You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God

Mark Virkler's picture

Jesus saw visions all the time. He only did what He saw His Father doing (Jn. 5:19, 20; 8:38). I want to imitate Jesus. But before I could live that way, I needed first to learn how to become a seer. Daniel simply said, “I looked,” and he saw (Dan. 7:2, 9, 13)!  However, for many years, I didn’t look and so I didn’t see. Finally I reclaimed the use of my visionary capacity and now I, too, can simply quiet myself in the Lord's presence, look, and see the visions of Almighty God. I am a seer because I have become a "looker."

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The #1 Tool in the World for Entering Into Godly Visions

“Since I have been using it, my quiet times have changed. I am seeing more vision and a whole new experience is taking place!”

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  • Strengthen the eyes of your heart with godly imagination
  • Learn how to see vision clearly in this free biblical meditation encounter.
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How I See Visions

Here are the steps I took that allowed me to see visions from Almighty God:

  1. I repented for my sin of not presenting the eyes of my heart to God and looking, and began presenting the eyes of my heart to the Lord and looking for visions.
  2. I use my godly imagination to picture a Gospel scene as I read it. This is something most people do, and imagining is a part of Biblical meditation (Josh. 1:8).
  3. Then I ask the Holy Spirit to give me a vision (Eph. 1:17,18) as I place myself in the scene with Jesus, and tune to flowing pictures to see what He wants to show me.
  4. The scene comes alive through the life of the Holy Spirit and I watch a flow of images, which biblically speaking is called a vision. So I have stepped from a godly imagination into a vision.
  5. I record the vision (as the prophets in the Bible did, e.g. Rev. 1:9-11) and have it confirmed by my spiritual advisors (Prov. 11:14; 2 Cor. 13:1 ). This affirms it really is a vision from God, and I am not running in vain (Gal. 2:2).
  6. I believe John used godly imagination in Revelation 4:1 as he painted a picture of a door in the sky, and the next verse says that the Holy Spirit took over and led him into the throne room of God where he stepped into a vision which continues for 19 chapters. Notice that the door was actually the final scene of his previous vision (Rev. 3:20). So when he wanted a new vision, he looked (Rev. 4:1) and held up a previous scene, and allowed the Holy Spirit to take it over (Rev. 4:2)! He stepped from a godly imagination into a divine vision.
  7. Since the Bible encourages us by telling us the stories of those who have gone before and had their own encounters with the living God, you can do exactly what John did in Revelation 4:1, 2. You can hold up a scene (godly imagination), and ask the Holy Spirit to take it over (Eph. 4:1,2), and it can and will flow into an extended vision. Try it! You will like it! I sure do. I do it all the time!

What Are the Faces of Jesus?

It is interesting that when I began seeing visions, I did not see the face of Jesus. I only saw His form from the shoulders on down. Others have testified to the same experience. It is also interesting that Jesus’ facial features are never described in the Gospels. Perhaps this is because He has as many faces as He has names, and He becomes all things to all people so we see different parts of Him at different times. The Bible does make it clear that we see through a glass dimly (1 Cor. 13:12).

However, many of us do begin seeing Jesus’ face after using vision for awhile. I first saw two eyes full of laughter. Then I saw a big smile on His face. He was laughing and having such a good time. And that is most often how I see Him. He tells me to lighten up and laugh along with Him. So I do!

How about if you post a response to this blog, and share with us what Jesus’ face looks like when you see it. Let’s learn from one another. It will be fun.

The Different Ways I See Jesus (Heb. 12:1-2)

In my everyday life: I look to see Him present with me. He is, and He is doing things. So I simply look to see where He is and what He is doing. When I am driving, He is seated next to me in the car. When I am jogging, He is at my right side. When I am counseling, He is often standing with His hands on the counselee’s shoulders. When I am preaching, He is sitting on the edge of the stage, with His legs crossed and a big smile on His face, saying, “Go get them, Mark.”

During worship: I look at the throne room in heaven, and I join with those gathered before the throne in worship to the King, and I worship along with them, doing what I see them doing (Rev. 5:13). This could be dancing, clapping, kneeling, bowing low, arms outstretched in worship, etc.

During prayer: I see Him next to me. We are talking together. He is listening and responding. He is peaceful. Nothing shakes Him. He is in control of all. He is Almighty God, Who rules!

How I don’t see Jesus: I don’t ever picture Jesus on the cross as I come to Him, because He is not there. That horrific point of history is exactly that, a point of history, full of tremendous pain and suffering. It is not where Jesus currently is and it is not a comfortable place for two lovers to share love (which is what prayer is). When I come to Jesus, one of the four keys is “stillness,” so to be in extreme discomfort is disquieting, and thus counter-productive to me “becoming still.” So I normally will not picture Jesus on the cross when I come to Him in prayer.

Having said that, there have been a couple of times when the Lord was asking me to die to self, He has reminded me of His death on the cross and asked me to also lay down my life, even as He did, and to die to self. Sometimes images of death on the cross will flash across my mind in these specific circumstances.

Listening to God Is a Key in Your Pathway to God

In addition to seeing vision, we can also hear God’s voice. Jesus did. “I speak the things my Father has taught me" (Jn. 5:30). Jesus also said, “My sheep hear My voice" (Jn. 10:27). So it is clear we are to live out of the voice of Jesus and the Father. His voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts which light upon you,  particularly when your eyes are fixed on Jesus (Heb. 12:1, 2).

So I have learned in my morning devotions to do what these prophets did (Hab. 2:1-2 & Rev. 1:9-11):

  1. Quiet myself down;
  2. Fix my eyes on Jesus;
  3. Tune to spontaneity (i.e. flowing thoughts, since the flow within is the Holy Spirit - Jn. 7:37-39);
  4. And write or journal (two-way journaling) as I record God’s conversations with me.
As a "Thank You" for reading this blog post, you can receive an exclusive 50% discount on the Hearing God's Voice course from School of the Spirit (using coupon code: VISION). This life-changing, interactive, online learning experience explores this topic inside and out, bringing you to a place of easily hearing from God and seeing His vision every single day! Click here to learn more...

This Is How You Can Have Heart Faith!

You will discover that heart faith (Rom. 10:9) bubbles forth as you hear God’s voice (Gen. 12:1-2),  see His visions (Gen. 15: 1,5, 6) and incubate that within the other three senses of your heart.

More Resources Relating to Using the Eyes of Your Heart as You Approach God

  1. What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
  2. You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
  3. Poised Before Almighty God
  4. I Only Saw Blackness But Now I Can See!
  5. Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
  6. Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
  7. Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
  8. Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
  9. Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
  10. Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
  11. Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
  12. Book  - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
  13. Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
  14. Protestantism's 500-Year-Old  Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
  15. Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
  16. Western Study Verses Biblical Meditation
  17. Also related to this topic: How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

More Resources for Seeing Vision and Hearing God's Voice:

Learn How to See Vision - “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice”  


Creating Heart Faith from God's Voice and Vision -  Heart Faith or Spirit Born Creativity       


Understand How Your Heart/Spirit Operates - “How to Walk by the Spirit”   


Resources for Interpreting Dreams (Visions of the Night)

God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. He whispers in their ear and terrifies them with His warning. He causes them to change their minds; He keeps them from pride (Job 33:14-17 NLT).

As a "Thank You" for reading this blog post, you can receive an exclusive 50% discount on the Hearing God Through Your Dreams course from School of the Spirit (using coupon code: VISION). This life-changing, interactive, online learning experience explores this topic inside and out, so you become comfortable interpreting the messages you are receiving from God every single night! Click here to learn more...



Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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Mark Virkler's picture

I would make the focus growing together spiritually, reading the Bible, praying, ministering God's grace to others.
When you ask your counselors for advice, don't ask what they think. Ask, would you pray about this and tell me what God is speaking in your heart concerning it.

Anonymous's picture

Thank you so much for your reply .You are an amazing person to do this for people helping them to understand how to build a relationship with our Lord. God bless you and your family .

Anonymous's picture

Jesus has been working me through the process of hearing his voice, I do hear his voice . For me, his voice is quieter than a thought and comes much deeper from within my heart which I share with his Holy Spirit and always produces Peace and Joy fruits which are easily felt in our bodies. Evil can and will invade our thoughts (fiery darts), and emotions (anger, troubled, fear, etc) and our bodies (illness as well as poking us). Feeling his presence can be an announcement of Jesus' arrival or an alert from the Holy Spirit of incoming darts or a dark presence. What Jesus shared with me was to test the spirits 1John 4:1-6, When it's a dart from the enemy the flow of thoughts will typically stop or become evasive to the question "did Jesus come in the flesh". The Holy Spirit is our gentle, loving, peaceful teacher and will always lead us closer to Jesus, and will teach us to discern the Spirit of Truth from that of Deception. For me before I heard his voice he brought me through revelation knowledge of his word were sermons would flow in my mind and still do some days which usually lead me to area's in need of repentance or change. Once repented memories of the dark times of the past all but vanish drawing me to a closer walk with him. Next I saw bright white clouds during prayer where his presence is felt. I asked to see his Glory and he showed me a vision right out of Exodus 33:22-23. I still see clouds when I pray the colors vary blue, purple, green. Then dreams which I hadn't had a dream for 25 years then started dreaming regularly for awhile before I heard his voice. Make sure you are firmly rooted in Jesus and the Father and be aware the enemy is a lair and a thief looking for whom he can destroy.

Anonymous's picture

This is great, especially for new believers who do not understand that salvation does not mean that Satan does not attack us. Even as a 36 yr old man who was saved at 17, I still find myself feeling guilt over a simple thought in a moment caught off guard. This reminds us that We cannot fight Satan alone; Jesus is our strength. We alone will lose every time we try to fight alone.

Please look at Jesus loves His soldiers, this is a story about a soldier who was trying to fight Satan with this world and was saved by God's grace. He honored His promise to protect His from Death even when His had wavered.
God bless and thank you.

Anonymous's picture

Since i Gave my Life Fully to God, i Notice that anytime i'm praying, I see images or pictures Flash. Some i understand through the Spirit while some times i Don't seems to get a clear understand of that Vision.

How do i understand deep Vision?

Hearing the Voice of God. I have heard Once the Voice of God audible in Nov 2012 when i was on personal Daily fasting and prayers for One year. I heard this 'Sweet Voice' and this is what he Said ''i have come'' In-fact till date, i am trying to understand what That voice Meant. Since that 2012, i have been praying i want to hear that Voice again.

Again, people have been talking about 'Open Vision' that is God talking us or showing things in a Video Form. I don't Know, i Desire that Give So much. How can this be possible Sir.

Thank You
([email protected])

Mark Virkler's picture

You can both see visions and hear His voice daily. We teach how to do this in our 4 keys to hearing God's voice. There is a lot of free stuff on this website about Hearing God's voice. To find it, just type in "hearing God's voice" in the search box in the top right corner.

We also have things for sale, which includes 10 hours of me teaching on it and a 300 page book. By all means, go through all this stuff. I have only heard his voice audible, once in my 62 years. However I hear Him every day as He speaks through a flow of thoughts within my mind. And vision is a flow of pictures within my mind.

So explore this training in depth and move forward in your Christian life.

Anonymous's picture

I was watching a video with a young man teaching the Word of God and all of a sudden I got a feeling all in my spirit and heart that was very strong I asked God what was going on and why was I feeling this way. I asked him to reveal what is going on. I had woke up and a peace had filled my body. I felt so content and happy but at the same time I didn't understand it. It felt like the presence of God was in me and it was so heavy with peace. I closed my eyes and I seen two images flash of the man from the videos that I don't personally know but has been a blessing to my life from a distance. Is this from God?

Anonymous's picture

Sorry I worded it wrong. After I asked God what was going on I went to sleep that night and then woke up feeling peace all over my body and I felt really content. I could feel the presence of God. I then closed my eyes and seen two images flash.

dtessier59's picture

On Dec 15, 2014 I had just awakened, I closed my eyes and seen this vision: about 10 rows/columns x 20 men walking in chains. These chains were attached to there ankles bridging them together in rows. Also a whispering saying: "manage your time" Two weeks later another vision: a key ring with an old fashioned key attached to it and dangling. Now this morning, Jan 05, 2014 I heard another voice saying: "A simpler image of walking with God" " You are a face" "Lets lean out & confess" I have been saved for close to 3 years now and been guided by the Holy Spirit in truth and in Love. Jesus is my Savior & friend, in my heart forever. Amen

Anonymous's picture

I had a vision today! My 2 year old has been battling cancer this year and today was his first scan...after he fell asleep from the GA I was asked to wait in the waiting room. It was empty so I put my face in my hands and I prayed. I started crying and then I saw myself lifted up with my child in my arms and Jesus was waiting for me. I offered him to Jesus and he took him and held him like a baby (like I had been) I was crying uncontrollably (in the spirit and in the natural) and I could see that Jesus was waiting for me and while no words were spoken I knew that he was waiting for me to surrender my child to him, to let him go. I didn't want to but I did it anyway, then Jesus kissed my sons forehead then handed him back to me. I was so relieved and that's where it ended but I knew that Jesus was waiting for me to trust him. I don't get the results until tomorrow but I know without a doubt that he is healed :-)

Anonymous's picture

I received the phone call from my sons doctor...and he's cancer free - Jesus healed my son! Amen :-)

Anonymous's picture

As I read many comments here about having visions, I also had the same real experience during worship time at my weekly Bible Study group. At the last song I just closed my eyes and a vision came before me. Of course at first I wasn't sure what it was or where it came from because it was the girl sitting across from me who belongs to the fellowship also. She has had a rough year both physically and mentally going through a miscarriage and shortly after divorcing her unfaithful husband. She joined the group around spring time and I did not know that much about her other than she was divorced. I seldom think about her and have feelings for her so I wasn't sure if my vision was my own mind thinking or a gift from God in my heart. Anyways the vision was this. She was wearing a white dress and dancing first with me and was so happy and just laughing and smiling and then it seemed as I was just looking on and she was dancing with a little girl who appeared to be about 8 years old. I did not the see the little girls face but I can tell what color her hair was and skin color on her arms. They were dancing around in a circle and having fun and everything was outside on very green grass and all around was like dandelions floating in the air and a beautiful blue sky with a bright light above. The vision only lasted a few seconds but felt like a long time. I was in conflict with my mind because I wasn't sure if this was just me thinking how wonderful she would be in my future and thinking the little girl was maybe my daughter who is almost 5 now. I am divorced as well but longer than her and have accepted and gotten over my trial. While we converse at church and in Bible Study I keep my distance because I know the pain she is feeling and I just support her and let her know that I know what she's going through but life will get better as long as she leans on the Lord for help. She is a lot younger than me (11 years) but my mind says I am too old for her and I already have two kids I am trying to raise. My heart however says I would like to make her happy someday and be more a part of her life in that way. I am so grateful that God has given me this gift and I did share it with the fellowship and her which naturally she was overwhelmed in tears but so thankful I shared it. I know that I must wait on the Lord to guide me where He wants me to go and if this is a message to something in the future I must be patient and let my heart tell me what to do and not my mind. I am open to any comments. Oh and she didn't know the sex of her unborn baby as she was only 2 months pregnant at the time she we think it was a vision of her babies spirit and showing me that she was ok and in heaven. I don't know what to think about it other than it was a blessing.

Mark Virkler's picture

I believe these are the kinds of visions God gives us to share with others to encourage them and lift their hearts. You have done that, so that is good.

Anonymous's picture

Yesterday at church service, this homeless man who always go to our church service on Sundays went to the altar and asked to be prayed. Our pastors (husband and wife) prayed on him and everyone in the church also were praying. I am an usher and I am sitted by the entrance . I had a vision at the back of his shirt the image of a church like that church when the shepherds were guided to Bethlehem. I also saw angels . It stayed there until after the prayers had been finished. I saw then that the back of his shirt was plain, no images.

Anonymous's picture

Hello all... im just coming to a place where sharing the pictures god is giving me out in the open... I havent read through any posts... but relieved to see and find that others are going through this.. I dont know the bible so naturally im looking for direction and curious what god might be saying... im still trying to confirm this is reallyhappening to me and coming to be familiar with it...

First vision: I looked and saw what looked like an army in the clouds.. millions of people in white robes and white horses with them... three words (by whom I did not see ) Army of God

Second vision: I saw the earth and all the e arths colors , the colors represented every person and every nation..the colors became the iris of an eye.. the words "eye of god" spoken , again I did not see by whom.. a pupil appeared in the center of the earth, in it three things in one place,
One nation
a birth canal
a celebration

I was taken to the pupil , placed inside, which became like that of a woman's womb. There I saw jesus wjo spoke these words to me..
the earth will quake and tremble like that of a woman giving birth, nation will rise against nation, do not fear, for I am coming... I was brought back and shown the eye again.. the eye began focusing in and out.. the pupil contracting like that in birth.. the nations in the iris rose like mountains coming against one another as the pupil of the eye got large.. .. the mountains fell flat when the pupil got small... clear water came from the pupil like that if amniotic fluid and poured put into every part of the earth.... end of vision..

Third vision: I saw a great mouth, red in color, it rose like the sun.. the lips parted and from it flowed a river of
mouths that spread out like the sea... I was asked to report what I saw... on the right the sea is smooth like glass, I can see the great mouth clearly from here, mouths are shut or whispering... from the center of this great sea I can see the great mouth now and then, mouths are moving and talking in normal tones, the water has waves... from the left side , I cant see the great mouth at all, there are tidal waves,mouths talking non stop.

I was taken to the center of this see and saw the great mouth rise above it.. the lips parted and from it came a double edged sword like a tongue and split the great sea... three words engraved in capitol letters on it. "WORD OF GOD".. I was asked (by whom I did not see ) to report what I saw... the sea was smooth like glass on both sides... every mouth closed... end of vision..

Yesterday I saw four angels holding what looked like a white sheet made of clouds... the following day the eaeth appeared four angels standing around it each in a corner with lines that took the shape of a square..each angel picked up the clouds from the earth and lifted them.. holding a corner each in their hand... I cant tell if they are angel or men... no words spoken.. end of vision

Charity Kayembe's picture

It's wonderful that you've been receiving pictures from the Lord! Truly, the ideas and symbols in your visions sound very much like the visions John received in the book of Revelation and Daniel and Ezekiel received in the Old Testament. I would definitely encourage you to get into the Bible because you'll find awesome similarities for what you're seeing in the spirit. We always want to see our "pictures" through the "frame" of the Bible, the Word of God.

Something else I believe would be a great blessing for you is There are "Discussion" groups and places for you to post your revelation and what you're receiving from God to share with others to get their confirmation and feedback. That's always a great encouragement so definitely feel free to check it out. Lord bless!

Anonymous's picture

On newyears morning Jan. 1, 2015 at 1:45am my son was taking a picture of me as i was alooking in the mirror in return i saw a vision of a man that looked dead with a hat reviled a kangaroo symbol on it wat did this mean

I would ask, "Lord in what way am I dead?"
see what you get back as the Lord speaks to you.

Anonymous's picture

I have been intrigued today to Google and just follow the lead!
With that said I am truly grateful to have read what to wrote and loved every word! I might even chk out the sight you posted...
I personally are on a new unexpected journey. a very familiar place. I once was lost ,as they say "but now I'm found"
I will admit I always had faith and believed in Jesus, my background is severely mixed and grew up with such dysfunction and yet I had that mustard seed!!
I never had the true learning of bible and as well have a learning disability...
yet recent somehow, someway i was lead back to an old friend and that I believe was meant for a reason...gods time!
point is I have just recently had the experience of learning bits and pieces as needed and I find it amazing knowledge. I am not a big person of religion I am a spiritual person or should I say "spirit"
I know I have been blessed and today finally accept it and not fear it!! though society does not nor would accept this from me a "nobody"
I am Home!!! i can see visions and here the lord and Jesus and the holy spirit talk to fact when it blows through me my hairs on my arm stands living prof <3 my journey is to spread the word in love...
I do not know why or how other than "just do it" I am here to do his work not mine!! I am nothing without HIM..amen

Anonymous's picture

I dont know what to say but thank you... this morning I was getting ready for work.. something told me to take the picture I drew out and turn it around... I did not knowing what I was looking at... the familiar whisper/voice neither male nor female spoke three words.... two together then one... "Heavenly Host" and "showbread" I dont know what this means but I told god i recieve him.... I got in my truck not understanding still and drove to get gas before getting on the road... as I was walking in to pay i saw a hand taking what looked like a host and put it to my mouth... three words came..."communion with God"... all I can say to any who will listen... God os connecting us back to him... he is restoring us to him in his grace and compassion for our need of him.. he knows what we have need of before we do... I dont know why this is happening to someone like me... but this has nothing to do with our goodness... it has everything to do with his.. thank you for allowing me to share what he is doing in my life...what is happening isnt meant for one but for all...he takes us exactly as we are, aware or unaware... his goodness supersedes our comprehension... god bless you

Anonymous's picture

I prayed concerning a certain guy who is showing interest in me. I then asked the holy spirit to guide me and show me a vision. It started off showing how he was in love with me and how he has been telling his uncle and aunt about me. Then all of a sudden we are at my wedding with this guy and he gave a speech thanking my parents. Then his father stood up and gave a speech "the first time I saw xxxxxx I knew she was the one for my son. I knew she was going to be my daughter in law"the speech went on i heard every word. Then his uncle did his speech ...i heard every word. Please explain the meaning. God bless

Anonymous's picture

Dear friend, quite obviously, you are interested in being pursued and being married. It's also pretty obvious that you desire affirmation. Your vision MIGHT be pointing at the future, but I think it definitely shows where your heart is at. Dear friend, YOU are a fitting Bride for the King, and are one in whom He takes delight. Never doubt it, not even for a second. You ARE as special and amazing as the words you heard. The Lord wants you to know that, and take peace in that.

Anonymous's picture

Thank you for the encouragement. Really needed to hear this.

Mark Virkler's picture

When making a big decision, I always ask God to confirm the direction through multiple ways He speaks. I list these 6 different ways he speaks as “The Leaders Paradigm.”
So let God confirm His direction through several different ways. This includes peace in your heart, and His heart, parents confirmation, friends confirmation, the fruit of life (when you are together do you minister God’s life one to another). Do your hopes and dreams and destiny’s fit together. Marriage will be much healthier if He and you can both do two-way journaling and write down what God is speaking to each of you. Be nice if you shared your journaling with one another, now before a romance grew.

Anonymous's picture

Hello all!!I come in the peace and with the love of Jesus. I first appreciate this article and what it stands for. Since I was 5 years old I've been having visions and dreams that have come to pass. Deaths, vehicles, conversations, warnings etc. Through my own experiences my gift was a birthright from GOD. I recently had a vision where I was in a church and no one could hear I screamed and screamed no one responded. During this dream I couldn't hear anything. Then during Sunday service GOD revealed to me that the churches are spiritually asleep and that people need to wake up. I've had a visitation in heaven and saw Jesus. I saw two angels they were motioning to me to come forward then I saw a bright light and next thing I know I'm hugging him but I'm crying. He told me "don't cry it's ok." And I looked around I saw legions of angels everywhere. GOD had been very careful who he has allowed around me because I've had people say let me introduce you to this person so they can help you with your gifting. The spirit of discernment alarmed and said no. People will try to use the gifts GOD gave you for evil. But he has been faithful to me by protecting me from people like that. I hope this helped. Be blessed everyone!!!

Anonymous's picture

love what you wrote and I can truly understand since age 5...blessings

Anonymous's picture

Ive joined a charismatic group about a year ago and amazed to see numbers of people slain in the spirit when there's pray over session. I desire the same but always disappointed that I didnt get slain. The latest seminar I attended was a week ago and still I didn't slain. 2 days ago, at night in my own room alone after reading a verse in the bible and already in bed. Im not sure if it was a dream or I was still awake but I felt I was moved to the edge of my bed and my vision became darker and I could myself sinking. one part of me was thinking if I was resting in peace and was very curious and then I could hear my own little voice telling me...I was resting in peace and I should not open my eyes and have faith that I was resting in peace. I believed that small voice and immediately I could see clouds. as I could feel myself sinking real fast in my bed the same goes with the clouds,they were moving downwards real fast. it stopped when I could not see the clouds and I was not sinking anymore. I dont remember anything after that maybe I fell asleep. what could that be? I really want to believe that it was Him but I want to know that I was not dreaming.

Mark Virkler's picture

I do believe you received a vision from God. I am going to so a blog with your question above, and a longer answer. It will be out in a week or so. You can either sign up for my blogs here: or use the search bar at the top of and type in "slain in the Spirit" and that should take you to the blog as soon as it is published. The "Slain in the Spirit" post is now published. It is here:

Anonymous's picture

Thanks so much for answering. ill wait for your new post on the subject. hope you'll include the above doubt too. Ive not heard anyone slain on their own. it is always happened during pray over session. I really do want to believe it was God and really want to know what was the message behind the clouds. Do visions comes with messages?

Mark Virkler's picture

Paul fell under the power of God on the Damascus road, and no one was praying for him. And if you check out visions in the bible, you will discover, that yes, God gives messages with the visions. I believe the vision you had showed God's desire to you. He wants students drawn to him. So now that you know God's desire, you begin to ask Him for the steps He wants you to take to see that vision fulfilled. Because a vision or a prophetic word show God's potential. However, for that potential to be realized, one must cooperate with God along the way, or it will not be realized. The Israelites were told by God that He had given them the promised land, but only two of the millions who heard that message entered the promised land. The rest died in the wilderness because they sinned and would not cooperate with God. So now your big question is, "Lord, what steps do you want me taking to bring revival to my school campus as you have shown me in the vision." I suggest you "heart storm" this question with your spiritual advisers and begin stepping out in faith doing what the Lord instructs you to do.

Anonymous's picture

I dont know if this is a vision or a dream,it happens two times,that i saw Jesus came out of heaven sitting on His throne while His hands are welcoming me.His face is not clear but i saw that He has a big smile on His face.

Mark Virkler's picture

If you were asleep it would be considered a dream. If awake, a vision. Equally valid either way.

Mark Virkler's picture

You ask for them, believe for them, look for them and then honor the pictures that light upon your mind as coming from God. Submit them to your spiritual advisors.

Anonymous's picture

I went on a three hour fast yesterday at lunch to dedicate the time to God. during my last hour, when I was about to close off, I consciously asked God to show me what He wanted me to know. The purpose of my fast included preparation for a specific role I have to evangelize my University campus next academic year. anyway, as i quieted myself, I saw the middle of our campus. there was a tall thing cross and it was raised high. there were people crowded around it and I could tell they were students, there was also the knowing that other students were coming to the cross from their classrooms, and I could somehow tell that the rest of the university was empty meaning all were there. then i saw blood spring forth from the cross and the crowd began to get soaked in it. I opened my eyes and had the thought, "Many will be saved"

my questions: -is it like a daydream, since thats how it appeared to me?
-all this lasted like a few seconds, is it supposed to be long and am i supposed o be like in a trance or something?
-do you think im just fooling myself with this, how can i be sure its genuine?
-Are visions something we can do volunterily or is it given by God in His own time

I look foward to your response.

Mark Virkler's picture

Both are seen on the same screen inside your mind. Both are gentle. A daydream, you guide. A vision is guided by the Holy Spirit, because you asked Him to guide it and then you tuned to flow and the flow that takes over is the flow from the River inside you, which is the river of the Holy Spirit.

All is confirmed by submitting it to your three spiritual advisers.

Anonymous's picture

Thank you for your speedy reply. It speaks volumes :)

Anonymous's picture

On Wed, April 2nd, this year, I was called to the hospital by my 34 year old healthy son as he was having some weakness and pain in his calves and bruising on his feet. As blood tests came back, I was informed that my son would be moved to IU Hospital in Indianapolis In. As IU attempted to find the cause of his pain and weakness, his condition worsened. By Monday, April 7th, my son was on life support and no one was sure of his survival. I was devastated and heartbroken. He had been diagnosed with Wegener's granatosis. I was unable to sleep throughout the night, but I had some very clear visions. I was standing at the head of the hospital bed that my son was lying in and Jesus appeared on the opposite side of the bed. I did not hear any words but as Jesus began to raise his hands, I had very clear thoughts of him taking my son to Heaven. I remember clearly asking him to please leave him here with us and remove the poisons from his body. I knew that my grandchildren needed their daddy and I certainly am not ready to let go of my son. I woke up quickly half afraid that we had lost my son. After checking my phone, I went back to sleep. At this time, Jesus was on the left side of my sons bed kneeling and praying at his head. Again, I heard no voices but had the distinct feeling that the poisons were being removed from him body. Again, I woke myself up. This all seemed so real and I remember it so clearly, its very hard for me to think of it as a dream. As I drifted back off, 3 men dressed in suits appeared on the other side of the bed, opposite from Jesus. I recognized these men as my nephew who we had lost in Dec 2012 from a car accident, my fiancé who we lost from a logging accident and my father which we had lost in a semi accident. None of them spoke a word but it was if they were speaking to him mind-to-mind saying we love you but your family needs you. You have babies to take care of, look at your mom and your wife, look how devastated they are. Again I woke my self up and decided to just get up and stay awake. Although I had so much anxiety regarding my sons grim condition and my dreams and what they meant, I knew in my heart that my son would be ok and would wake up. On Wed, April 9th, he did wake up and was taken off of the ventilator. By Thursday, he was taken off of most meds. By Friday, he was taken off of the rest of IV meds and fluids running through his body. He was released from the hospital this past wed, April 16th with a few over-the-counter meds that he will need to continue to take to fight this horrible disease, however, he is gaining his strength back and able to drive and feeling much better. I can only tell you that I firmly believe that this is a Miracle. My son went from being pretty healthy on April 2nd, to being on life support within 4 days and being released from the hospital all within 13 days. I know that my prayers were answered and I am still curious as to if this was a dream or if I really witnessed this. Since last Monday, April 7th, I have had a deep feeling that I am suppose to inform others of this Miracle-which is my purpose of posting this. As I write this, I have goose bumps just reliving the slide show of this dream.

Mark Virkler's picture

I believe dreams provide real spiritual encounters. Check Daniel 7. He had a dream and in it he encountered God and Jesus.

Anonymous's picture

I had a dream that Jesus was sitting on a window of a building and he was smiling at me. After this dream not too long after I had moved into this building where he was seated at the window and after a night at the congregation and some use of what I believed to be the campaign of Isreal I went home to see a vision from the same dream, specifying that Jesus had no condemnation against me, producing the freedom to do as I please in my new living quarters. Whereas I once had self condemnation, Jesus was there in my vision to tell me that he loves me unconditionaly.

Anonymous's picture

As most the people who have commented, I, too, feel I had a vision the other night. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 5 years with no success. The process has really taken a toll on our marriage over the years. I was reading my Bible before bed and was praying for God to just tell me one way or the other. I was having a conversion with Him about how I just needed to be released from it and if it meant dealing with the fact that I may never have a child, then so be it. When we turned out the light I continued to pray and talk to God about it. Then I suddenly had this picture show up behind my closed eyes. Everything was dark in the picture except the silhouette of what I assume was Jesus. I could only see him from the shoulders down. In His arms he was holding two babies, one was swaddled in a pink blanket in His right hand and the other in a blue blanket in His left hand. He then reached out with his left hand (blue baby blanket) like he was giving it to me. I was so overwhelmed that it ended. I am not sure if this was a vision or my imagination. I am afraid to get my hopes up for a child and just wanted some reassurance that this was a vision from God.

Mark Virkler's picture

I would take it as a vision from God, to instill faith and hope and peace. I would hold to it, and I would seek to remove any and all blocks to having children.
I assume you and your husband have been checked out to make sure there are no physical blocks. I would also check for emotional blocks that could be hindering you from becoming pregnant.
These would be any decisions or beliefs or word curses earlier in your life which said, “I don’t want children because they…”
These should all be repented of and renounced, and replaced with new declarations and beliefs from God.
Surely have people lay hands on you both, and pray for healing and for the ability to conceive.
And of course check out nutrition. Google the phrase: diet to conceive. Make sure you are eating organic, live healthy food. Nothing processed. Do a good detox. I have a blog series on health you can review:
If you want counseling with ungodly beliefs or inner healing prayer, my email is [email protected].

Anonymous's picture

This has happened countless times, and has always brought me great joy, and overwhelming love and peace. When I pray at the altar during altar call, when I'm really listening to the voice of God and letting the holy spirit move in me, I go to this place always the same beautiful place. I'm taken to a very wide open field of wheat. And I'm dressed in a very long elegant white dress, the strands of wheat are long and ripe, very beautiful unlike any wheat I have ever encountered!! it is then when the Father shows up from the mists of the wheat, he slowly walks over to me, and he gracefully touches my cheek. Of course I can only see him shoulders down. But then we both sit and we have phenomenal conversations, sometimes I'm not sure what about. But as we are talking I am touching the stands of wheat and they feel lovely. Then at times there are roses amongst the wheat. It's always so wonderful to go to this place but I'd also like to learn the true meaning, if you could help with maybe giving me an idea of what you believe this vision means? Please! And God bless you!!! -Rachel

Anonymous's picture

I did not know that what I had was a vision. I thought it was just me thinking about Jesus. Earlier this year I was desiring to know Jesus in a closer more intimate way. To get to spend time with Him like Mary (Martha and Lazarus's sister). That while on earth I could not serve him personally, anoint him with oil, be alone with him, be one with him, like a husband and bride (not sexual). I was sad that even in heaven, I may not be able to be just alone with him, because he would be with the millions of people. I would see him, but not be alone. I wanted to show my love, devotion, and the faith to follow him forever, even unto death. A song called "you wont relent" had led me to this desire. It comes out of the book of Song of Solomon. I was visualizing a field, with tall grass, and I was alone in the middle. And Jesus came and held my hand, we walked together, I could feel him smiling at me. It may be a type of daydream. also look up the song "oceans" by Hillsong united. Jesus has been faithful to call me, and take my right hand, and lead me, and give me the intimacy with him I need. To spend time alone with him in the spirit and His word, the Bible. He speaks to me, smiles at me, calms me. Be Still and know that I am God time. He then tests me, to see if I will obey his voice. I am not always obedient, unfortunately. I miss out on something great.

Mark Virkler's picture

If I am with Jesus, and in a prayerful mode, asking Him to show me things, and scenes come alive and begin to flow, then I assume that flow is the flow of the river/spirit of God within me. Jn. 7:37-39.

Anonymous's picture

I was praying and asking God about the future and what I'm supposed to be doing. I was crying in frustration with myself and I just desperately prayed asking God to show me whatever it was I was supposed to be doing. In my prayer I kept saying, "I just don't understand why I'm here or what I'm supposed to be doing."

It's as if I left my body. I was aware of the fact that I was praying, but I was in a different place. I was in the clouds on the outskirts of Heaven. Jesus and I were dancing together, can you imagine?? It was a very peaceful and comforting/joyful feeling to be there him. I could not make out his face, but I knew his expressions, heard him laugh as we danced, and could very plainly see his outline/the rest of him. But really! I could not believe I was dancing with Jesus (he is a good dancer, by the way)!!

To my left, was Heaven (we were outside of it. On the outskirts of Heaven, if you will). And to my right was this scary glob of a mess which I figured was Hell but I later found out was earth. It had lightning, violent things going on, etc. So every time Jesus twirled me around to the right side, these scary creatures grabbed at me. At one point one grabbed my ankle and was pulling on me. Frightened, I held onto Jesus and called to him for help! He was smiling, not worried. He just yanked me free and I instantly felt calm again there in his presence. He said something to the extend of, "you're safe with me."

He then told me that I could go to Heaven now, or I could go back to earth. I looked over his shoulder at Heaven and I was in awe of all the glittery sights to behold! I recognized several people and I actually started running towards Heaven (we were not inside Heaven) when I saw Moses. And perhaps kind of silly of me (?) I said to Jesus, "woah that's Moses!!" And I stood there gawking. They were just walking around! I didn't verbally answer Jesus but in my mind I thought, "I don't want to die yet."

Jesus then said, "Since you have decided, you will go back to earth. Here is what you're going to do." It's like he could read my mind! Well, I guess he can. He then handed me to that scary glob of a mess and I realized it wasn't Hell, but it was earth! It's like it swallowed me whole.

So, then I was no longer in my body, but looking at it. Does that make sense? While dancing with Jesus, I was experiencing it through my own eyes, but this part of the vision--I was looking at my future self. I was in a crowd/an audience. I recognized the woman on stage. She's a famous singer and the audience was going crazy; they loved and adored her. Then, I came out on the stage! I don't know what the event was-it was like an award show or something.

This white light engulfed my entire being and the audience became very angry at me when it did. They literally were getting violent, booing, and becoming very mad at me. Then, the light turned off. I just looked normal and they began applauding me and cheering for me. But then the bright white engulfed my entire being again and I was shining and radiating. They got really, really angry and the audience was booing and they had to get me off stage because they were getting really rowdy about it. They hated me.

Then I saw myself in India and I was on a stage again. The same light was engulfing me and I was speaking to a crowd of people about the gospel. But they weren't booing me, instead the same light that surrounded me, would surround somebody in the back, and then the person in front of them. And then somebody from the front would be engulfed in this white light. They all looked just as I looked and as if it were contagious as I was speaking to them, they all started looking like me and the crowd had this light radiating around their bodies and pretty soon nearly the entire crowd was this bright shining light.

Then, I was walking towards Jesus (he was in the clouds as I saw him last time) and those people from India who were engulfed in light like me were trailing behind me. I began calling out to Jesus excitedly saying, "I'm back! I'm back! This time I brought people with me!!"

I've never had a vision like this before! Do you think it is authentic?? I am an actress and model but I'm definitely not so big to be sharing a stage with the singer I saw.

Mark Virkler's picture

I see no reason to believe it is not authentic. I would accept it and journal about it and follow the Lords leading. If you are not yet, doing two-way journaling, then get our training package on How to Hear God's Voice, on this website, and perhaps add a Personal Spiritual Trainer so you have a good solid bouncing board to bounce your journaling off from.
Continue on!

Anonymous's picture

God has spoken to me in my dreams and also when I read the holy Bible the holy spirit is the key to lord Jesus and by being humble and showing kindness towards others and to keep his promise is to show love to anybody ...... God also said to me was humanity is coming be prepared tell your people to repent and ask God and lord Jesus to forgive you and get baptized with the holy spirit and the holy spirit is the key to heaven ....


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