You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God

Mark Virkler's picture

Jesus saw visions all the time. He only did what He saw His Father doing (Jn. 5:19, 20; 8:38). I want to imitate Jesus. But before I could live that way, I needed first to learn how to become a seer. Daniel simply said, “I looked,” and he saw (Dan. 7:2, 9, 13)!  However, for many years, I didn’t look and so I didn’t see. Finally I reclaimed the use of my visionary capacity and now I, too, can simply quiet myself in the Lord's presence, look, and see the visions of Almighty God. I am a seer because I have become a "looker."

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The #1 Tool in the World for Entering Into Godly Visions

“Since I have been using it, my quiet times have changed. I am seeing more vision and a whole new experience is taking place!”

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How I See Visions

Here are the steps I took that allowed me to see visions from Almighty God:

  1. I repented for my sin of not presenting the eyes of my heart to God and looking, and began presenting the eyes of my heart to the Lord and looking for visions.
  2. I use my godly imagination to picture a Gospel scene as I read it. This is something most people do, and imagining is a part of Biblical meditation (Josh. 1:8).
  3. Then I ask the Holy Spirit to give me a vision (Eph. 1:17,18) as I place myself in the scene with Jesus, and tune to flowing pictures to see what He wants to show me.
  4. The scene comes alive through the life of the Holy Spirit and I watch a flow of images, which biblically speaking is called a vision. So I have stepped from a godly imagination into a vision.
  5. I record the vision (as the prophets in the Bible did, e.g. Rev. 1:9-11) and have it confirmed by my spiritual advisors (Prov. 11:14; 2 Cor. 13:1 ). This affirms it really is a vision from God, and I am not running in vain (Gal. 2:2).
  6. I believe John used godly imagination in Revelation 4:1 as he painted a picture of a door in the sky, and the next verse says that the Holy Spirit took over and led him into the throne room of God where he stepped into a vision which continues for 19 chapters. Notice that the door was actually the final scene of his previous vision (Rev. 3:20). So when he wanted a new vision, he looked (Rev. 4:1) and held up a previous scene, and allowed the Holy Spirit to take it over (Rev. 4:2)! He stepped from a godly imagination into a divine vision.
  7. Since the Bible encourages us by telling us the stories of those who have gone before and had their own encounters with the living God, you can do exactly what John did in Revelation 4:1, 2. You can hold up a scene (godly imagination), and ask the Holy Spirit to take it over (Eph. 4:1,2), and it can and will flow into an extended vision. Try it! You will like it! I sure do. I do it all the time!

What Are the Faces of Jesus?

It is interesting that when I began seeing visions, I did not see the face of Jesus. I only saw His form from the shoulders on down. Others have testified to the same experience. It is also interesting that Jesus’ facial features are never described in the Gospels. Perhaps this is because He has as many faces as He has names, and He becomes all things to all people so we see different parts of Him at different times. The Bible does make it clear that we see through a glass dimly (1 Cor. 13:12).

However, many of us do begin seeing Jesus’ face after using vision for awhile. I first saw two eyes full of laughter. Then I saw a big smile on His face. He was laughing and having such a good time. And that is most often how I see Him. He tells me to lighten up and laugh along with Him. So I do!

How about if you post a response to this blog, and share with us what Jesus’ face looks like when you see it. Let’s learn from one another. It will be fun.

The Different Ways I See Jesus (Heb. 12:1-2)

In my everyday life: I look to see Him present with me. He is, and He is doing things. So I simply look to see where He is and what He is doing. When I am driving, He is seated next to me in the car. When I am jogging, He is at my right side. When I am counseling, He is often standing with His hands on the counselee’s shoulders. When I am preaching, He is sitting on the edge of the stage, with His legs crossed and a big smile on His face, saying, “Go get them, Mark.”

During worship: I look at the throne room in heaven, and I join with those gathered before the throne in worship to the King, and I worship along with them, doing what I see them doing (Rev. 5:13). This could be dancing, clapping, kneeling, bowing low, arms outstretched in worship, etc.

During prayer: I see Him next to me. We are talking together. He is listening and responding. He is peaceful. Nothing shakes Him. He is in control of all. He is Almighty God, Who rules!

How I don’t see Jesus: I don’t ever picture Jesus on the cross as I come to Him, because He is not there. That horrific point of history is exactly that, a point of history, full of tremendous pain and suffering. It is not where Jesus currently is and it is not a comfortable place for two lovers to share love (which is what prayer is). When I come to Jesus, one of the four keys is “stillness,” so to be in extreme discomfort is disquieting, and thus counter-productive to me “becoming still.” So I normally will not picture Jesus on the cross when I come to Him in prayer.

Having said that, there have been a couple of times when the Lord was asking me to die to self, He has reminded me of His death on the cross and asked me to also lay down my life, even as He did, and to die to self. Sometimes images of death on the cross will flash across my mind in these specific circumstances.

Listening to God Is a Key in Your Pathway to God

In addition to seeing vision, we can also hear God’s voice. Jesus did. “I speak the things my Father has taught me" (Jn. 5:30). Jesus also said, “My sheep hear My voice" (Jn. 10:27). So it is clear we are to live out of the voice of Jesus and the Father. His voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts which light upon you,  particularly when your eyes are fixed on Jesus (Heb. 12:1, 2).

So I have learned in my morning devotions to do what these prophets did (Hab. 2:1-2 & Rev. 1:9-11):

  1. Quiet myself down;
  2. Fix my eyes on Jesus;
  3. Tune to spontaneity (i.e. flowing thoughts, since the flow within is the Holy Spirit - Jn. 7:37-39);
  4. And write or journal (two-way journaling) as I record God’s conversations with me.
As a "Thank You" for reading this blog post, you can receive an exclusive 50% discount on the Hearing God's Voice course from School of the Spirit (using coupon code: VISION). This life-changing, interactive, online learning experience explores this topic inside and out, bringing you to a place of easily hearing from God and seeing His vision every single day! Click here to learn more...

This Is How You Can Have Heart Faith!

You will discover that heart faith (Rom. 10:9) bubbles forth as you hear God’s voice (Gen. 12:1-2),  see His visions (Gen. 15: 1,5, 6) and incubate that within the other three senses of your heart.

More Resources Relating to Using the Eyes of Your Heart as You Approach God

  1. What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
  2. You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
  3. Poised Before Almighty God
  4. I Only Saw Blackness But Now I Can See!
  5. Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
  6. Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
  7. Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
  8. Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
  9. Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
  10. Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
  11. Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
  12. Book  - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
  13. Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
  14. Protestantism's 500-Year-Old  Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
  15. Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
  16. Western Study Verses Biblical Meditation
  17. Also related to this topic: How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

More Resources for Seeing Vision and Hearing God's Voice:

Learn How to See Vision - “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice”  


Creating Heart Faith from God's Voice and Vision -  Heart Faith or Spirit Born Creativity       


Understand How Your Heart/Spirit Operates - “How to Walk by the Spirit”   


Resources for Interpreting Dreams (Visions of the Night)

God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. He whispers in their ear and terrifies them with His warning. He causes them to change their minds; He keeps them from pride (Job 33:14-17 NLT).

As a "Thank You" for reading this blog post, you can receive an exclusive 50% discount on the Hearing God Through Your Dreams course from School of the Spirit (using coupon code: VISION). This life-changing, interactive, online learning experience explores this topic inside and out, so you become comfortable interpreting the messages you are receiving from God every single night! Click here to learn more...



Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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Alicia akamsroberts's picture

I'm not sure where to begin... I've been having different things happen to me for about 3 & 1/2 years now. I do believe it is entirely God sent but just not sure what He is trying to tell me. I'm not even sure what to call myself. It began with number signs I guess that is what you might call it. I started to see 11 all the time. On clocks, reciepts, it'd be my change back, just all the time... then I started seeing 7 & 9 also. I've always had the ability to feel things I believe sent to me by people I was close to and know when something wasn't right. Contact them and sure enough they had had something happen in their life. But since, these oddities have only increased. I had a dream on an early saturday morning that I came out of a gas station and got into the backseat of a little white car. My grandmother was driving and my aunt was in the passenger seat, both of which are deceased.  My middle daughter was in the backseat with me. Nobody said anything. Grandma started going faster and faster and a curve was coming up I told her to slow down but she hit a guardrail which sent us in the air. When we landed everyone was fine but my grandmother and aunt dissappeared and my mother and father along with my sister and her family and my husband and 3 children where standing in front of me. Everyone had very solomn faces and no one spoke. My father, a very strong Christian man, stood directly in front of me and had a necklace on that read "him" which my father never wore any jewlery besides a watch and his wedding ring. I immediately thought the necklace was representing God but confused me because the "h" wasn't capitalized and when regarding God I always capitalize! I woke up. The next day I went to church and my parents house for sunday dinner like always, even told them my dream. No one thought anything of it really. On Tuesday afternoon... my father passed away. The last photo we have of him is from a deer trail cam that he had set at his food plot and it has 2 rainbow colored orbs in it (my grandmother & my aunt). When I got word at work that something was wrong at my parents house I immediately headed to their house absolutely flying... my husband had been notified as well and was right behind me. When I got there, flung my car door open barely putting it in park, my sister was already there and screamed from the front porch "he's gone!" My husband pulled in the drive at that moment I was running inside. He followed and had my middle daughter with him I was dumbfounded... she was the only grandchild there... just like in my dream. I even said to my husband "you brought her?" because she would have been in school but he didn't know what was going on and thought we may be headed to the hospital and didn't want to leave her behind. My oldest daughter being grown and married at her work and in a different town and our son the youngest had a ball game that night at the coach said to leave him that she would take care of him so my husband did but brought the middle daughter. Never could I have ever put all this together about my dream till it happened. The night of his family night service my dad in his own voice because I was heartbroken that he died alone so suddenly spoke to me and said "Sis, I was gone before I ever hit the floor!" As if to comfort me and let me know he was good and at peace and it happened so fast it didn't even hurt. Other oddities have happened since. I started seeing rainbows all the time, Doves, finding pennies, and feathers. Now seeing and hearing owls and was given a vision one night right before Christmas 2018, as I lie in bed praying.. I had my eyes closed and seen the number 1/21 then opened my eyes starteled and seen the shadow of a bird fly above me in my bed. I don't know if it was a dove or an owl... not sure... I have since been seeing the number 11 and 21 constantly or numbers that add up to that or double digits like 33 44 etc. also 1121 so now I'm questioning if the / I thought I seen in my vision wasn't actually a 1 making it  1121. I need clarity... I'm now approaching the month 11,  november and wondering if something is going to happen on the 21st. I feel as though it is a date God had sent me but what does it mean... or will I just have to wait to find out like it happened with my dream?!? Please provide clarity... I know God isn't a God of confusion and I believe this is a gift to offer comfort and peace because I felt it sooo much when my dad passed but still very hard not knowing what is going on with me and WHY am I so weird?!? Please provide insight if you have anything to offer!!! If you would please email me your reply at [email protected]    I'm afraid I may not ever see your reply on this blog.  Thank you in advance!! 

Anonymous's picture

Well i was struggling one day i couldnt take my mind probelems evil thought i asked god begged for help then i fell asleep after a while i was waljing wgite all around people in front of me in white gowns walkimg to go i saw the lord who sent jesus ob the left shadow behind a wall he said look down the light is to bright so i look down then the dream ended what's it mean?

Charity Kayembe's picture

It's awesome to hear that after you prayed for help you saw the Lord! You can learn more about Jesus and the light and love He wants to bless you with here: Keep walking toward God, my friend!

Anonymous's picture

By God's grace I can receive visions and dreams and interpret them correctly as I use the gift to minister to 100's but the problem I have now is ; I an tired of the status of getting visions,i want to advance to hearing God and speaking to him mouth to mouth.

Anonymous's picture

Hi, so I had a dream a little while ago and I was wondering what your thoughts were. The Dream took place in a church and it was very bright. But I am not asking about the dream, I want to know your opinion on what happened afterward. I woke up immediately to find myself kind of propped up. I then seen a flash of light like a camera going off in front of me. Then I saw another flash of light but this time in a different part of my room. The whole time o felt calm and peaceful. Then in my head i said "it was from God" it felt like it wasn't my voice. Then I closed my eyes and fell back asleep (almost like something put me back to sleep)

Mark Virkler's picture

The Bible is clear that Light flashes out from the Throne of God. I would assume you were seeing some of that.

Anonymous's picture

Hey , So Well it starts from here . I'm a Hindu Punjabi. But I don't know from where I got faith in Jesus Christ when I was just 8 to 9 years old. As I was growing up , I started gathering much more information about Jesus , Mother Mary and Bible . And now from last few months , some paranormal things are happening. One day While I was Meditating , I saw Archangel Michael Clearly in Front of Me With Wings , That amazed me . I felt happy. Other thing is I saw Infant Jesus In My dream Laughing and smiling at me :) and nowadays From last few weeks , Fragrance of Flowers is coming From My Rosary that I Pray. Sometimes my dreams do come true. I can't understand all this as I'm Not a Catholic . Will You Please Help me out that what are these signs and what they mean ?
Waiting for your reply :)
ThankYou ^_^

Charity Kayembe's picture

Hi there! So glad you wrote! It's really exciting to hear about your faith in Jesus. From all the supernatural, paranormal activity you shared - it shows that Jesus is definitely trying to get your attention! It's wonderful that you are listening!!

Jesus is God and He loves you very much! You can learn more from His holy book, the Bible. As you seek Him He will continue to reveal Himself to you in awesome and unexpected ways - through dreams in the night, visions during the day, and teaching you about Himself as you pray and read His Bible.

You can learn all about Jesus and how to become best friends with God here:

God bless you!!

Anonymous's picture

One year ago I was dating an atheist and I prayed to God to make us as husband and wife. While I was praying, I got 2 visions of him. First one is I had to drag him to Jesus. My soul cried and said I want him to be the head of the family and he’s the one who should bring me to Jesus and then the 2nd one is that he is naked, curled in a black space, timeless, with never ending sorrow. I was so scared that I gave him a Christian book.

I force God again to make him a believer so I prayed again after we’re not together and while I was praying I have this vision of a brown hair man with big eyes standing in front of a sunset, he has Godly qualities and traits and he will teach me. Because of the sunset, I can't clearly see his face. I was upset that the man in my vision is not the guy I’ve been praying for. So I move on with my life and then I forgot about that vision.

In October, I met a guy in a Christian praying group (online). I didn’t even remember about that vision. We talk about the scripture and end up emailing each other. I told him the story of my life, suddenly he told me that 1 month before he met me, he heard that my nick name (the nick name I used to use in highschool is the name that he heard while he was talking to God about his wife). I was surprised. He told me to fast for this. I did. He said he asked God also for confirmation. He asked God what will the name of our son? We got the same answer.

And then while I was with him. I have another vision. It was me holding a kid and other kids but the other kids come in a form of white little light. He was there as a protector, with gloves and bow. He was shooting at a big white dragon while I was there protecting the little children. I saw a big house but it is not our house. I told him about this vision and also told him that I have this calling to serve the street children.

I was trying to get a confirmation from God so I prayed. After I prayed, I go check on this man’s facebook and was almost fainted when I see his profile picture. His profile picture has the very same image I had in the vision that I already forgot about a brown hair and big eyes man that will lead me to God with the sunset in the background that made his face is unclear.

2 weeks ago, I was trying to visit him in his country but we stumble on my visa. Facing this hard situation, suddenly, he said that the spirit has misled both of us. I was upset. I prayed and fast. God gave me another visions of us but I don’t tell him all of these visions because I’m afraid he will tell me that I generate those visions. ( I have never had so many visions in my life for a short period of time)

So now, I’m confused. Why God is giving me all these visions? I prayed for Him to give me clarity and what I can see is that this man starting to lose his faith. He told me to focus on Jesus. I agree but why does God keep on giving me vision about us? I really don’t understand. I’m ready to let go.

Charity Kayembe's picture

When we pray we don't want to have any idols in our hearts, otherwise the message we receive is distorted coming through the idol rather than from Jesus directly. An idol could be a boyfriend or any desire that we allow to be bigger in our heart than God is. This is a common mistake in hearing from God, and even the prophet Balaam did it in the Old Testament!

Basically your opening sentence explains why you may be receiving confusing and contradictory visions. We want to be following God's written word, the Bible, and understand that all of His spoken words to us will line up with scriptural principles. The Bible says that we should marry someone who shares our faith. You were dating an atheist and asking God that you be married. It appears what you wanted may have been more important to you than what God wanted, so that would skew your reception of God's revelation.

If you'd like to learn more about purifying the prophetic flow you can find teaching on it in the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice material. Blessings to you!

Anonymous's picture

Back in June of last year I was riding in the car and three images appeared in my head the first was my daughter's father holding his hands up in church, the second was he was proposing to me and third was my daughter her father and I holding hands praying. The first image came true. I'm trying to figure out are these visions from God I constantly pray read my bible and attend church. The other night I had a dream I was pregnant and I took a pregnancy test in the dream and it was positive then I woke up.

Mark Virkler's picture

God's visions come as pictures which light upon our minds, so could easily be from God.
Also, dreams are symbolic so keep that in mind.

timmy2407's picture

After seeking Lord, month ago "I saw his outline my eyes"...I knew it was him, so longing wanting more to reveal me more seeking for day & night..

I started seeing color light Purple,Blue & Green... visible my eyes only me can see it....then Holy spirit told me many things cannot explain but only wisdom above all knowledge.
Holy Spirit thought me "Vision"... As i was seeking face of JESUS.... i knew his outline but.. as my imagination with holy spirit...

I SAW JESUS FACE SMILING, he was sitting grass looking at me smiley face...then my heart was surprise in tears of LOVE & Joy..was this confirmation I saw Jesus... This was a powerful vision

Anonymous's picture

I was doing my normal activities watching my two kids and paying bills online when I felt the Holy Spirit come over me. Total peace feeling. He showed me a vision of me and my friend at beach talking about our purpose in life then another scene where I felt the Holy Spirit come over me in church when the pastor was about to say he was no longer going to be our pastor. I felt the need to pray when that happened. Both of those things already happened in real life. Then I seen people dressed in black it was a funeral. Then he gave me a song I'm giving it all to go your way. What does this mean?

Mark Virkler's picture

It sounds like you are prophetic. Prophets see visions of the future. Sounds like you do also. You can ask God what you are to do with these visions. Sometimes they are for you to pray for God to intervene. Sometimes it may be to prepare you or others for what is to happen. Sometimes it is so you can change your way so the event is averted. God will guide and tell you which. You can deepen this ability with our training on How to Hear God's Voice.

Anonymous's picture

Thanks for response. This is the first time I seen a vision. It happened about a year ago. Why do you think I was seeing visions of two things that already happened? And also wonder what the people dressed in black was about which did not happen?

Mark Virkler's picture

This is where the voice of God comes in. You need to ask God what it means, and then see what you get.
I recommend reviewing our stuff on how to hear God's voice, and Christian Dream Interpretation. They should give you some ways to move forward.

Anonymous's picture

Dreams started January 2016 around the second week of January
Some Dreams are coming in three segments.

Before I get into the dreams I would like to provide some background on who I am as a person. I was raised Catholic and as a child I remember believing in Jesus. During my teenage years and early adulthood I was no longer a practicing Catholic. I have never denied believing but God was not in my mind. Religion had become an afterthought and I did not think about it. As an adult, I’m a technical person and I approach situations is a logical/skeptical manner. However, In January of 2016 I came to the realization that I fully believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I have also realized that the Holy Spirit has been guiding me for two years. Two years ago I developed a habit of reading books on a regular basis. It was out of the blue because I have never been big into reading. During this time period I started to get the urge to read the Bible. I started reading the Bible exclusively in January of 2016 and on a daily basis. And now for my dreams...

Dream 1: The old landlord hag, the son and the old sturdy house
Segment 1: The old landlord
-Couple is staying in a cottage in a country looking area
-The surrounding looks real nice, there is a river, it’s a serene place
-Couple is having a great time enjoying the river
-Snake is spotted by the river. Couple's dog chases the snake and it slithers into a hole
-Couple no longer wants to stay at the cottage. Something is wrong with the cottage
-The cottage seems to be infested with snakes and it's falling apart
-The landlord argues with the couple. Landlord does not want couple to go
-Landlord is an old wretched, nasty looking hag. She is extremely upset with the couple
-Argument ensues the couple demands to leave this location
Segment 2: The son
-Couple is in car with the son. Things seem peaceful during the ride
-I can’t see the son's face but he seems well built. Son seems to be wearing a light blue long -sleeve shirt. Its rolled up to about the forearm area
-The son drives the couple to the new location
Segment 3: The Old house
-The old house seems to be built right into a mountain
-The location seems serene and peaceful
-Couple starts ascending the stairs in order to reach the house. The stairs leads up into the -house
-The old hag appears. She is no longer angry but appears to be pleading with the couple
-The hag does not want the couple to enter the house. She tells them that the house is dirty
-The couple does not listen, they enter the house. Couple looks around the house. The house -is well built but it appears to be old. The furniture is covered and it’s dusty. The house looks -well-built/sturdy. The husband says “this will do, this will do.” End of dream

Dream 2: the trial, ceremony, and the rhino
Segment 1: the trial
-Public trial seems to be taking place. People seems to be dressed with colonial clothing
-3 people were suspended from poles. Some kind of apparatus was attached to their limbs, it -had a scale at the bottom. People would put stones in the scales and it would pull on the limbs
-I was having a really intense conversation with a man. The man was dressed all in black, he -seems well dressed, built and well spoken
-Man advised that the people were being judged because they are thieves/robbers
-I informed the man that I understand the need for a trial but not torture. I told the man that the -current punishment was evil. The conversation gets very intense I'm not happy about the -situation
Segment 2: The ceremony
-I'm following a man into a building. The man is well built and he is wearing a white robe, he -has long hair. His hair appears to be brownish, it’s really nice and healthy. The man seems to -be real regal/important. It seems that he's being expected
-We sit down at a very long table. Many other people are in this building. They all seem to be -wearing white robes. There seems to be a lot of anticipation in the air
-On the stage I see several people staring at what appears to be an audience
-Seems to be some kind of ceremony. I see large buckets of water above the people
-Water is being poured on the people on stage, they seem okay with it
Segment 3: The rhino
-I'm in what appears to be a forest area with a friend. My friend is wearing blue clothes.
-We are inside a large structure with a wide opening in the front and back
-Baby rhino comes up to us. The baby rhino seems to be well built, he has a well-defined horn
-My friend picks up the baby rhino
-I'm concerned and tell him that momma will be looking for it
-I see a large rhino right outside the front door
-At this point I feel scared, my friend puts down the baby rhino. The baby rhino goes out the -back door and my friend is nowhere to be seen
-I look at the front door. The large rhino is running towards me. I run out the back door and -yell for my friend but can’t find him. I run to the left and hide behind a tree
-I peak and notice that the baby rhino is running towards the building. I see the large rhino and -figure they are back together
-I no longer see the large rhino so I step out of my hiding area
-As I step out from behind the tree, I notice the large rhino is standing right in front of me. I'm scared and start to run away
-I notice that my progress is really slow I seem to be stuck in mud
-I keep looking back but the rhino is not moving, it’s just staring at me
-I get about 10-15 feet away from the large rhino. The rhino does not appear to be a threat, it's just staring at me. I wake up

Spoke with Mother-in-law
A few days after my second dream I woke up one morning and had this urge to speak with my mother-in-law. I explained to her that I did not just start reading the Bible. I told her that two years ago I started to read books on a regular basis. I explained to her that without first developing a reading habit that I would have never read the Bible. My mother-in-law told me that for the past two years she has been praying for me to get back into the church. I know that this urge to speak with her was the Holy Spirit wanting to confirm with her that God was listening to her prayers.

1-30-16 testified to a good friend
I have known this person since 2007 I consider him a friend. He brought his children over and we spent the day with the kids. As the day went on I felt this urge to tell him about what I had been going through. I did not want to tell him because I was concerned that I would sound crazy. As the day went on the urge got stronger, so we finally spoke. Surprisingly, he received it well and was open minded. I then decided to tell him about a particular dream that I had about him.
-The dream about the frustrated man, and disordered house
I had this dream about my friend around July of 2015. In my dream, I visit him at his place the house looks to be in disarray, the furniture looks messy. My friend is very frustrated he keeps putting his hands against in head and keeps telling me that “he can't fix it”. I try to speak with him but he keeps telling me the same thing over and over. I wake up, this was the end of the dream.

Back in July I did not know that my friend was having marital problems. He told me in September that he and his wife were separating. The night I told my friend about my dream, he confessed to me that he had said the same exact words in my dream. My friend kept telling himself that he could not believe that I saw him saying “he can't fix it” (referring to his marriage) at the same time he kept putting him hands against in head. He explained this was what he was saying and doing as he was crying and praying to God. I was rather surprised that he had been praying because he claims to be an atheist. As soon as he told me about praying, I knew that the Holy Spirit was urging me to speak with him. God wanted me to let him know that he is listening to his prayers. I have been praying for my friend, he is a good person and I wish him the best. I spoke to my mother-in-law about this experience. She told me that I testified to him. I had no clue what I was doing, I was just talking with him.

Dream 3. The maniac, the dream, three weeks
Date 1-31-16
Segment 1: The maniac
-Group of friends are running away from a maniac. The maniac seems determined on getting them
-They make it to a fenced area and manage to open the gate. They lock the gate behind them
-The maniac tries to get through the gate but can't
-The gate is attached to a building. Maniac attempts to climb over the fence were it connects to the building
-The group of friends are frantically fighting with the maniac attempting to stop him
-Maniac gets stuck. The group is looking for a weapon, they find a machete on the ground
-The machete is picked up and the maniac gets whacked in the head
-The group is now sharing a watermelon, they seem to be at ease
Segment 2: the dream
-Man is in a dark pool of water when the maniac appears and a struggle begins
-The maniac is thrown into the pool of water
-The maniac is submerged deep into the pool of water. I can see his face under the ripples of -the water. It descends deep, deep into the water
Segment 3: three weeks
-Man wakes up from dream. He realizes that he was dreaming. A woman is in bed with the man. She consoles the man and tells him that it's okay, it will take some time
-I hear three weeks and see three weeks written across what appears to be a TV screen
-I wake up
-I'm keeping my eye open for Feb 14-15

Dream 4. The museum, the road and building
Segment 1: the museum
-I'm on a tour of what appears to be a museum. The tour seems to be associated with -religious artifacts
-I see a boy, hiding behind one of the displays. I hear the boy say that he is hiding because he wants to go look around and have some fun
-I grab the boy and bring him out from behind the display
Segment 2: The road
-I'm on the road with the boy. We are walking away from a group. The road looks wide, paved -and long
-The group seems to know each other, I can’t hear what they are saying as they are talking amongst each other
-I'm firmly holding onto the boy's arm. It appears that I'm telling him that he is coming with me. -The boy does not want to go. He wants to explore and have fun
-I relent and tell the boy that I will let him go if he agrees to my terms. I tell him that I better not hear from anyone that I let him go. I do not want this getting back to me. As far as I'm concerned we never had this conversation. I let the boy go and he leaves
Segment 3: The building
-I'm standing outside a building. Not sure if I'm waiting my turn to go in but I'm just standing there
-Building appears to be a temple of some kind. I can’t remember the color of the building
-I wake up

Dream 5 the book. This dream is not segmented.
The bible is in front of me it opens up. The pages are rapidly turning like its being read from beginning to end. The pages stop turning and the book fully opens to what appears to be the New Testament. End of dream and I wake up

Date February 7th skating, the group, the old lady
This dream is segmented into three pieces
Segment 1: Skating down a road
-It looks like I’m roller staking but I don’t have roller skates
-I’m barefooted and it looks like I have sandals on they are brown
-I’m going down a road and see areas that are under construction
-Some areas are well built and others are under constructions
-A boy appears next to me and then in front of me. The boy urges me on
-I get the sense that I have not known the boy for long but we are buddies
Segment 2: The group
-I’m with a group of people the boy is also present
-I see a large man he has a well-built upper body
-I get the sense that the man is the boy’s father
-The group is talking but I can’t hear what they are saying
-I remember telling the group that I was not on a skateboard that I was roller skating
Segment 3: The old lady
-I’m in front of what looks like a store front
-The store has what looks like security bars covering it
-An old lady is standing outside of the store. Her head is covered, I can’t see her face
-I’m not sure If I’m standing next to her or inside the store looking out at her
-We are having somewhat of an intense conversation
-She wants me to unlock and open the store. I keep telling her that I will not open the store
-I hear the word TEMPTATION loudly
-I wake up end of dream

The man in the blue robe
Date February 9th
This dream is not segmented it just appears to be continues
-A man in a blue robe is leading me.
-It appears that other people are standing behind me in a single file line
-The blue robe is very vivid, it stands out he is clearly leading us
-We are not walking or flying. It appears that we are just hovering over the ground
-The landscape appears to be a desert/tundra, it changes off and on
-We get to a section were the landscape it gray, I see ashes floating around
-The Man’s blue robe appears to be glowing, we are still following him
-To the left I see a mountain or hill. Beyond the hill I see what looks like a valley
-In the valley area I see a humanoid figure, it’s white and has no clothes or hair
-The figure is looking side to side, it has a staff. Its body has sections that are red. It looks like -large red vertical gashes
-During this entire time I do not feel scared, I’m in awe of everything
-The man in the blue robe starts to guide us to the left towards the mountain
-Note the robe could have been a dark purple I have a hard time distinguishing between purple -and blue
-At this point I’m thinking that we are going to get stuck
-The man in the blue robe starts to ascend the mountain
-Everyone follows and we all go up the mountain
-We are not climbing the mountain, it looks like we are just hovering
-The dream ends and I wake up
After this dream I looked up the color blue in the Bible. It turns out that blue is associated with law and high priest. Prior to this dream I did not know that. I have also noticed that the color blue has come up in my previous dreams. I feel that other colors are present in my dreams but I cant distinguish the colors. I have concluded that Jesus is answering my prayers. He continues to guide me and is telling me to march forward in the right direction. I feel good about my dreams, they feel positive. My dreams have also brought me closer to my mother in law.

Anonymous's picture

Just wanted to share this with you Mark. It was a few months back when I saw Jesus for the first time.
I recalled clearly what I did to get that visitation, I was watching the Sid Roth interview with you about the 4 keys to hearing God's voice. I was drawn to 1 particular key more than the other which is the visualization of him.

Without know what I gotten myself into, I visualize him standing at my right hand side for a good hour and then I went to bed. The next day I woke up, he was standing at the end of my bed.

Here is what I saw from Jesus. He was wearing a self illuminated white robe, his face was brightly lit which you cannot see. However, I can make out that he does have hair that are brownish, not long and not short either, there is a bit of curls. His presence paralyzes my body, it felt like the body was already dead. My body couldn't stop trembling for the duration of his visitation.

Glad to see that many people's description is consistent. :D

It will be awesome to see visions at will. At the moment, I can only see visions in prophetic dreams, no open visions yet. :(

God Bless.

Mark Virkler's picture

The practice of any capacity, hones and tones the capacity to receive more and receive better. So continue on.
Check out Acts 2:25 and Ps. 16:8. Great things to practice.

Anonymous's picture

Dear Pastor,

two weeks ago I saw jesus in my dreams. I have been a born again for 5 years though I have been a Buddhist by birth. 5 years ago I had major issues in my family and life(nearly lost everything and starting praying.. how ever I dropped of prayers 4 years ago till a month ago where I came across a possible and major sickness.. during this time I started started praying again and asked for his forgiveness.. during my dream I saw him and then a voice said they need help.. I have been contiuously involved in doing good things in my life though I didn't pray often .. but then again I wanted to believe by seeing it my self.. so I am thinking what could be the meaning of this dream..
pl let me know,

thank you.


Mark Virkler's picture

I would suggest that Jesus is calling out to you, letting know that you and others need His help. I suggest you follow Him closely. Read the New Testament in the Bible and follow and obey His teachings. Invite the Holy Spirit daily to assist you. He will.
also, I suggest you read through this salvation website we have created.
I may take you a week of reading to get all the way through.

Anonymous's picture

I'm so blessed on finding this page, I had a dream last night and I can't quite get the meaning or message yet. All I know it was a beautiful dream the 1st time I have a dream where I can see Jesus well his face was kind of blurry and his was covered with his beard. I was standing at a sidewalk with people walking all over all of the sudden a woman stopped and tears coming from her eyes a younger girl asked her what was wrong? The woman replied look is him God walking right next to her ( that was me standing) when I turned my head a man Jesus was walkng dressed in white , with medium length hair, right after a vision came to me where God had helped this woman saved 2 little kids what it seem from a car accident the vision was so clear and powerful. I love Jesus he is my Savior and currently I been going through a lot in my life . Im full of Joy to have Jesus presence in my dreams, but I'm confused is this a message or a vision?? Thank you

Anonymous's picture

Hi Mark
Thanks a lot for responding so quickly about the dream of staff and hat, it makes a lot of sense. However I wanna ask about this dream I had this year mid march on Sunday. In this dream it seems like its during the night I'm outside, as watching the sky I saw four full moon standing next to each other, as watching after few minutes then there' something like a LCd TV a huge one which was bright, in side the LcD. There were words moving horizontal but when was trying to read them it was like they were written in foreign language, could not understand them. Then as looking again in the opposite side I saw another full moon but that one was single..

Vision two
Still around march this year sunday morning, seems like was in my room during night as looking at the sky I saw a full moon goldish in colour in side it theres was sort like a book open in the middle size of the bible almost. After like few second now appeared words written in side the moon, then I told my write my brother to write everthing down, after few seconds now appeared 5 numbers digits I recall all those numbers as it was like yesterday. Again after few seconds appeared now like verse as I draw my attention to the read the verse I woke up.

Anonymous's picture

Hi Mark

In my vision that was two weeks back on Sunday. It seems like i was in my room, then I heard a door opening at the front, apparently was the women. This women was praying I recall saying in loud voice holy spirit, after few seconds she entered my room, then we prayed together. Whislty we still praying the women told me something which have been doing it but did not complain about it. So as we continue praying she touch my back, immediately I felty something in body, then suddenly my eyes open it was like another vision I saw a staff which was brown in colour and hat then I woke. Few after minutes I saw the same women again when I ask her what I saw mean Immediately I woke up, perhaps for two or three times consecutive minutes.

Mark Virkler's picture

Well, is this the Holy Spirit or an intercessor coming to you to speak to you about something you are doing (and perhaps should not be?)... and wanting you to set it aside so you can receive an increased anointing from the Lord, so that you can get on the road and begin doing that which the Lord is calling you to do?

Anonymous's picture

My husband and I was sleeping in our RV that night suddenly something woke my husband up and he saw a streak like thin lightening blue color light going around inside of our RV and about the third round my husband said it went straight to my chest I felt a wave of weakness and tingling all through my body out to my limps my heart rate went low and I was so weak I did not know what it was can you help me on that please!

Mark Virkler's picture

I am assuming you are saying that when you awoke you felt this weakness.
It would seem to be a demonic attack and a demon entering you. If that be the case, then it needs to be cast out. Repenting of any sin which gave him the opportunity to enter is the place to begin. Pray and ask God to show you any sin(s) which allowed demons to enter. Repent of the sins, and state your intention to walk in righteousness in these areas from now on. Then command any demons connected with this sin(s) to leave in Jesus name. This tool can help you:

Anonymous's picture

I am wondering if you could help me understand repeated visions of Jesus, firstly as he stood upstream in the river that flows through our farm, spring fed from surrounding hills as i prayed and sang. This has increased in following days to a life sized Jesus to a huge angelic Jesus feet in the river but bodily towering over trees. Further on, just aware of His feet, large and statue like, in the river. I pray and sing as the spirit moves me, mostly interceding for the nation. I am most curious about the feet!

Mark Virkler's picture

Well, there is a river that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), and this is the river of the Holy Spirit, who flows into our lives, and then out through our hearts (Jn. 7:37-39).

Obviously Jesus stands at the head of this River. So you are seeing that And as you intercede the river is flowing out over the land healing and restoring it.

HE STANDS... His FEET are PLANTED at the head of this River.
His commission (which STILL STANDS today, to disciple all nations is being carried out by the power of the Holy Spirit, the River of God flowing out through your intercessions healing the land.

Anonymous's picture

During a fast i woke up early morning tired. ...i could not even lift my hands...during that night i was half sleeping half awake and God waa showing me people and declaring things about them....and i asked what is this? And God replied I am giving you visions. But when I woke up I could not remember the name or what he declared...what does that mean?

Anonymous's picture

Hi, My name is Fale, 21/2 years ago I woke up and I looked at my husband and he said whats wrong? And I said to him I don't know if this was a dream, cause it seems so real. He said you probably just had a night mare and I said No, its not even a nightmare. I wasn't scare but it trouble me so much because I had never had a dream that it seems so real. I was beginning to fall in deep sleep and all of the sudden it was like I woke up and seeing the sky was so dark and I'm just hearing people screaming like screaming out for help and I looked down people we're running everywhere saying please Lord give me one more chance and I started to look to see where is my husband and my daugthers and I couldn't see them then I looked up in the sky I see something that forms like a hand and then I seeing a light coming toward and it was really hard to explain this light its so glowing, there's no other light in this world that could ever explain this light and it came closer to where I was at and all I seeing was like a thick white cloud form like a face of a man and he stretch out his hands and the voice came out and said "This is It" the voice was loud like a deep thunder with water, and I reached out my hand wanting to touch this glowing light and I said Oh my Lord is Jesus. I had also seeing 3 numbers and it was 3, 7, and 10.
I was at work and I was so trouble by this dream then 2 weeks later I had to talk to my brother which he was the assistant Pastor, immediately didn't finish telling the whole story and he said that wasn't a dream, its a vision. So he took me to see the senior Pastor and they said, its a vision, so they encourage me to pray for God to show me what this vision is about and all I could think of is that my husband needs to get right with the lord and my two daugthers we're born in the church and now they go their own ways not living right and not going to church anymore. But still today is still within me, I pray at times and asked what this vision is all about, I know that the world is full with evilness.

Thank you and God Bless,

Mark Virkler's picture

Well the pictures of darkness and light are sure Biblical, and the idea that those who are not prepared to meet Jesus end up in darkness is Scriptural.
I would pray and do all possible to evangelize those around you.

Anonymous's picture

My husband has recently stated preaching at a local church here in La. I have been reading, and studying my bible more and more so that I can walk with him on this journey with more knowledge, and faith. I mean I have really been digging in my bible a LOT.
Last night we were sitting on our back porch, when suddenly I saw a huge light in front of me with many stairs. I grabbed my husbands hand and told him to come with me now! As I walked these stairs seemed to move closer to me. I got on my knees and crawled towards them, and my husband did the same. I saw two feet at the top of the stairs. I could not see anything above the ankles. Only feet, and a white robe. I started praising God, and told my husband what I was seeing. I reached out, and my hand went right through the feet...I could not touch..only see them. The light was bright. So bright it almost blinded me. I asked my husband did he see it, and he said," No, but I believe you." I saw holes in His feet!! I wanted so badly to touch them, but like I said I could only see them.
I stayed there for a while with my husband at my side. We were both thanking God for this. I also heard a voice say, "Tell them." So, I'm assuming this is for me to share at church, and with others. I feel very blessed that this happened to me.

Anonymous's picture

I am a 28 year old female... Not religious but somewhat spiritual. Last week I had my third dream of who I know in my heart and gut to be Jesus Christ. It has been extremely unnerving for me because the dreams dont feel like other dreams and i always wake up in tears. Let me explain:

The dream always starts the same...I'm standing in a beautiful golden wheat field with a clear blue sky above me. Im completely at peace...almost childlike as i let my hands graze the top of the wheat. There is nothing but fields of wheat and sunflowers in every direction. I can feel the warm sun on my face and smell the earth as if im actually there. It's completely silent until I feel a light breeze that makes the wheat roll like a wave. A bright light blinds me momentarily and when my eyes readjust Jesus is standing in front of me. His presence is so overwhelming that I drop to my knees and bow my head. He kneels in front of me and tilts my chin up so that I am looking at him and he tells me to never cower from him. At this moment I have an immediate and unearthly emotion that I have only felt in my dreams and I believe is described as "Agape" love: a love so intense and unconditional that it is even stronger than the love I have for my family or even when I was deeply in love with my boyfriend of 4 years- in this moment he is everything to me- every love I could ever experience all at once. I feel he is my husband, my father, my brother, my child, my friend- every pure love possible. I can't express or explain why this feeling is so significant other than the fact that I have never felt this emotion in real life and it was almost like it was an emotion reserved only for him. He takes my hands in his and stands me up. As we stand there I feel warmer and happier than I ever have in my life. He gently releases my hands and places his hands on both sides of my face and smiles at me with love and pride before leaning in and kissing my forehead. He tells me to be patient and to wait for his signs- that i will know his presence now. He seems to brighten and my eyes close from the brightness of the light. When I open my eyes he is gone but there is a wooden box at my feet. Every time I go to open it i wake up. I immediately start crying because the sadness and depression of realizing I won't feel the warmth and happiness I feel with him is unbearable. It's like being shown heaven and then being tossed into hell. Realizing I'm back on earth without him is so difficult for me that i had to call into work the first time because i was so emotional.

I have had variations of this dream three times. One time we just stood together for what felt like days, but I didn't care because being in his presence was like the best drug in the universe. The euphoria of his presence made me feel a peace and comfort that I didn't think was possible.

I know people will say it is a call to Christianity and that I need to accept him into my life, but why me? Why so vivid? Why more than one dream? Is it a vision? What signs? What is in the wooden box?! I have so many questions and every time I go to sleep I find myself praying that he returns to me.

I just need to know if its just a dream or maybe a vision... Should I talk to a pastor or priest?

Anonymous's picture

I am a born again Christian. I saw myself in a wheat field and a nakedness that God could see everything about me. He said " In Me, you are rich". Never felt such love come over me. This was not a dream, I was awake when it happened.

Mark Virkler's picture

It is amazing the Love God has for each of us, and in this case, especially for you. He has come to you three times offering His life and His love to you, and beckoning you to respond to Him. You are captured in His beauty, and yet your feet are boxed in so you can not walk to him and respond to Him in the way you want to.

So your question becomes, "what is keeping me from walking toward Him?" Is there something in your past which shackels you to the ground and doesn't let you step forward into His arms of love? If so, resolve it so you can move forward. Perhaps, hurt, anger, bitterness... whatever. Take it and forgive those involved... even God if it is God you are angry at. And say, 'Lord I receive your embrace. I receive your love. I say yes, to You. I want You in my life as my Lord and my Savior.

He will come in.
We have a blog on salvation. It is here:
check it out. We also have a dream series of streeming video being released free online near the end of this month. So you can sign up for the blogs to receive information about it here:

Welcome Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior.
[email protected]

Anonymous's picture

Hello. It is happening for almost a week now. I am wondering if it has anything to do with me being repelled to Jesus but here are the dreams: First dream was- That I had grew angel wings all big and beautiful on earth and was able to flew away from earth to the sky or Heavens (unfortunately) that was the last thing I could remember.

Second dream was- I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and my apartment view is on CN tower, and on lake Ontario as well as I can see far in the sunny day Niagara falls and little bit of USA. My dream was that I went on my balcony and I saw either large vertical fire over USA but fire was like rainbow Fire and not deadly.

Third dream was this morning- I heard that next to me was a person of Church's origin and singing (but what I presumed it was church music.) now I try to find what it was. I remembered the wave links how that man sang this song and it was happy song and not sad at all.

Thank you. Please Answer Back once you got chance. I need to know what all of those dreams mean.

Mark Virkler's picture

you are flying on angel wings = so you are soaring and doing well in the Spirit
Rainbow fire = rainbow is God's promise to us, and fire is his purity
singing = joy.

Looks like the are all encouraging you and showing good things.

Anonymous's picture


I just had a dream which I will recall. The main part I remember is there was this walking bridge and as we took our first step the waters were parted, literally, the water was flowing upwards towards the sky, I couldn't see how high it went. I was fearful and peaceful because the waters felt as though they wouldn't fall, it felt peaceful and steady and safe. I believe it was the river water (because we were walking across a walking bridge, we is two of my other friends), and I looked and it wasn't clear like ocean water but not super dirty either, just river water color. In it I saw small fish swimming the fish was actually white, and I put my hand in the water briefly to notice it was flowing upward. I was completely amazed. It was breath taking. Then my friends climbed levels of the floor bed because it was exposed on the side of the bridge and because we were getting water sprinkled on us, and I saw holes in the floor bed and burrows where worms were it was really (I don't like worms all that much but I wasn't freaked out), so we walked around some and then went back to school (which we aren't in, we graduated). And now it just started pouring in real life.

Mark Virkler's picture

Lots of supernatural things happening here.
Water flowing uphill, and parting as you walk.
So I would ask, Lord, where is it that I am walking out into your supernatural provision for my life. See what he says back. Quite exciting. Sounds like growth taking place.

Anonymous's picture

One night while I was sleeping I had a dream that I was sleeping in my uncle's living room near the window and I turned around to face the sky and this huge bright figure in the form of light came shooting from the sky towards my window I can actually see the bright light coming closer to me and the closer it got to me the more I feared it. Suddenly I closed my eyes and covered my whole body while trembling and all of sudden I was standing on my feet while trying to shake the figure off of me and suddenly I awoke and it was gone.

Mark Virkler's picture

Jesus is light and satan comes as an angel of light.
you will need to ask you heart which it was, and then respond accordingly.

Anonymous's picture

My search lead me here. Our church just ended its 3 day prayer and fasting. From day 1, I keep seeing these visions:


I saw a gigantic spear striking the dry ground with such powerful force that its head of iron was completely burried along with about a fourth of the length of the wooden rod. The ground shook with the force of its impact, but the spear did not break. There were no human hands in my vision. It was so clear and I almost sat up when I saw it while I was seated in our living room. The unburried end of the spear suddenly became a huge tree and it's trunk was that of the burried spear. I looked and I could not see any roots, I only saw the spear shaft. All around the ground was dry. Yet, there was this huge spear burried and on its end were branches and leaves of a tree.


I had this recurring vision almost 10 years ago, and now it is recurring again. I ignored it before because I thought it was my fanciful imagination, but I have been seeing it again since last week. I saw a long wooden table before me. The varnish on the wood was smooth and I could see the wood grain in it. I looked at the other end of the table and I see three powerful men in formal suits and there were flag stands bearing flags behind them. I could not see their faces nor discern the flags behind them. The tallest one of the three was in the middle, and the other two were flanking him. My vision is the same each time except for one thing: 10 years ago, the men I saw in my vision were sitting. Now they are standing, and I sense in my spirit that something important is happening or about to be declared by these men. I felt dread at they were about to do, but I also felt peace in Jesus, and then I also felt joy.

I do not know what these mean and I have been asking God for interpretation. Usually God tells me what is happening as visions unfold in front of me.

Mark Virkler's picture

I do believe very big things are in store for the earth. I take the visions as exciting. God is striking the ground powerfully. A new tree will spring up bringing healing to the nations. Existing powers are going to be shaken. Pray it into being.

Anonymous's picture

I had a dream of Jesus on my son's birthday and saw Him healing and helping people. And in the same dream I had a friend with a disability who revieled to her husband her disability and he didn't care cause he loved her unconditionaly. At the end of my dream I was strugling to make something work with a group of people and we thought we had it figured out but it would not work and Jesus came out of no where and made it work. We were all shocked even though we knew that's what He did.

I had this dream on my son's birthday who has autism and I was hoping it means Jesusu will heal him. I had the Holy Spirit tell me he will be healed and had few dreams that my son was healed and I always have good dreams about my son but I am still waiting and believing for his healing. All the healing I hear about are instant healings. What are your thoughts?


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4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 305 Pages | Retail: $16.99

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond?

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Dialogue with God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 296 Pages

This top seller for 30 years from Bridge Logos provides a narrative, right-brain presentation of the principles of how to hear God's voice. Especially enjoyable for personal use, it makes a great gift for introducing a loved one to the voice of God. This book teaches the four keys to hearing God's voice in readable style, and also devotes two entire chapters to moving samples of people's journaling (i.e. their two-way dialogue with God).

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Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

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Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond? When things don't seem to be going your way and your prayers aren't answered the way you had hoped, wouldn't it be great to hear Him tell you where He is in the midst of it, and what He is working out in your life? Are you ever just a little bit jealous of others who say with such confidence, "The Lord said...."?

Price: $175.00

How to Hear God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 317 Pages

We recommend that you order the newest revision of this book titled 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. It includes 95% of the content of How to Hear God's Voice but is reorganized so it fits perfectly with the 10 DVDs on this subject by Mark Virkler. In addition, it gets you started using the four keys earlier in the book and gives you more journaling samples and exercises. Since we have removed the large margins, it is a smaller and less expensive book.

Price: $24.95

Prayers That Heal the Heart - Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 320 Pages

Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke! Everything you need to experience deep healing of your soul and spirit.

Did you know that you don’t need to be continually plagued by negative thoughts, feelings, pictures or memories?

It is not part of the "human condition" to feel the constant nagging of doubt, insecurity, or anger. No matter what sin you are trying to overcome, what lie you think you’ll always believe, or what traumas your heart has suffered in the past, you will receive total freedom and restoration by praying these prayers in faith. 

Price: $19.95

Twelve Weeks to Spiritual Mastery - Group Coaching

A group coaching experience with Mark Virkler

Because I could not find a Spirit-anointed teacher/coach, I spent ten extremely frustrating years seeking to hear God’s voice!!! Suggestions offered did not help me, things like: “You just know that you know. It is a still small voice. He speaks from your heart.” No one could give me the answer I needed which was: Hearing God’s voice is as simple as quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, recognizing His voice as spontaneous, flowing thoughts and writing down His flow as it is coming. Test what you have written after the flow is done, NOT while it is occurring.

Price: $1,200.00

Counseled by God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 146 Pages

Have you ever been defeated by negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, inferiority, condemnation or depression? Have you tried to fight them off unsuccessfully? Is there an answer that is deeper than simply trying to mentally reason yourself out of these emotions? Is there a way that Jesus can speak a word of life into the depths of your emotional despair and bring healing on a deep level? Is there a form of Christian counseling that begins and ends with the movement of Christ within your heart, rather than simply with the words of man?

Price: $10.95
Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook Cover

Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 92 Pages

A newer book has been released that accompanies this workbook: Click here for Hearing God Through Your Dreams by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler (featured on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural", with almost a million views just on YouTube).

Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re just not sure what it is? Like Daniel and Joseph, do you long to be able to help others understand their own dreams and win them to Christ as you explain His night messages to them? Wouldn't it be nice if you could receive mid-course corrections from the Lord while you sleep? Do you wish you could be receiving divine inspiration, creative solutions to problems, and direction from the Lord during that third of your life that you’re “just” sleeping?

Price: $11.95

Hearing God Through Your Dreams

by Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe | 292 Pages

Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

It is always fun to be on the winning team. Well look what God has done with Charity's new dreams teaching. It has taken off like a rocket with a live TV interview on Cornerstone Network and her Sid Roth interview which has almost a million views on YouTube!

Price: $16.99

Everyday Angels

by Charity Virkler Kayembe and Joe Brock 289 Pages

You can partner with Heaven’s angelic hosts!

Do you have guardian angels? Does God want you to know them? Find out what Scripture reveals and how YOU can interact with the company of Heaven!

The supernatural realm permeates our natural world! Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence–we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives.

Price: $16.99
