will also walk with you. I will be present with you to protect and defend you wherever I lead, as both a friend and a bodyguard.


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I did not come to condemn the world, but to bring redemption. I also did not come to ignore or explain away sin, but to seek and save the lost. Do you see this principle in my ministry? It resulted in such statements as, ‘neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more’. If you look you will see mercy and justice working together in my ministry to change lives and transform people from darkness into my Kingdom of light. I have called you to follow me so you also should avoid condemnation yet you also should not ignore sin. Look for and implement my redemptive purpose and you will be doing my work. 

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Evil victims?

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Do you see those who do evil as victims themselves? Your answer may depend on your political persuasion. Conservatives call for individual accountability, and liberals look for underlying causes. People tend toward one approach or the other, but they are not necessarily exclusive. You can stand for truth and righteousness and still be sympathetic toward those who have taken the wrong path. The Bible teaches both mercy and justice. It gives a perfect standard of conduct, and offers a way for redemption for those who have strayed, including you. Follow me that you may do and teach both principles. 

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