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Receiving and Acting on a Word of Knowledge to Heal Chronic Sickness

Mark Virkler's picture

Eighty percent of sickness is often considered to be psychosomatically induced, meaning emotional upset triggered the sickness. Emotional traumas leave pictures of events festering within which become blocks to our body’s normal healing processes, as well as to God’s miracle working power. So let’s explore some examples, and then learn how to get a word of knowledge to remove the root emotional cause, so healing can flow.

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EMF Shields - Protect Your Body from Electromagnetic Fields

Mark Virkler's picture

I have worn a smart-looking body shield bracelet for years. I also have EMF protectors on my iPhone, computer, microwave and entire home electrical circuit. I love them all and enjoy the sense of peace I have that my body is being protected from EMF waves. This article explains electromagnetic fields and the effectiveness of these simple shields. We have made them available for purchase from our health website. Click here to order.  The Story of EMFs...


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Whole Body Vibration Provides Great Exercise

Mark Virkler's picture

Whole body vibration offers you a platform unit that you stand on which vibrates up and down at high speed. This provides your body a workout while you simply stand on it for 10 minutes. The vibrations per second vary, with the greatest health results appearing when you set the machine for higher vibrations. Health benefits max out at 50 vibrations per second, at which point health benefits begin to decline as your feet begin skidding on the surface of the vibrating plate.

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Healing Soaking Prayer What Is It?

Mark Virkler's picture

“Healing Soaking Prayer” is defined as coming into Jesus’ presence and experiencing His compassionate, healing and revelatory touch. It is resting in the healing rays of Almighty God (Hab. 3:4). His compassion heals your heart. Compassion is the "carrier wave" upon which ride His healing touch and His revelation.

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Fast and Your Health Will Spring Forth Speedily

Mark Virkler's picture

The Bible says that when you fast "...thine health shall spring forth speedily..." (Isa. 58:8 KJV) or "your recovery will speedily spring forth" (NASB).

The Hebrew word translated fasting means "to go without eating" or “abstain from food” and also “to afflict the soul."

Biblical definition of fasting - subduing the flesh to the spirit by choosing not to eat food.

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The Power of Praying Over Your Food

Mark Virkler's picture

There is power in prayer and power in the prayer of blessing. When you pray and bless your food to bring strength to your body, that is exactly what happens. Since we know that Jesus laid hands on people as He ministered healing, you can place your hands in an arch around the edges of your plate of food as you pray for it, and this will send the energy of your body and the Holy Spirit within your body into the food. It is a way of pre-digesting the food and preparing it for maximum nourishment to your body. There is power in your hands, which is a reason you rub a hurt.

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My Checklist to Restore & Maintain My Health

Mark Virkler's picture

Below is my list of simple, orderly steps that I take when I get sick. It has hyperlinks which explain each protocol in detail. I have used them all successfully. I passionately pursue wholeness for several reasons: 1) Jesus paid a huge price to purchase my health with the stripes He bore at Calvary (Isa. 53:5), and I will not squander the price He paid, 2) I have a God-given destiny which I am eager to complete and 3) I desire to celebrate vibrant health in my golden years, and enjoy my great-grandchildren. The three keys to establishing and maintaining health are: 1) Detoxify the body, 2) Build the immune system, and 3) Nourish the cells, which are discussed in depth in our book Go Natural, and are summarized in the listings below.  Click here for my personal philosophy concerning health care. 

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