You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God

Mark Virkler's picture

Jesus saw visions all the time. He only did what He saw His Father doing (Jn. 5:19, 20; 8:38). I want to imitate Jesus. But before I could live that way, I needed first to learn how to become a seer. Daniel simply said, “I looked,” and he saw (Dan. 7:2, 9, 13)!  However, for many years, I didn’t look and so I didn’t see. Finally I reclaimed the use of my visionary capacity and now I, too, can simply quiet myself in the Lord's presence, look, and see the visions of Almighty God. I am a seer because I have become a "looker."

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How I See Visions

Here are the steps I took that allowed me to see visions from Almighty God:

  1. I repented for my sin of not presenting the eyes of my heart to God and looking, and began presenting the eyes of my heart to the Lord and looking for visions.
  2. I use my godly imagination to picture a Gospel scene as I read it. This is something most people do, and imagining is a part of Biblical meditation (Josh. 1:8).
  3. Then I ask the Holy Spirit to give me a vision (Eph. 1:17,18) as I place myself in the scene with Jesus, and tune to flowing pictures to see what He wants to show me.
  4. The scene comes alive through the life of the Holy Spirit and I watch a flow of images, which biblically speaking is called a vision. So I have stepped from a godly imagination into a vision.
  5. I record the vision (as the prophets in the Bible did, e.g. Rev. 1:9-11) and have it confirmed by my spiritual advisors (Prov. 11:14; 2 Cor. 13:1 ). This affirms it really is a vision from God, and I am not running in vain (Gal. 2:2).
  6. I believe John used godly imagination in Revelation 4:1 as he painted a picture of a door in the sky, and the next verse says that the Holy Spirit took over and led him into the throne room of God where he stepped into a vision which continues for 19 chapters. Notice that the door was actually the final scene of his previous vision (Rev. 3:20). So when he wanted a new vision, he looked (Rev. 4:1) and held up a previous scene, and allowed the Holy Spirit to take it over (Rev. 4:2)! He stepped from a godly imagination into a divine vision.
  7. Since the Bible encourages us by telling us the stories of those who have gone before and had their own encounters with the living God, you can do exactly what John did in Revelation 4:1, 2. You can hold up a scene (godly imagination), and ask the Holy Spirit to take it over (Eph. 4:1,2), and it can and will flow into an extended vision. Try it! You will like it! I sure do. I do it all the time!

What Are the Faces of Jesus?

It is interesting that when I began seeing visions, I did not see the face of Jesus. I only saw His form from the shoulders on down. Others have testified to the same experience. It is also interesting that Jesus’ facial features are never described in the Gospels. Perhaps this is because He has as many faces as He has names, and He becomes all things to all people so we see different parts of Him at different times. The Bible does make it clear that we see through a glass dimly (1 Cor. 13:12).

However, many of us do begin seeing Jesus’ face after using vision for awhile. I first saw two eyes full of laughter. Then I saw a big smile on His face. He was laughing and having such a good time. And that is most often how I see Him. He tells me to lighten up and laugh along with Him. So I do!

How about if you post a response to this blog, and share with us what Jesus’ face looks like when you see it. Let’s learn from one another. It will be fun.

The Different Ways I See Jesus (Heb. 12:1-2)

In my everyday life: I look to see Him present with me. He is, and He is doing things. So I simply look to see where He is and what He is doing. When I am driving, He is seated next to me in the car. When I am jogging, He is at my right side. When I am counseling, He is often standing with His hands on the counselee’s shoulders. When I am preaching, He is sitting on the edge of the stage, with His legs crossed and a big smile on His face, saying, “Go get them, Mark.”

During worship: I look at the throne room in heaven, and I join with those gathered before the throne in worship to the King, and I worship along with them, doing what I see them doing (Rev. 5:13). This could be dancing, clapping, kneeling, bowing low, arms outstretched in worship, etc.

During prayer: I see Him next to me. We are talking together. He is listening and responding. He is peaceful. Nothing shakes Him. He is in control of all. He is Almighty God, Who rules!

How I don’t see Jesus: I don’t ever picture Jesus on the cross as I come to Him, because He is not there. That horrific point of history is exactly that, a point of history, full of tremendous pain and suffering. It is not where Jesus currently is and it is not a comfortable place for two lovers to share love (which is what prayer is). When I come to Jesus, one of the four keys is “stillness,” so to be in extreme discomfort is disquieting, and thus counter-productive to me “becoming still.” So I normally will not picture Jesus on the cross when I come to Him in prayer.

Having said that, there have been a couple of times when the Lord was asking me to die to self, He has reminded me of His death on the cross and asked me to also lay down my life, even as He did, and to die to self. Sometimes images of death on the cross will flash across my mind in these specific circumstances.

Listening to God Is a Key in Your Pathway to God

In addition to seeing vision, we can also hear God’s voice. Jesus did. “I speak the things my Father has taught me" (Jn. 5:30). Jesus also said, “My sheep hear My voice" (Jn. 10:27). So it is clear we are to live out of the voice of Jesus and the Father. His voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts which light upon you,  particularly when your eyes are fixed on Jesus (Heb. 12:1, 2).

So I have learned in my morning devotions to do what these prophets did (Hab. 2:1-2 & Rev. 1:9-11):

  1. Quiet myself down;
  2. Fix my eyes on Jesus;
  3. Tune to spontaneity (i.e. flowing thoughts, since the flow within is the Holy Spirit - Jn. 7:37-39);
  4. And write or journal (two-way journaling) as I record God’s conversations with me.
As a "Thank You" for reading this blog post, you can receive an exclusive 50% discount on the Hearing God's Voice course from School of the Spirit (using coupon code: VISION). This life-changing, interactive, online learning experience explores this topic inside and out, bringing you to a place of easily hearing from God and seeing His vision every single day! Click here to learn more...

This Is How You Can Have Heart Faith!

You will discover that heart faith (Rom. 10:9) bubbles forth as you hear God’s voice (Gen. 12:1-2),  see His visions (Gen. 15: 1,5, 6) and incubate that within the other three senses of your heart.

More Resources Relating to Using the Eyes of Your Heart as You Approach God

  1. What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
  2. You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
  3. Poised Before Almighty God
  4. I Only Saw Blackness But Now I Can See!
  5. Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
  6. Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
  7. Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
  8. Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
  9. Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
  10. Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
  11. Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
  12. Book  - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
  13. Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
  14. Protestantism's 500-Year-Old  Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
  15. Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
  16. Western Study Verses Biblical Meditation
  17. Also related to this topic: How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

More Resources for Seeing Vision and Hearing God's Voice:

Learn How to See Vision - “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice”  


Creating Heart Faith from God's Voice and Vision -  Heart Faith or Spirit Born Creativity       


Understand How Your Heart/Spirit Operates - “How to Walk by the Spirit”   


Resources for Interpreting Dreams (Visions of the Night)

God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. He whispers in their ear and terrifies them with His warning. He causes them to change their minds; He keeps them from pride (Job 33:14-17 NLT).

As a "Thank You" for reading this blog post, you can receive an exclusive 50% discount on the Hearing God Through Your Dreams course from School of the Spirit (using coupon code: VISION). This life-changing, interactive, online learning experience explores this topic inside and out, so you become comfortable interpreting the messages you are receiving from God every single night! Click here to learn more...



Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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Anonymous's picture

I had a hard time seeing or understanding God as my Father. I don't know why, but I just could not identify with that concept but I really wanted to. I was praying for Him to reveal Himself to me and help me to get it like other people did. I would hear talk of Daddy God, Papa..etc, but really did not feel close to Him. I went to a conference last year and was listening to a speaker talk about Father God, and my heart was so longing to be in this revelation place. Then we started to worship. I began to see before the theatre of my mind Jesus!!! He was dressed in a blue tunic and pants with a beautiful golden crown on His head. He was holding a little newborn child wrapped in white cloth, He held the child close in His arms to His face and was smiling at her...she was smiling up at him...It was me!!!, then the picture changed, the child was maybe 8 months old and he lifted her up in the air and they were laughing....then I saw Him holding her on His hip, she was maybe 4 then, and quite shy, she had a finger in her mouth or poised on her lip....then ..she was sitting on the floor colouring...the walls were white marble, all the rooms were white marble...then..she was outside the palace grounds on a red very fast motorcycle, her long blond hair streaming around her, and blowing over her eyes, on her head a crown perched jauntily to the was me revving this bike really fast laughing and racing around the grounds......then a classroom scene with a blackboard, textbooks,,,then the best of all....a picture of the Throne, with Jesus coming halfway down to meet me, holding out His hand to help me up the stairs to sit beside Him......This has been our Father's plan since the beginning, to share His Glory with His children. I recieved so much more than a Father Revelation, I recieved a total life and future Glory revelation. I understand I came from Him, He created me, not to be miserable here on the earth forever, but His intention was to share His Glory, and to share His whole Kingdom with His Family.. I call it the Fellowship of the Firstborn.

I was undone,,,completely, I could not speak for a while after,,,then with great difficulty I told my astonished husband what I saw....I found this scene in Ephesians 1 that we have been given Joint-seating with our Beloved Jesus and will reign with Him forever....Yay God!!!!

Anonymous's picture

That is so powerful it is frightening. If God took me to all those stages of my life and I didn't get stuck there in the trauma of them it would be very healing. I think have been be scared to allow Him to take me there for fear I would get stuck there.
I think I can easily see God as "my" father (like my earthly one. I didn't realize that in my head he he wasn't being "our" father) My image of "father" is tainted. Maybe I need a "new father" image. I didn't realize till I read this that my father image was messed up. I guess I thought it was normal not to feel close to God. After all He is God. How would I get close to him and and live.

Anonymous's picture

I also had many visions but did not see.
Many years ago I defied god. It was a very hard time. I said he wasn't real and that if he was he would give me a sign. That night, I had a dream of a man, his face was hidden. But it was a dark room. In front of him was a table with 7 candles lit. I asked him his name, he whispered in weird tone "Lucifer". It then took me to areas of my life. It showed my parents fighting, cursing and there were drugs. I never had these things in my life.

I remember waking up. There was this pure evil prescense in my room. I could not stand it and went downstairs. It was a horrific feeling. And other things happened but I will not describe. Let's just say it was demonic. In my heart, I knew what was wrong. I prayed all day. I went to my church and had my church elders pray for me. At the endof our prayer, as we said amen, thunder shook the ground and around us and I knew it was a life changing experience. Recently I prayed for forgiveness and had a dream that I was in front of Jesus. He was there and I was kneeling before him and in my heart he told me he forgives me. That was a blessing.

Anonymous's picture

I have recently been born again and after pressing hard on God Himself to Baptise on me with the Holy Spirit, that same night God spoke to me using Joel 2:28. Since then God has been speaking to me using His Word, and dreams.

I started researching on the internet on how to hear God clearly. I came across your articles. After reading steps to take to see visions I took quite an interest in it. One morning around 7 a.m. I was in bed, very much conscious but had my eyes closed. I saw visions of a lamb, clouds and angels, and as I was being shown these visions I heard a voice saying "not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit..." Zechariah 4:6 I am just checking this out with you to assist me

Anonymous's picture

The visions are very true I too have seen it with my own eyes and I known God chosen me to spread the gospel word of God the father and lord Jesus Christ in my heart is were his is and lord Jesus Christ is because I love them and my family too he gave me peace joy and happiness in my heart

Mark Virkler's picture

I believe the vision and words came from the Lord. Continue on!

Anonymous's picture

Last year I did a 14 days fast with my church and I ask God to send me a man in my life . Three days after the fast ended I meet a man and it was beautifully but few months after that the relationship ended. A combination of things lead to the break up. One day after work I was watching a pastor preach on television and I started praying and I felt my body was out place. I felt the presence of the holy spirit. I was crying to God and I heard a voice telling me you have been praying since you are 17 and this the man for you but you have to trust. A soon as I heard that instead of waiting of God I started planning a way to get him back. I even travel with him on vacation but while there I refuse to have sex with him. Long story short we official break up after that. He try to contact him but he refuse. I went to God and I heard the same thing wait on the Lord and do not lean on your own understanding. I spend the entire summer trying to get over him. I dated other people but as soon as I Pray to God. The relationship ended. In November I realize that I had to submit my desire to God and let him lead in the right path. On December 31 I wen to church and while I was praying for the new year the holy spirit lead me to pray for him and our future. Deep inside of me I knew at that point that God wanted to pray for him and our relationship. I was try to fight my feeling for this man. I started a 21 day this year again and for the first two weeks I was reading my Bible at work the verse Jesus said my sheep heard my voice and Joel about vision while meditating the word I was praying and sing Hillsong Ocean. I had out body experience. I was crying and shaking and I was in the church getting married and my ex was waiting for him wearing a tuxedo. I have seen this seen during my entire fast or his face while praying. I know that this vision are from God. It seem the more I try to ignore and tell myself that I am crazy the visions are hunting me down. I have decided to pray and wait on the Lord for his timing. I am scare that Iam going crazy at the same time. In my mind this situation doesn't make sense but when I think of God and the faith that I have in him I trust him. I think this whole experience has made trust God. I have learn to forgive and be humble. I need help an guidance please.

Mark Virkler's picture

I hear your struggle. It is a big struggle, because you are making a BIG decision. For big decisions, I always seek out spiritual counsel from my 3 spiritual advisers. So I strongly encourage you to allow God to show you who your 3 spiritual advisers are to be. Then you go to them with this struggle about finding the right mate. Ask them to confirm in their hearts that this is the right person for you to be building a relationship with and then how to effectively pursue a Godly relationship with this proposed perspective mate. Let them guide you as you work through the blocks which keep the relationship from maturing as God intends. Receive their counsel. Act on it and move on to the fulfillment of your destiny in God.Do not walk alone. Receive their the heart-felt counsel of your three spiritual advisers and act upon it.

Anonymous's picture

Hi and appreciate this blog.
I need so much help on this issue about being led to a man I think will be perfect for me and my future.
About a year I had a dream of my wedding day where in fact years prior I was praying for a man. Then one night,I have a dream of my wedding day at a church and the name 'john' appears.
I was someone that wasn't really intending to get married at a church so when I woke up, I disregarded the dream.
Months later, I met a man named John that I adore that brought me to repentance,to visit church and to focus on God so I assumed the dream was from God, especially when this man brought me closer to our Heavenly dad.

Though last night, despite I was still praying if this man is whom I will marry, I woke up t around 3 am and as I was falling asleep I saw a 'vision' of two angels taking me up to a light I assumed it was God and I asked' Will I marry John? and the response want to clear to me but something like 'no but this is only for this year' or something like no , but its for this year'
Now when I saw this I was deeply disturbed as I don't know what is the answer as I had a dream of my wedding day then I meet the man who brought me close to faith ,then I see this vision that tells me no where I feel like I will be distanced from God if john and I don't get married.

can the devil disguise himself as God to take me from my path of faith or can the devil disguise himself only as angel of light. so confused as the messages are contradicting.

Mark Virkler's picture

I understand the difficulty.
Both leading's are predictive in nature and require the cooperation of another person. Since God will never force a person to do something, I consider these kind of predictions to be possible but not necessarily absolute. For John could resist the leading of the Spirit, and the marriage would not come off.

So God is free to lead us in one direction for awhile, and then change directions. He did that with Abraham. He said, come up on the mountain top and sacrifice your son. Then God said, no don't sacrifice your son. Both were from God.

Anonymous's picture

im 15 years old and today I was sitting alone on my tablet in my living room next thing i knew i was standing in a dark room in silence i literally felt like it was real and i was standing there a door opened directly in front of me shining a bright light towards me my arms where raised slightly so my hands where by my stomach i dropped my hands to look into the bright door and at the moment my tablet dropped on my lap pulling me from the vision. everything was so real i heard the door and everything i sat there for about 5 minutes trying to figure out what happened... my dad just recently passed away from lung cancer im wondering if it could of been him coming to visit... any ideas? Thank You for your time :)

Mark Virkler's picture

Thanks for writing. You did see a vision. So what does it mean? I would ask you some questions. Since your dad has passed away, do you feel alone in a dark room... at least do you feel that way emotionally? And if so, perhaps it was the Lord coming to communicate light and truth to you. I would encourage you to begin doing some two-way journaling. You can easily hear God's voice. Take your tablet and write down, "Lord, what do you want to speak to me?" Then close your eyes, picture yourself together with Jesus at your side and put a big smile on your face. Tune to flow, and begin to write down the flowing thoughts and pictures that come to you. They are most likely from God. Once the flow is finished, you can share what you have written with your mom and ask her if she feels in her heart it came from God. Plus you can make sure the words line up with Scripture. We have a book you can get to help you. It is here: It is a PDF file and you should be able to download it to your tablet I believe. God wants to be at your side during this difficult time. Two-way journaling is the best way I know to allow Him to minister to you and counsel you during this time. Give it a try. Let me know how it works. You can even post your journaling here if you want to and I would be glad to respond.

Anonymous's picture

Over the last years I had been looking for people who shared similar spiritual visions.
When I was 5 years I had been taking a bath on my backyard and the churchyard was 4 houses from my home. There is a Cross on the church building and I found the cross drawing closer and closer to me I was so terrified I jumped out the tub and ran inside. Well nobody believed me. When I was 13 I had been asleep in a same position and had found myself rising in that position I was attracted towards a bright golden absolutely beautiful light and this light was coming from a Aramic or Hebrew Stone Bible I had never had exposure to other languages before, it was like the inner me like my soul had rose towards the light and then I said 'Lord not now please' immediately my body went back into bed the very bed I had been sleeping in. I have had so many encounters and strong senses of peoples emotional situations. I had even received a vision it was warning the voice said to me that a certain medication is harmful for a certain family member and then I asked the voice to show me the medication box and I saw it. I was stunned and tried to share but nobody believed they thought I was crazy. A week later I found the medicine box whilst cleaning and it was noted of side effects. Within a month the family member was hospitalised and experience extreme pain because of this medication. I know God is using me there is so much I could share. God is making that connection with us. How ready are we?

Mark Virkler's picture

These visions are from God. Honor them and act on them. Issue warnings. It is up to others if they want to head the warnings. You can.

Anonymous's picture

Thanks for the reply mark :)
Appreciated :) though the second message wasn't too clear to me
Would it suggest that it mightn't be from God as I have no indication what it meant? And it has definately bright confusion an uneasiness ?
Though the first was very articulate to me about my wedding day ?

Anonymous's picture

Im 14 but been praying for along time for this and fasted a day but ive never spoke in tongues or anything in that category and have just decided its not my time. Can you shine some light on my situation

Mark Virkler's picture

Speaking in Tongues is a gift and it is available to you NOW to begin doing. We generally simply make it too hard. Once you ask for the gift, you need to simply step out in faith and begin speaking sylables which you don't control with your mind, and as you tune to flow, and let any syllables flow out that come, as you choose to speak, you trust and believe these syllables are being formed by the Holy Spirit within you. It is really a matter of simple child like faith. Jn. 7:37-39 says the flow within us is the River of the Holy Spirit. So you speak whatever flows and trust it is the river. I fix my eyes on Jesus. I picture him on the throne in heaven, and everyone worshipping and I join in the worship before the throne, and I simply switch from English to flowing syllables, and that is speaking in tongues. Try this daily for a couple of weeks and see where it takes you. We have an ebook you can order here:

Anonymous's picture

am always dreaming of prophets i have seen so many prophets and i see them prophecying and healing people ,i have had angelic visitations and most of the prophet in my dreams lay their hands on me,most of them i see them in my dreams how they were when they started with their wife how brook they were wearing thesame suit to preach before they became big,i have seen the elderly man with white,i have dreamt of healing people myself,saving them from demons .and when i wake up am very tired


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