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Worship from a Place of Connection

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This blog and journaling are from Pastor Shawna M. Diehl, a doctoral student at Christian Leadership University.

Worship is a high priority at the church where I pastor.  In fact, I served for many years as a worship leader before planting Church on Fire. We have been blessed as a church to feel a strong sense of the presence of God as we gather for worship. However, lately something has seemed off.  I thought it was just me until one of our leaders brought it up at a meeting. I know that the people in our congregation love the Lord and were worshipping Him, but maybe the Lord was trying to lead us to a deeper understanding of worship.  So I asked Him about it, “Papa, something seems off in our worship experience. Can You help me to understand what we are missing?”

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Worship Is My Warfare and Praise Is My Weapon

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Years ago, my favorite Bible teacher, Derek Prince, showed us this revelation from Scripture: Have you never read, "Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have perfected praise"(Matt. 21:16)? Jesus was quoting Psalm 8:2, which says: "Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, Because of Your enemies, That You may silence the enemy and the avenger." So perfected praise is the ordained strength which silences the enemy! Do you need the enemy silenced in your life? If so, enjoy the following journaling from Kirsten Himmelberg.

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Leading Worshipers into the Throne Room

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“Throne room worship” is defined as “joining the heavenly chorus in the throne room in praise, worship and adoration before our King.” Since we are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6), we are already present in the throne room. As we look, we can see the worship taking place before the Lord. As worshippers on earth, we are joining with this multitude in the heavens and together we are worshipping before our King.  See an example of throne room worship here (start 12 minutes in).

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Doug Sterner Tries Entering Vision During Worship

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From Douglas Sterner: Hallelujah! This morning at church, I tried “entering vision” during our worship. I pictured myself bowing before the throne of God and being consumed by the fire of God from the glassy sea before the throne. In so doing, I felt “strangely warmed” within and felt close to God – ministered to by His Spirit and wonderfully aware of His presence and His reality. I was blessed!

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What Does It Mean to Worship in Spirit?

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It is a joy to read the papers submitted by Christian Leadership University students, and I just need to share this amazing paper on experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit during worship. Personally, I hunger to encounter Jesus in every worship service, and I do it best by presenting the eyes and ears of my heart to the Holy Spirit to fill, and fixing them on the worship taking place around the throne in heaven. After picturing that scene, I then tune to flow (Jn. 7:37-39; Eph. 1:17,18) and a vision unfolds where I find myslf in awe with a vast multitude, worshipping before the King in heaven. So enjoy Chloe's powerful description of spiritual worship which follows.

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Where Can I Get Some Great Soaking Music?

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Question: I am greatly utilizing 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice book and CDs. They are life changing!  I desire to learn to become still.  In the Bible, Elisha used music to enter God's presence.  I believe the music allowed Elisha to become still so he could fix his eyes on the Lord, and tune to flow to hear God's voice.  I believe sound will do the same for me.  I have done some searching on the web for sound files for meditation. Is there anything you can recommend?

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