Where is God Amidst All This Chaos?
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Don't Go Near the Harlot's Door!

Mark Virkler's picture

Question: How do I handle my sexuality? It is such an intense, persistent and driving force. I battle with pornography. How do I tame this monster within me? I see so many people and even Christian leaders fall, and I don't want to fall. I want this to work! I feel trapped and no-one is preaching a sermon on how to handle this. So I grit my teeth, try my hardest, and fail over and over again, and then get consumed with shame. Can you help me? Have you found any answers that work?

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Synthetic vs. Whole Food Vitamins - Is It Really a Life and Death Issue?

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Do I even need to consume a daily multivitamin?

According to Taber's Medical Dictionary, vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, growth and life of the body (page 2000). They are indispensable for the maintenance of health. There has been some controversy regarding the necessity to supplement vitamins back into the diet. The Journal of American Medical Association concluded from a study that every individual should take a multivitamin every day, thus ending that controversy (view article here).

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Health Benefits of Speaking in Tongues

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“He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself” (1 Corinthians 14:4). Dr. Carl Peterson, M.D. conducted a study at ORU in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Being a brain specialist, he was doing research on the relationship between the brain and praying or speaking in tongues. He found that as we pray in the Spirit or worship in the Spirit (our heavenly language), the brain releases 2 chemical secretions that are directed into our immune systems giving a 35 to 40 percent boost to the immune system. This promotes healing within our bodies. Amazingly, this secretion is triggered from a part of the brain that has no other apparent activity in humans and is only activated by our Spirit-led prayer and worship!

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Gifts of Healings - 7 Step Model

Mark Virkler's picture
We want to walk in divine health! God promised it to us: "With His stripes we are healed" (Isa. 53:5 KJV). We have a covenant of health with the Lord. "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer" (Ex. 15:26). Below is the process I have come to use to become healthy and remain healthy. Click here for a printable version of this file.
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Gifts of Healings - Explored

Mark Virkler's picture

There Are Many Ways to Be Healed!

 “God has appointed in the church… miracles, then gifts of healings…”  (1 Cor. 12:28)

  • Greek is: τρ πστις ν τ ατ πνεματι, λλ δ χαρσματα αμτων ν τ ν πνεματι
  • Both are plural - χαρσματα & αμτων (charisms of healings)

I desire and prefer immediate miracles (see blog on Miracles – 7 Step Model). However, the Bible states that in addition to miracles, God has provided to us “gifts of healings” (both “gifts” and “healings” are plural in the Greek), which means there is a multiplicity of ways in which God can and will heal us in addition to providing an outright immediate miracle. God’s gifts are special enablements to perform various skills (i.e., Ex. 36:2-8; 1 Cor. 12:11; Col. 1:29; Gal. 2:8).

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A Spirit-Energized Sleep Technique

Mark Virkler's picture

May I offer you a technique which helps me fall asleep at night, and at the same time aligns my spirit with the Holy Spirit so my heart ponders God's truths and God's grace all night as I sleep? I have used it for many years, and those I have shared it with and who have tried it, have said it helped them. So let's see if it could be of benefit to you, too. 

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It Only Takes 10 Days for Good Nutrition to Improve Your Health!

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For Daniel, the results were visible in 10 days (Dan. 1:12-14). Ten days on fruits, veggies and water and his skin glowed (Dan. 1:15)! It is amazing that I could improve my health visibly that much in just 10 days. How is this so? Your body is constantly recreating itself from the inside out, on a moment by moment basis, so awesome nutrition gives your body the tools it needs to create awesome healthy cells. Make food your medicine. Here is a powerful TEDX Testimony of the amazing healing power of the Genesis and Daniel Diet.

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Leading Worshipers into the Throne Room

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“Throne room worship” is defined as “joining the heavenly chorus in the throne room in praise, worship and adoration before our King.” Since we are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6), we are already present in the throne room. As we look, we can see the worship taking place before the Lord. As worshippers on earth, we are joining with this multitude in the heavens and together we are worshipping before our King.  See an example of throne room worship here (start 12 minutes in).

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How Your Body Speaks Through Muscle Response Testing

Mark Virkler's picture

I learned how to do Muscle Response Testing (i.e. Applied Kinesiology) in 1997, and at that time I wrote a book titled Health Mastery Through MRT. The book provides a biblical and scientific basis for MRT and teaches the reader how to do MRT. MRT is amazing because it allows your body the opportunity to communicate back to you what its needs are and how to best solve them. And it does this free for the one who learns how to do Muscle Testing, which is something I want to teach you in this blog. If you have heard Muscle Testing is New Age, then read this blog to help set your mind at ease.

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