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End-Times Prophecy

End-Times Prophecy

by Timothy Paul Jones, PhD | 364 p. | c2011

This is an outstanding book, which clearly and simply lays out four differing views of end time prophecy, providing scriptural support for each, showing the unique approaches each view takes, and encouraging you to understand and not judge those who disagree with you. Finally we can honor and love all people (1 Pet. 2:17) as we consider various views of interpreting end time prophecy. What a gift to the body of Christ. Thank you, Timothy Paul Jones!!!

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Four Views of the Book of Revelation Compared

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This is an outstanding book, which clearly and simply lays out four differing views of end time prophecy, providing scriptural support for each, showing the unique approaches each view takes, and encouraging you to understand and not judge those who disagree with you. Finally we can honor and love all people (1 Pet. 2:17) as we consider various views of interpreting end time prophecy. What a gift to the body of Christ. Thank you, Timothy Paul Jones!!!

End-Times Prophecy — A Visual Explanation and Overview of Bible Prophecy

Jesus talked a lot about the end of time and His second coming. These are key teachings that every Christian should know. So why don't they?

Perhaps the topic seems too complex or too confusing. And that's a shame because it doesn't have to be.

The Rose Guide to End Time Prophecy is an easy-to-understand overview. It helps you go through the key portions of Scripture and explains different ways that Christians have interpreted them. Simple charts and illustrations help you see the whole picture.

Includes explanations of and charts/diagrams for—

  • Book of Revelation — four ways Christians interpret it.
  • Book of Daniel — the statues, beasts, goats, and the 70 weeks. And three ways to interpret the 70 weeks
  • 4 Approaches to the Book of Revelation: Futurist, Historicist, Idealist, and Preterist
  • Terms in the Book of Revelation: the Beasts, 666, Millennium, Antichrist, Armageddon, and Tribulation
  • A Dispensational time line chart compared with two other Christian views of God's work with Israel
  • Jesus' teachings in Matthew 24, known as the Olivet Discourse, and two ways of understanding each passage (wars, rumors of wars, tribulation, earthquakes, etc.).
  • Two views of the Temple in the End Times
  • Ezekiel's Temple Vision - 4 ways of understanding it
  • Important beliefs about the end times that all Christians hold.

This book will give you confidence as you look at the Bible and at events in today's newspapers. You will be better informed and will have a Christ-centered, biblically-based view of Jesus' second coming.

Award-winning author Dr. Timothy Paul Jones has Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Biblical Literature and Pastoral Ministry, as well as a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. He is a professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. In 2010 he won the ECPA Christian Book of the Year award in the Christian Education category for Christian History Made Easy.

Why I (Mark Virkler) Am so Excited about the Book End-Times Prophecy

I was sent a copy of the book End-Times Prophecy with the request to consider writing an endorsement for it. Quite frankly, I had no desire to do so, as I quit reading books on prophecy when I graduated from Bible college over 35 years ago. You see, while in college I backed up with Scripture, to my satisfaction, several contradictory views on how to interpret the book of Revelation. That resulted in me laying aside the whole area of end time prophecy and saying, "I am going to focus instead on discipling nations, as commanded by Jesus." I felt that  eschatology was obviously ambiguous, and to fight and argue over interpretations was unprofitable to the furthering of the administration of God, which is by faith (1 Tim. 1:4).

However, when I first glanced at this book, I was struck by the full color charts on almost every page. I love charts, as so much information can be communicated so clearly in such a small amount of space. They captured my eyes, were easy to read and laid out multiple views of eschatology side by side, without feeling a need to judge any of them. Instead they simply showed the key unique emphases of each interpretative view along with its scriptural basis.

As I began to read I really got excited. Timothy Paul Jones was not putting anyone down. He was not judging or condemning or insisting his view was right and everyone else was wrong. As a matter of fact, he was not even stating what his view was. He was simply, honestly and clearly presenting the four major views of Revelation in a clear, concise, orderly manner.

So then I asked myself, "But why even care about these four different ways of interpreting the book of Revelation?" And as I turned to the next page (page 72), the author asked the question, “Why does it matter?” obviously fully in tune with his reading audience (which is something I absolutely love about the book). Then he gives the best answer to that question I have ever heard. It is so we know and appreciate the historical positions the Church has held on the book of Revelation, so we can be informed and so we can learn to respect and honor those who hold positions different from ours. Well, this is refreshing, and correlates with what God has been telling me - that I need to honor all people. In my early Christian life, I was trained to judge and put down everyone who held a view different than mine, so I destroyed the unity of the body of Christ because of my theological beliefs on things which were not essential to the message of salvation by faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Now I want to read other books Dr. Timothy Paul Jones has written, plus I want to sell this book off our website, and add it as the first and only course on eschatology Christian Leadership University has ever offered.

Endorsements for the Book "End-Times Prophecy"

"I like the Rose Guide to End Times Prophecy because it levels the playing field. It shows options of how to interpret prophecies in the Bible rather than saying, "This is the only way Christians believe." It has a balanced approach, which is better for small group study. It just lays out the facts of how Christians over the centuries have understood these passages."

"Stunning art and fantastic side-by-side comparison charts. The explanations and diagrams in this book make the Bible passages clear. Some end-times prophecies in the Bible were a mystery even to the biblical writers. No wonder people have varying interpretations today. It's good to survey what Bible scholars think about each Bible verse, rather than having just one viewpoint pushed on you."

"When you have a lot of people like Harold Camping stirring up trouble, causing people to throw away their retirement money on billboards, it's good to have a book that comes from a responsible and reasonable Christian view."

"This book has fantastic art and diagrams. I like the way the author explains prophecies. I can give this book to anyone—not just Bible scholars—and they can read and understand the concepts. The charts are interesting, and the call-outs keep you focused. There's a lot of humor in the book (especially the section listing people who've been accused of being the Antichrist over the past 2000 years—and why). This appeals to a younger generation of people who like good graphics and who want to see all of the viewpoints on an issue."

"I've never been into the whole 'end-times prophecies' scene. But this book is good: a much-needed place to go for information that's not sensational."

"This book does an amazing job in clarifying and comparing the different Christian views. It's very insightful and highly visually appealing."

"Well balanced and easy to read."

"The Rose Guide to End Times Prophecy will help you clarify your view on the end times and understand the views of others. It clearly shows the role of Christ and his Church. This book will expand and deepen your understanding of the end times."

"Rose Guide to End Times Prophecy gave me choices. It showed the different ways of understanding the Book of Daniel and Revelation. And it helped me know what each viewpoint really teaches. A lot of people know only one part of a view, but they don't understand all the rest of the beliefs that go along with that view."

"Even if you already know exactly what you believe about the End Times, you owe it to yourself to be familiar with the other ways of understanding these Bible passages.
—Gretchen Goldsmith, Publisher

In the midst of eschatological debates and arguments, this book [Rose Guide to End-Times Prophecy] provides a refreshingly fair and irenic approach to a difficult and sensitive topic. It will certainly help the reader understand the breadth of theological issues involved in discussing the end times. Most importantly, it places the reader’s attention on the issue the Scriptures emphasizes: the glory of God and His faithfulness to His Word. Having this biblical perspective makes this book a must read for those in the church to rightly grasp the content and beauty of eschatology.
—Dr. Abner Chou, The Master's College, Santa Clarita, CA

"It doesn't take long for a discussion of the end times to get kooky, hyper-complex, or both. If you're afraid to talk about the last days because you're afraid you'll wind up gazing at byzantine prophecy charts or listening to someone talk about how you ought to be storing up food and weapons, this book is for you. Timothy Paul Jones, one of the most brilliant scholars in the Christian world, takes the words of Jesus seriously, all of them, including the ones about the end. He takes them so seriously that he refuses to hide them under a bushel of scholarly jargon or of sensationalistic hype. Read and be blessed."
- Russell D. Moore, Provost, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"It seems that the Christian interest in the end times will never end. Unfortunately, much confusion reigns within the various evangelical camps regarding what the other camps believe. If you are interested in really understanding the several evangelical approaches to the end times this study is a must! Dr. Jones knows his material well and presents it clearly. I highly commend Dr. Jones for his intelligent, fair, and practical presentation of theFour Views of the End Times."
- Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D.
Author, He Shall Have Dominion and Before Jerusalem Fell

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