What's new with Mark Virkler, Charity Kayembe and CWG Ministries?
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God's Voice Worldwide
August 2024

A Personal Message from Mark Virkler

Founder of Christian Leadership University and CWG Ministries

Photo of Mark Virkler

Attend a live seminar with Mark or Charity and experience an impartation! Itinerary here.

I want to be completely healed! Partial healing is NOT enough!

When Kay Cox and her husband prayed with me in Australia, it was the most remarkable two hours of prayer counseling I had ever experienced. I could barely wrap my head around all that transpired or how much better I felt.

So, when I got back from Australia, I took six months to lay out as clearly as I could the steps and prayers Kay took me through. I wanted to understand, and I wanted to be able to pass this on to others. I put together what I understood Kay had done, and then I found a counseling group in western New York where I could practice. Through that, I was able to fine-tune the steps so they worked smoothly, effectively, and repeatedly.

It came down to seven prayers, used together in synergy, that caused a cascading response of inner healing and deliverance and ultimate freedom. Twenty years later, we updated and revised the Prayers That Heal the Heart training, putting all the practical steps at the front of the book and the theology that supported these steps in Part Two. This makes these seven prayers even more user-friendly.

I offer it to you this month as our free monthly special, with a passion that you engage with these seven prayers yourself and that you get together with a prayer partner or a small group to process them deeply. Let’s not walk through life wounded. Let’s be fully healed - spirit, soul, and body.

I am constantly being made aware of people who are not receiving this full approach of seven prayers and are still hurting and wondering why. The biggest thing that appears to be skipped is the use of the eyes of our hearts, where we invite Jesus into painful scenes so He can show us where He was, what He was doing, and through that re-interpret the event for us from a negative to a positive. This is crucial because He, and only He, has the power to work all things out for good in our lives.

Since a picture is worth 1000 words, any pictures we are carrying within our visual memories that do not have Jesus in them are powerfully dragging us down with 1000 times more force than the strength of our words.

So, in the inner healing prayer we present, you both hear AND see from the Wonderful Counselor, and just like those on the Emmaus Road, your version of life and reality is radically changed, and you move from sadness to joy!

In addition to seeing and hearing God in these darkened scenes, we add six other prayers which complete the process so all the tentacles that bind are broken off and you are FREE! Those whom the Son sets free are free indeed!

So come on and help us get people healed up by going through these seven prayers yourself and taking your friends through them also. One of the greatest testimonies the Church of Jesus Christ has is that we walk in love, joy, and peace because we see Jesus everywhere. Blessed are the pure in heart for they see God… everywhere.

I am finally free, and I thank Kay Cox for her skill in taking me through these seven prayers in a thoroughly Spirit-led manner. I was delivered of a dozen demons and life is sure much better now! I have been able to lead many thousands into this same freedom.

Together we can offer a path of complete healing to those who are hurting. Not everyone is ready to be healed, but many are. Let’s reach those who are with this touch of life by introducing them to Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor, Deliverer, and Healer.

Be a missionary without leaving home

By giving a gift to CWG Ministries, you can participate in these fruitful ministries, as well as many more. People in over 100 nations watch our free training modules every month. We have materials translated in 56 languages available here for free.

You can support CWG Ministries in touching the world with intimacy with Christ by giving either a one-time gift or a monthly partnership with the donation links below. As a team, God is allowing us to saturate the world with the message of communion with God.

We welcome you as a team member in fulfilling this wonderful destiny!

Thank you for giving and bless you for your generosity!

Experience deliverance, wholeness, and freedom.

Watch free. Then own it!

Prayers That Heal a Heart

Free Video Event: Prayers That Heal the Heart - Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition (August 12-21, 2024)

We are providing complimentary viewing of all 15 sessions of the new Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition of Prayers That Heal the Heart during our worldwide online event. Access to this valuable training is being offered at no cost, but only for a very limited time.

Register today and let your friends know so they, too, can experience transformational prayer counseling from the Wonderful Counselor Himself!

Register Now

We're excited that Prayers That Heal the Heart was also released on our CWG Streaming Service! You can sign up to get instant and unlimited access to this entire series, plus our other 300+ Spirit-anointed training videos, while providing recurring monthly support to our ministry. Start your free 7-day trial today, and finally feel good about binge-watching!

Only through August 21st, get 25% off the Prayers That Heal the Heart discount packages at cwgministries.org.

Plus, the complete e-learning module (including valuable free bonuses) is on sale for 50% off until August 21st too!


Your love and support are heart-warming to us. You can become a regular supporter through donations here, and/or through subscribing to our CWG video subscription service.

Again, thank you!

Daily Manna

  • I am now writing uplifting blogs DAILY: Sign up here to receive them.

  • Don't forget to check out our Hidden Gems – 25% discount offer further below: Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation

Invite Mark Virkler to Your Group by Zoom for Supernatural Ministry

Invite Mark Virkler to do a Zoom session with you and your friends!

  • Sessions can be times of personal ministry to one or several in the group or Q&A.

  • Sessions can be an introduction to our most popular topics

  • Contact Mark to arrange for a Zoom session: [email protected]. This can be a great way for you to kick off a multi-week series with your friends as you guide them through our Spirit-anointed trainings! Our videos can be played in your groups, and you can facilitate discussion and personal application of what has just been taught. A typical donation to CWG Ministries for a Zoom session is $150 and they generally run from 90 - 120 minutes.

100 Revelation-Based College Courses Direct To Your Home – Become Trained, Equipped, Empowered!

We have 100 CLU courses available, 65 fully electronic CLU college courses, 23 fully electronic CLU School of the Spirit training modules, and on our CWG website, over 50 electronic books with MP3s and video downloads. A blog with links to all these downloadable resources is available here.

Let each of us make this time count for the Kingdom! I am thrilled that we are able to send free Spirit-anointed training into thousands of homes in over 100 nations each month! It is truly an amazing world we live in. This has never been available in any previous generation. We live in the best of times. Let us never forget to "give thanks in everything" (1 Thess. 5:18).

See a list below of some of my blogs from the last month. I appreciate the opportunity to sow into your life! May we together discover how to live and walk in the fullness of salvation Christ provided for us.

Additional blogs from the past four weeks can be found here.

Helping Hands

Together we are saturating the world with communion with God

Bringing revival to individuals, homes, churches and nations

Become A CWG Partner - Earn Perks!
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Course of the Month!
College-Level Training with a 40% Tuition Discount

COU201 Prayers That Heal the Heart: Updated and Revised in 2021! The main purpose of this course is to guide you through a series of prayers with the goal of bringing healing and release to your heart. Therefore, this is not a fact or academics-based course. It is an interactive experience that requires your total participation. Simply repeating the words after the instructor will accomplish absolutely nothing. It is not the words that bring healing – it is your faith that releases the power of the Holy Spirit to heal.

If you would prefer to develop a greater understanding of the theology and principles behind the various prayers, take COU301 Prayers that Heal the Heart (Professional) instead. Also, if you are planning to be involved in any ministry that involves counseling, you should take the Professional version rather than this one. You will still receive personal healing but you will also be better prepared to help others. Prerequisite: REN103/503 Communion with God

Follow these steps to enroll in COU201/301 and if you order by August 31st, 2024 you can request the CLU Course of the Month 40% tuition discount!

Enroll Today
Engineering Blueprint

Reverse Engineering Reoccurring Dreams

by Charity Virkler Kayembe

Linda Garmon had the same reoccurring dream at least 20 times over three decades and she recently shared with me her amazing breakthrough in understanding what her heavenly Father was patiently telling her over and over again.

Linda writes:After reading Chapter 10 in Hearing God Through Your Dreams, I finally made sense of a dream that I have had repeatedly over the last 35 years.”

God is always speaking, and this beloved daughter is now listening! If you haven't seen it yet, definitely check out my latest blog where you'll find the rest of her powerful testimony, reoccurring dream, and interpretation. Discover principles and keys so you too can decode the messages and meaning in the repeating dreams you are receiving as well.

Thank you for the love! I'm so blessed and encouraged by all the feedback I've already received on this post, and one reader commented: "The BEST Glory Waves Blog yet!!!"

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Have you downloaded our Dream Keys app? It's free and has already helped over 10,000 dreamers record and interpret their prophetic revelation from heaven!

This app has been a huge key for me hearing from the Lord in my dreams. I’ve realized how intimately He speaks to my very situations and how loving He is. I’m so thankful for the videos explaining Charity’s method to interpreting dreams!! Praise God!”
– Matthew Spurlock

What are you waiting for? Try it for yourself today!

Hearing God - Meditation

Hidden Gems 25% Off During August 2024: Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation

For many years I studied the Bible incorrectly, and it produced death rather than life. Even though I had a knowledge of the Scriptures, I did not personally experience the life and the realities they revealed. The Bible calls this the ministry of death, rather than the ministry of righteousness (2 Cor. 3:6-9). Learn how to hear God's voice through His written word and allow His Spirit to highlight Scriptures so they leap off the page and transform your heart!

Extended Description

During August 2024 the book and ebook are both available at a 25% discount by using coupon code: GEMS25

Order Now
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Join a Spirit Life Circle – Meets Weekly Providing Inspiration, Sharing of Revelation, Flow of the Gifts of the Spirit, Prayer and Friendship

We have launched a wonderful new opportunity which people have asked for many years: weekly gatherings where everyone shares journaling, revelation and inspiration, and then the group journals together and shares their journaling with each other. These are revelation-based weekly gatherings where you are stimulated to continue to press in to all the Spirit is saying to you. Wow! How good is that? This link describes Spirit Life Circles in detail, and lets you know how YOU can get involved!

Learn More

"4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice" Now Free in 56 Languages!

It is with great joy and heartfelt thanks to God and 50 translators who have worked hard to translate our training materials on hearing God's voice and Christian spirituality into 56 languages! Many translators have provided this service as a free gift to the people in their nations because they passionately believed in the power of this message to bring transformation. We thank you for your gift of love and service!

Special thanks to 戴来爱 who has translated the Brain Preference Indicator Test into Chinese. It can be freely downloaded here.

If you know missionaries working with any of these 56 languages, please direct them to CWGMinistries.org/translations, so they can access these books, MP3s, videos and other resources at no cost.

Explore Translations

Come Receive an Impartation!

We have upcoming events scheduled at the following locations. Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you there!

More info available here on our website.

Copyright © 2024 Mark & Patti Virkler, All rights reserved.

Communion With God Ministries 3792 Broadway St. Cheektowaga, New York 14227 United States