A Gift for Leaders in Developing Nations: One-time Donation

A Gift for Leaders in Developing Nations: One-time Donation

To the Ends of the Earth! Missions Outreach
Karen Tanner, Missions Coordinator

There are two ways we reach into the mission field of developing nations. One is through a free hidden website with copies of over 25 of Mark’s books and MP3 versions of our core classes and the other is sending courses to prisoners in Namibia, Africa. We offer a Bachelor’s Degree from Christian Leadership Seminary to those that complete 120 credits of coursework.

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To the Ends of the Earth! Missions Outreach
Karen Tanner, Missions Coordinator

There are two ways we reach into the mission field of developing nations. One is through a free hidden website with copies of over 25 of Mark’s books and MP3 versions of our core classes and the other is sending courses to prisoners in Namibia, Africa. We offer a Bachelor’s Degree from Christian Leadership Seminary to those that complete 120 credits of coursework.

When I receive the testimony of a life changed by acceptance of God’s Word it is always praiseworthy. When I receive one from the continent of Africa or Asia my heart leaps with excitement and joy. I realize that through the free courses and hidden websites provided, CLU has penetrated where we could not go in person.

Here is one testimony from Cameroon, Africa:
“I testify that these books are inspired by the Holy Ghost because I experience a great improvement in my health, inner healings and can distinguish between satan’s dreams and the dreams projected from the Holy Spirit’s projector. My greatest desire is to have spiritual encounters with the Lord Jesus. Sir, pray for me that Christ will increase in me daily while I decrease and that the eyes of my understanding being enlightened to comprehend spiritual principles and the relationship between concepts.”      
“I also testify that I have received tremendous healing especially in my heart as I finished the course ‘Prayers That Heal The Heart’. Thank you very much, sir, for helping discover my life problems. I also practice Journaling in the course ‘Prayers That Heal The Heart’…”
“As a result of meditating on these books, my life has been transformed and I thank God. I thank God for you and your wife, Virkler, because through your combined work, I know I have a future, a glorious future. I am telling you the truth, these books have affected my life so much and I am so sure about my future. My future is big and as I finish this course I am going to give my future only at the demands of mankind. I have so much invested in me and I can’t wait to go out to influence the world of teenagers, affect their lives, impact them with the investment of my personality and I owe you and your wife a big thank you.
“You are actually raising a generation of Spirit-anointed leaders in all areas of life. A leading and a talking generation that will recreate their future with what they speak or say, charting a course for their lives. Why is it that too many Christians have been weak and beggarly? Because of their ignorance. I pray that I be filled with this kind of knowledge, a knowledge that changes a man’s life. It’s the knowledge that is required. This is the kind of knowledge we ought to receive as we grow in Christ and that is what makes the difference between the mature Christian and the one that is not.” 
There are many small classrooms taught by the pastor or individuals on their own that are experiencing LAMAD teaching and revelation-based learning through our books and courses. We have some students who have started Bible schools of their own to teach what they have learned. This is a picture of a long-time mission student, Weston Kapasule, from Malawi at the Bible school he has started called “Mark’s International Bible College”.
Another man from Malawi has been with us for 11 years and has translated about 10 books into the Chichewan language and is using them to teach students in his Bible School called ‘Jerusalem Bible College’. He sent a message that said, “There are many lecturers from Bible Colleges here but most of them are just RELIGIOUS PEOPLE with degrees from Religious Bible Colleges…God speaks with me the very way Dr. Virkler teaches. My understanding of these books is not theological but revelational and I even experience them. I do not lecture theologically but as a person who experiences them in my life.”
From Windhoek Central Prison in Namibia, Immanuel writes (in his own words), “From deep of my heart I give you all my sincere gratitude for blessing me with this life finding courses. I felt totally lost. But immediately after I received and went through these courses I felt relief from all the burdens. With the help of this course I experience everyday Christ Jesus as a Living Person. This course blessed me in so an amazing way that I did not just experienced Christ Jesus, but I can now even smell His love all over me. He have become my Life.”
In Lome, Togo there was a graduation ceremony at Leadership Training Centre with students receiving degrees from us. This picture shows the joy of their accomplishment!

A Sierra Leonean refugee, dislocated and uprooted victim of the rebel war in his country and a member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, writes, “The anointed and sound teaching from CLU has created tremendous results on my spiritual life, and a great impact on my local Church and the community as a whole. It has transformed my life, that I am now guided and controlled by the Holy Spirit, with the love of Christ behind my action. The power of Christ has helped me to control anything that endangers my relationship with Him. I have realized that the only way to freedom from selfish and evil desires and self-centeredness is through the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of how great satan’s power is, Jesus is stronger still. He will bind satan and dispose of him for eternity. I am filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s new purpose in my life.
“…Without God, life has no meaning, which illustrates that the greatest tragedy is a man without a purpose. There is an urgent need for a Spiritual Father in this fallen and wicked world. It is for this reason that I have now chosen, Dr. Mark Virkler as my Spiritual Father and Mentor, that I will entirely follow his teaching which comes with power that had a powerful effect on my life.”

How Can YOU Get Involved with Our Global Missions Outreach?

We offer these courses free of charge to students in developing nations. That means we incur 100% of the cost of all materials sent out, shipping fees and instructor salaries.
If you would like to help offset these costs and join with us to reach the world with the message of hearing God’s voice, that would be a HUGE blessing! We would love to have you get involved in our missions program with both your prayer and financial support. Make a one-time gift or set up a monthly contribution to sow continually into what God is doing around the world through CLU and CWG Ministries. You can even correspond with the student you sponsor if you like!
We believe we are good soil and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your partnership in extending the Kingdom of God to the farthest ends of the earth!

Some of the Nations We Touch Through the Missions Program

  1. Angola
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Cameroon
  4. DR Congo
  5. Ethiopia
  6. Gambia
  7. Ghana
  8. Guinea
  9. India
  10. Indonesia
  11. Iran
  12. Kenya
  13. Liberia
  14. Malawi
  15. Nairobi
  16. Namibia
  17. Nigeria
  18. Rwanda
  19. Sierra Leone
  20. South Africa
  21. Sudan
  22. Swaziland
  23. Tanzania
  24. Togo
  25. Uganda
  26. Zambia
  27. Zimbabwe

We currently send materials into over 110 nations.


Pastor Lusayo Mwanganya's picture

All glory be unto God, the Almighty. He has done it. At our church, Assembly for All Nations, in Lilongwe, Malawi, Central Africa, we longed for a Real Life, Biblically grounded, Revelation-based Learning to grow our leaders in the church for the work of ministry. WE FOUND IT. It is the LAMAD offered by the Christian Leadership University. Our church is of sound doctrine but needed a practical, life changing and spirit inspiring leadership training that can complete the leadership capacity of our church. We started a church centered bible school at our church called All Nations Bible College on 1st August 2015 and now the five students who were registered have completed 5 subjects including a Communion with God course. I personally have seen their lives literary change. The impact is so great such that the people in the church have experienced the same. May God bless CLU and Drs. Mark and Pat Virkler.
Fumbani Yokonia's picture

I have benefited queit alot from this module ''Communionwith God'' in the past thirty years? I hope many could have enjoyed and meet their God but unfortunately may answered the call of death without having an access of this truth. I hope Malawi is privilaged so much and as a student I can sense that in five years time Christian Leadership University/Seminary's teachings will take over the position of Religious Rationalism and people will be poccessed with the spirit of Rivival as the result of being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. finally, may I extend my gratitude to Dr. Mark and Karen Tunner for your initiative to train most of our African leaders who are so committed to implement or give that which the Lord invested unto them. I am so happy to be under the spiritual covering of Rev. Weston Kapasule, yours son in the Lord and this is an indication to me that am your grand child in the Lord. What a blessing? your grand child whom the Lord has produced here in Malawi. Fumbani Yokonia.
Gift Chigwenembe's picture

Through the module entittled {Communion With God} I have really benefited for example in the past I thought that I was aman of God since I was able to preach and teach powerfully but something was missing in my life and frankly speaking the course module which I have underlined above has brought the change and revival in my heart and this miracle has taken place because my spirit is fused to Gods Spirit and I do not take it forgranted but always to thank so much world missions coordinator, Karen Tunner and the family of Virkler's who are the founder's and president of CLU/CLS. Infact I'm praying for spirit which you have demostreted more especially you heart for the lost is much wealthy is the eyes of God. The training that you gave to Rev. Weston Kapasule has helped many of Malawi Christian leaders to be trained and be able to teach in their churches. God's guide and keep you long. Gift Chigwenembe, Mark's Student. Malawi, Kasungu , Central Africa.
Elizabeth's picture

First of all, I would like to thank my husband who is also my mentor, role model and this is not other than Rev. Weston Kapasule. Being his wife I could have taken an advantage of not listen from him but I praise the Lord who has revealed to me that he is a man of God. During the past three years I have been in class of of communion wit God and at first it was hard for me to understand the concept but to day I am able to hear God speaking of which my life, family has been healed and this is because of the assistanceprovided by Dr. Mark and Dr. Patti Virkler and not forgetting our dear mother Karen Tunner. May the Almighty God bless . Mrs. Rev. W.kapasule {Elizabeth Phir}.
Transiscius's picture

I am a christian worker married to Sylivia, we have two children. We are attending commomunion with God lessons with Rev.Weston Kapasule in Kasungu Malawi,Central Africa. In fact many people here in Malawi are benefiting queit alot. For example I did not know how to hear Gods Voice but to day am adifferent person and I wish to learn more from this anointed man of God so that I can become whatever God wants me to be. Finally, I wish to thank so much Dr. Mark Virkler and Patti Virkler as well as world Missions coordinator, Karen Tunner for the things you invested in Malawi. May the Almighty God bless you. Evangelist Transiscius Nyerenda, Malawi, kasungu Central Africa.
Fatima Kawomba's picture

I am a leady, married and blessed with children. I attended Natual Resources, one of the best schools in Agriculture here in Malawi. I worked in government Department of Agriculture as field Adviser and Gender and counseling and other related fields. During the time when I was working and also serving as one of church leaders but I was far away from God but soon after learning a course known as Naturally Suppernatural I have come to the point of knowing that I no longer live but Christ through me. I thank so much for Dr. Mark and Dr. Patti Virkler for this wonderful and spirit anointed book which they wrote infact Natuarally supper Natural is down to earth messege and no one can come agaist this fact. I was privilage to learn right here in Malawi through Pastor Weston Kapasule, who demostrated carefully of what it means to live for Christ and die for self and evetually I was privilaged to graduate with Bachelor of Ministry from Christian Leadership Seminary. To day I am apowerful gospel communicator and this is because of Christ who is flowing in me. For those who are looking for an institution where they promise to give that which will not desappoint you if you're desparate to have spirit filled ministry then CLU/CLS is for you. God bless you. Fatima Kawomba, Malawi. Central Africa. n
Manjolo RYX's picture

I grew up in Adventist Church and have gone through different trainings in life but all the studies have not taken place what I have learnt to day. Each time I am able to hear Him speaking and with this kind of previlage both my family and society have been benefited queit alot. I no longer live but christ lives in me. I am fully convinced that He is my friend and whenever I need anything I can go to Him and be given. All in all I would want to thank so much for CLU/CLS President, world missions co ordinator, Karen Tanner for the hard work and love which is being demostrated to us here in Malawi, and not forgeting weston kapasule our mentor and beloved son who has demostreted christ like character and who has made adifference so far. Under his tutorial work I have managed to get Associate Degree and Bachelor of Ministry and I was also appointed together with other friends to assist him some of the work and according to one of the module which is known by the name of Dynamic Five fold Team Ministry indeed is what it is happening and all what need to say is that CLU/CLS is a school recommended for Christian Leaders and who ever read this testimony please make adecission to day and you will become what God wants you to be more especially you will learn how to Hear Gods Voice and be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. God bless as you make adecission to day. Ryx Manjolo, Pastor, Malawi.
Alick Patrick Petro Chibade's picture

I was born a presybeterian, Member of Church of Central African Presypeterian {CCAP}.Hearing Gods Voice it was something that I could not believe as our Church taught that God is not speaking to day but rather the Bible is the only tool to be used hence the time when I joined classes of Rev. Weston Kapasule, graduate of CLU/CLS at Marks Centre with the help of world Missions under the leadership of Karen Tunner, I came know that Spiritual Christianity is based on Hearing Gods Voice atherwise no. I have really helped and at the moment my church is also benefited. I have Diploma in Education from University of Malawi , Bachelor of Ministry from CLS but I have made adecission to work together with Rev. W.Kapasule who is working tirelessly so that many Malawians should hear God speaking to them. Let me end up with this point, Our International coordinator, Karen Tunner, infact you sow the living seed hear in Africa through Rev. W. Kapasule of which we love and will always keep on praying CLU/CLS President as well as Karen Tunner because of the great change which you have brought in both my life and others here in Malawi. P.P. CHIBADE FORMER TEACHERS COLLEGE ADMINISTRATOR.
Pastor Master Sitima's picture

I am a Malawian by nationality, aged 51 and married to Ethel Sitima, blessed with 6 children, 3 boys and 3 girls. I am serving in christian Covenant Church as apastor and I was was trained with Rev. Weston Kapasule here in Malawi. A man ever seen before. He is young compared with my age but he is humble, sociable and love for the Lord. I did not know how to hear Gods Voice but to say the truth to day am adifferent man{Pastor} I am able to hear and I dont preach knowledge but rather Revelation knowledge from Almighty God. Stillness, Vision, Spontaneity and journaling all these steps have helped me queit alot and I cant even tell. Dr. Mark and Dr. Patti Virkler I hope that the training that you gave to Rev. Weston Kapasule has really helped many Malawians and continue praying for him and we do the same. Finally, I have Associate of Biblical studies and Bachelor of Ministry through the support he got from International coordinator, Karen Tunner who is always available to make sure that third word christian leaders are being trained. May the Lord bless and keep you long. Pastor Master Sitima, Malawi, Kasungu.
Weston kapasule's picture

Firstly would want to thank so much for the leadership of Dr Mark and Dr Patti not forgeting our beloved mother in Lord Karren Tanner for sacrifice her life to work tirelessly with missions students who could not Afford to pay their school fees but to day many lives has been transformed for example when I started the course it was something that seemed to have no future but have realised that hearing Gods is much vital in christian learning and wheather it be politics, education, business and many other vocations. To day I am adifferent man I have the peace of mind and would want to invite my fellow christians to join christian leadership university or buy books from communion with God Ministries so that you can learn how to hear Gods voice which is the highest standard and purpose for Almighty God for us. Dont be cheated CLU/CLS can not be compared with any other christian institutions in the sense that when one meditate upon its courses he/she is able to be transformed by the power of the Holy Ghost what the great school is this? May be let me end up with this statement of fact, I have B.Min and M.Min I hope to go further with PhD Some day but frankly speaking both my spiritual and physical life has changed and CLU/CLS has fulfilled my goals and this is so because both the founders Dr Mark and Patti Virkler and the entire administration are God fearing men anointed christian leaders and why not seeking for such awonderful place ? I hope you will. Weston Kapasule. Malawi kasungu.


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Hear God Through Your Dreams PowerPoint Download

by Mark Virkler

If you are teaching the course Hear God Through Your Dreams, then these 18 PowerPoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. 


Price: $9.95
Naturally Supernatural PowerPoint Download

Naturally Supernatural PowerPoint Download

by Mark Virkler | 178 Slides

Revised & Expanded 30th Anniversary Edition. If you are teaching the course Naturally Supernatural, then these 178 PowerPoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. If you are going to use the DVDs to teach this course, then the PowerPoint is already interwoven into the DVDs.

Price: $24.95
Overflow of the Spirit Teacher's Guide

Overflow of the Spirit Teacher's Guide PDF eBook

40 Pages | by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

This 40-page Teacher's Guide makes it easy for you to teach the principles of the book Overflow of the Spirit. This is complemented with other Overflow of the Spirit resources: LEARN workbook, PowerPoint, textbook. If you choose to have Mark and Charity be the teachers and you function as the coach, then you may add in the video training. Descriptions of each product follow.

Price: $14.95

Rivers of Grace PowerPoint Download

185 slides

If you are teaching the course Rivers of Grace, these 185 PowerPoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. You will want each of your students to have a copy of the LEARN notebook, and each family should have a copy of the full textbook

Price: $24.95
Through the Bible Handbook of Answers eBook

Through the Bible Handbook of Answers eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 246 Pages

This book provides suggested partial answers for the discussion questions in the Through the Bible text. This can be used by a student to compare his answers to ours, or by a teacher who is grading the student's workbook.

Price: $24.95
Through the Bible Teacher's Guide eBook

Through the Bible Teacher's Guide eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 248 Pages

Make Bible survey relevant, enjoyable and life-changing by allowing God to speak directly to each student each week. This book provides a host of suggestions for the teacher so that class time can be a fun, interactive application of the portion of Scripture that the student has worked through during the previous week.

Price: $17.95
