Stories from Kenya of Emotional Healing Promoting Health

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Healings in Kenya - Update from Pauline Burthwick

About 11 years ago I ministered in the church of a pastor in Kenya.  At that time, I would leave with them your teaching materials on “4 Keys to Hear God’s Voice, Counseled by God, and Prayers that Heal the Heart.”  I am not sure how much he really applied them at that time, but I know he did read them and still has them as a reference. He has apostolic and prophetic giftings. I have mentored him over the years and there have been times in his own life where he has dealt with depression and other life stresses, as most of us do.

Recently he has been communicating with me about his new position.  He has been hired in a mental hospital in Nairobi to be a spiritual counselor/advisor.  So, he has pulled out those manuals I had given him and is digging into them.  He has also been seeking advice from me.  Amazing things are happening.  One of the results is as he meets with the patients he has gotten an even greater understanding of his own past life issues and problems in the church. 

Some of his comments are, “Today I have learned what you came to Kenya and taught us the inner healing and counseled by God was just preparing me. If I never attended your class and training I don't think I could have worked in this mental hospital.  Inner healing is a powerful reality. The inner vows people make are so real. So much comes from people's hearts am surprised I never saw that before.  It's so amazing when working in this mental hospital I have learned how so many times we curse ourselves." 

He shared testimonies of two patients he counseled and prayed with that had issues of bitterness and, by facilitating forgiveness, they were both discharged the next day.  Recently he has been praying with someone who has an addiction and they left the first meeting happy and are requesting another meeting.  Some of these people have prominent positions in the community.

Besides that, the psychiatrists and psychologists, and CEO of the hospital have been requesting him to do group therapy with the patients and in-service meetings with them to help them understand the spiritual roots of issues.  In the first session, he taught them about bitterness.

"My testimony is this: When I was asked to do present to the staff and work in the hospital as a spiritual therapist I didn't know what to do at first. I saw the mental problems didn't know how to connect with spiritual meaning. I went to the office and knelt down and ask the Holy Spirit. Suddenly. I was amazed at how He taught me:

He told me the mental problems have deep roots in the wounded heart. It's like a storm that distorts the thoughts and impairs the mind and gives room for demonic spirit to invade the mind. I asked God what should be done: He said it's the root of bitterness that has come as a result of unforgiveness. Close the door and healing will proceed.

I had at least 30 minutes presentation and surprisingly it left the whole staff speechless. But it's when I got more patients to counsel and most staff told me that the things I presented were information they never knew."

Recently he did a teaching session with the doctors using a handout with the Demon’s House.  That had a great impact on the medical doctors and they are asking for more on inner healing and related issues. 

When he initially told me that he was hired in this position, I explained that most likely he will be working himself out of a job. Either all the patients will be healed and leave the hospital and the staff may not appreciate that.  It seems that so far the favor of God and man is his portion. 

Here is one of his prayer requests. “It is my passion and desire that supernatural miracles may happen so that everyone in this hospital may believe. I may be just a vessel to be used by heaven in bringing God's Kingdom in this mental hospital.”

Let us pray for the spiritual lives of the doctors, staff, and patients that they will come to the Knowledge of Christ and inner healing and deliverance.

Thank you for your generosity to provide resources for the missions I have done over the years since 2006.  I am sure there are many more testimonies that do not make their way back to me.  But just like throwing a stone in the lake produces ripples that go out and out – this is one example of what can happen even years later.

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Read this entire series

  1. Healing Emotional Trauma Is Foundational to Restoring Health 
  2. How Healing Emotional Trauma Was a Key in Healing My Cancer by Margaret Cornell
  3. Journaling Regarding Healing Emotional Trauma as Foundational to Restoring Health By Ron Horst
  4. Stories from Kenya of Emotional Healing Promoting Health

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