Where is God Amidst All This Chaos?
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How God-Given Passions Are a Key to God-Ordained Victories

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When Thomas Edison had completed over 9,000 unsuccessful attempts at perfecting a light bulb, a newspaper reporter asked him if he felt like a failure and if he should give up. Edison simply stated, "Why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitely over 9,000 ways an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp." Edison passionately pursued his love to discover and create, and it granted him the victory of over 1,000 patents to his name.

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Experience Rest by Learning How to Delegate

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Everyone delegates. Delegation is one way we can reduce the stress in our lives. I am amazed at how effectively my son and daughter-in-law delegate jobs to their children and how well my grandchildren do these jobs. Through this my grandchildren are learning key life skills and being paid in the process.

Moses was experiencing burnout because he was the only one judging the Israelites when they had quarrels. Jethro, his father-in-law, taught him how to delegate. Read the story in Exodus 18:13-22.

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Release God's Creativity and Transform Society by Bill Dupley

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Knowledge versus Wisdom - One of the most challenging things I needed to do in my role as a Chief Technologist was staying current with the ever-changing state of Technology. This week I watched a video of a Microsoft Conference Speaker using a hologram of herself to give a speech. She spoke in English, but the hologram spoke in Japanese. I was amazed. 

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What Are Your Unique Giftings and Are You Succeeding by Walking in Them?

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In my morning journaling I said, "God, I hate my personality! I am such a fighter. Why couldn't I be more of a lover. I dislike my passion to battle." The Lord spoke back in my journal:

"Mark, if I wouldn't have made you a fighter, you would never have fought for 10 years to learn to hear My voice. You would have never received the 4 Keys which have brought intimacy to your life and to those you have shared them with. Your nature to fight is a gift from Me which has allowed you to produce a gift for the world. So celebrate your willingness to battle and do not despise it."

Wow! OK, Lord, I celebrate the fact that I am a fighter, and that I am left brain, and that it took me 10 years to discover the right hemisphere in my mind. 

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God-Given Passions Are a Key to Achieving God-Ordained Victories

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When Thomas Edison had completed over 9,000 unsuccessful attempts at perfecting a light bulb, he was asked by a newspaper reporter if he felt like a failure and if he should give up. Edison simply stated “Why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitely over 9,000 ways an electric lightbulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp.” Edison passionately pursued his love to discover and create and it granted him the victory of over 1000 patents to his name (reference here).

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Release Divine Creativity - Journaling by Lyle Thomas

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Following is some journaling from the Lord, which Lyle sent to me (Mark Virkler) and I asked if I could share it with you all. I am the creative force of the universe. I made the universe. I made it all by the word of my mouth. I am the creative force of life, and of everything that is creative. Your creativity is an expression of my creativity. I have given you life and all the creative capacity, and its corresponding authority that goes with it. 

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The "Leader's Paradigm" for Discovering Truth and Wise Decision-Making

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Maximum confidence by combining six ways God speaks

Top companies utilize creative brainstorming, intuition and input from a team to create the best products and ensure success. Shall I do anything less, if I want to succeed in marriage, life and Christian spirituality?

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