Where is God Amidst All This Chaos?
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Mark Virkler's blog

Revival Will Heal Our Nation! 4 Keys to Revival

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Are you distressed about the condition of the nation? Are you wondering if there is any hope? Are you feeling like there is nothing you can do? Well, here are a few thoughts for consideration.

John Adams, the second President of the U.S. said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Revival is the ONLY HOPE for our nation! Let's join together to make it happen.

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The Love Story Library - A Service Ministry of Communion with God Ministries

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You probably know about Communion with God Ministries from a live or virtual seminar by Mark or Charity, or through our many resources for adult Christian education. It is true that these are the heart of our ministry – our reason for being – but there is more that we do.

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Inner Healing Methods by Virkler and Lehman

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It is an honor to do a podcast with Dr. Karl Lehman on the topic of various inner healing methods. Dr. Karl has been involved in inner healing for more than 35 years, as have I. He has come at it through the lens of brain science and hearing God’s voice, and I have come at it through the lens of a Charismatic theologian. We have arrived at very similar methodologies; my guess is probably a 95% or greater overlap in the way we minister to the wounded heart. Enjoy our 60-minute discussion below.

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Revelation in Times of Confinement by Bill Dupley

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I was reading a 1941 National Geographic about the Isle of Patmos. It described the grotto that the apostle John lived in when the Romans banished him to Patmos' Isle. Away from people, John was alone with God, and although it was designed as a punishment, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. John wrote the gospel of John and the book of Revelation in that grotto.

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Hearing God’s Voice and Brain Science – Virkler & Lehman

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I have recently had the joy of building a friendship with Dr. Karl Lehman who is a board-certified psychiatrist and the author of Outsmarting Yourself and The Immanuel Approach (750 pages long). Dr. Karl has especially worked to integrate faith-based emotional healing with insights provided by psychological and neurological research.

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Pray for All Who Are in Authority - A Great Way to Be Politically Active & It Beats Fretting

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First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:1-4)

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God’s Voice Transforms Lives in Togo, Bringing Peace

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Christian Leadership University is thrilled to have students around the world learning to hear God’s voice. From their testimonies below, you will see this has transformed their personal lives, their marriages and their families. God has released into their lives His gift of peace. Peace on earth, good will toward men. This reality is especially remembered during the Christmas season. Lord, thank You for Your gift of peace!

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Prepared for My Husband’s Death by Hearing God’s Voice – by Kris Schonewolf

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After being raised in a cult (Christian Science) I finally met my Savior and best Friend Jesus at age 38. Ten years later, I stepped into my first pastorate after having completed seminary and my denomination's requirements.  I was introduced early in my journey to Christians who could "hear from God" - these wonderfully gifted and seemingly unique individuals.  I longed to hear God's voice, but thought it was just for these super-special super-spiritual Christians, but certainly not for me. I would seek out these opportunities to interact with prophets and get a word from the Lord whenever I could. 

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