Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

never depart

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When I drove a legion of demons out of a man his neighbors asked me to depart from their land. I left without argument. Do you understand that this is the worst prayer you can pray and the worst thing that can happen to you? They asked the author and source of life to leave them. They were not interested in what I had to say even though I performed a mighty miracle before them. Is it difficult for you to endure my transforming process in your life? Yet you keep coming back to me because you know that I alone have the words of life. I keep you in the palm of my hand and will never allow you to be subject to more than you can bear. Never ask me to depart from you.

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Problem Children?

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Any honest parent of several children will admit that some children were more difficult to raise than others. Even good qualities such as energy and curiosity can make parenting a more demanding task. Yet conscientious parents of even a mischievous child will insist that this is not a bad child while a more compliant one is a good child. Do you think the same principle applies on a larger scale? You know that I am a good Father. Some of my children have a more difficult time with my commandments than others, and struggle with their growth and transformation to righteousness. Yet if the best of earthly fathers can accept difficult children and not declare that they are bad, how much more can your Father in heaven accept you?

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Do you think there is one correct translation of the Bible? Some believers are passionate defenders of a particular text. The most common claim for validity is accuracy. Certainly this is a desirable quality, that the Bible you read in your own language conveys the same meaning as the original text. This is most important for settling finely nuanced doctrinal issues. Yet how often is it necessary for you to do this? Isn’t most of your Bible reading for edification, exhortation, comfort, and instruction in righteousness? For everyday purposes the best version of the Bible is the one you will read every day. Feast on my word and rejoice with your friend who also feasts on my word, even if it is a different version.

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old friends

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Have you noticed that some friendships diminish over time, so that if you get together with some old friends there isn’t much to talk about or much of a remaining bond because your lives have gone in different directions? Yet with others there is instant intimacy and rapport, regardless of your life circumstances and even if you have been apart for a long time, as if you had just parted? Friendships based on a particular activity wane if that activity is discontinued. Abiding friendships have a more solid foundation. I call you my friend, and if I am the center of your life, your other friendships that are based in me will endure.

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Did you spend the first years of your life getting a formal education? This is a foundation upon which you build the rest of your life. What was the most important thing you learned? Your education does not or should not end when you leave school. It is the activity of a lifetime. Your early schooling should have equipped you to continue the process on your own, with the tools you need for inquiry and evaluation. But even with these you still need a curious and inquisitive nature to apply them. I want to show you the mysteries of my Kingdom. I want you to seek me that I may reveal them to you. 

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You know that I am a sovereign God. I can do anything I want. Does this seem as a powerful and threatening thing to you? Yet I am not capricious or arbitrary. I always act according to my character and am consistent with my revealed word. Therefore you can always count on me to fulfill my written promises. Yet in my sovereignty I can treat you better than my promises require. I told you to go the extra mile for others. What I expect you to do for others I will do for you as well. I want you to see how my sovereignty always works in your favor that you may rejoice and adore me for it. 

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plea bargain

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Are you familiar with the concept of a plea bargain? Often a court will allow a defendant to plead guilty to a lesser charge to avoid going to a full trial. As a part of the deal the defendant is required to make a full confession. Does it seem to you that this is an injustice; that the defendant is getting off easy? Yet these are the same terms that I offer you. It is my will that you do not sin, but if you do you have me as an advocate. As a part of the deal you must confess your sins, but if you do so you will be spared the punishment deserved. This is the good news of the gospel, and the best deal you will ever get.


[I'm leaving town for 10 days to visit family and will resume messages when I get back. DC] 

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legal matters

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Have you ever been involved in the legal system and required to appear in court as a defendant? You are fortunate if you have not, but all must go to court in a spiritual sense.  Have you noticed that the Bible is written in legal terms? There are judges and advocates, evidence and witnesses, accusers and laws. Even those who have not violated the law of the land have sinned and fallen short of my glory. For this you need an advocate, and should be familiar with the spiritual legal process. If you confess your sins, I will be your advocate, and will be faithful and just to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

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claim of justice?

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You are familiar with my commandment to forgive others, and you take it seriously. Yet even after you have forgiven, do you keep a case on file in your heart, with all the supporting facts and evidence, enough to secure a conviction? If you hold a claim of justice within yourself, even if you don’t prosecute it openly, have you really forgiven? The Christian standard is higher than superficial expression, even as in the Sermon on the Mount I made a contrast between the ancient teachings of the law and what I taught. This burden is too heavy for your spirit to bear. Make it a deliberate point in prayer to complete forgiveness by releasing any claims of justice you hold.

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Have you noticed that low self-esteem is always considered a problem and that high self-esteem is a desirable trait? This is contrary to Biblical wisdom. Can you find anything in the Bible that tells you to think more highly of yourself than you otherwise would? Yet there are many admonitions to humble yourself and to esteem others better than yourself. High self-esteem is inherent in the human race and it is a big part of your problem. The conflict between this and reality is mistakenly called low self-esteem. A mature Christian has a proper understanding of his own nature and position. He is content to be accepted and beloved by me, and has nothing to prove about himself to himself or to others.

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