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I want to be completely healed! Partial healing is NOT enough!
When Kay Cox and her husband prayed with me in Australia, it was the most remarkable two hours of prayer counseling I had ever experienced. I could barely wrap my head around all that transpired or how much better I felt.
So, when I got back from Australia, I took six months to lay out as clearly as I could the steps and prayers Kay took me through. I wanted to understand, and I wanted to be able to pass this on to others. I put together what I understood Kay had done, and then I found a counseling group in western New York where I could practice. Through that, I was able to fine-tune the steps so they worked smoothly, effectively, and repeatedly.
It came down to seven prayers, used together in synergy, that caused a cascading response of inner healing and deliverance and ultimate freedom. Twenty years later, we updated and revised the Prayers That Heal the Heart training, putting all the practical steps at the front of the book and the theology that supported these steps in Part Two. This makes these seven prayers even more user-friendly.
I offer it to you this month as our free monthly special, with a passion that you engage with these seven prayers yourself and that you get together with a prayer partner or a small group to process them deeply. Let’s not walk through life wounded. Let’s be fully healed - spirit, soul, and body.
I am constantly being made aware of people who are not receiving this full approach of seven prayers and are still hurting and wondering why. The biggest thing that appears to be skipped is the use of the eyes of our hearts, where we invite Jesus into painful scenes so He can show us where He was, what He was doing, and through that re-interpret the event for us from a negative to a positive. This is crucial because He, and only He, has the power to work all things out for good in our lives.
Since a picture is worth 1000 words, any pictures we are carrying within our visual memories that do not have Jesus in them are powerfully dragging us down with 1000 times more force than the strength of our words.
So, in the inner healing prayer we present, you both hear AND see from the Wonderful Counselor, and just like those on the Emmaus Road, your version of life and reality is radically changed, and you move from sadness to joy!
In addition to seeing and hearing God in these darkened scenes, we add six other prayers which complete the process so all the tentacles that bind are broken off and you are FREE! Those whom the Son sets free are free indeed!
So come on and help us get people healed up by going through these seven prayers yourself and taking your friends through them also. One of the greatest testimonies the Church of Jesus Christ has is that we walk in love, joy, and peace because we see Jesus everywhere. Blessed are the pure in heart for they see God… everywhere.
I am finally free, and I thank Kay Cox for her skill in taking me through these seven prayers in a thoroughly Spirit-led manner. I was delivered of a dozen demons and life is sure much better now! I have been able to lead many thousands into this same freedom.
Together we can offer a path of complete healing to those who are hurting. Not everyone is ready to be healed, but many are. Let’s reach those who are with this touch of life by introducing them to Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor, Deliverer, and Healer.
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